
IELTSライティングタスク2の書き方 | 問題タイプ別に徹底解説







IELTS ライティングタスク2の概要






  • 課題にどの程度取り組んでいるか
  • 回答に詳細な裏付けを提示しているか
  • 段落分けがうまくできているか
  • 自然に接続詞が使えているか
  • 幅広い語彙を自然に使用できているか
  • 様々な構文を柔軟に使いこなすことができるか






  • Opinion型
  • Advantage & Disadvantage 型 (意見主張あり/意見主張なし)
  • Discussion 型
  • Positive / Negative 型
  • Cause / Solution 型


- 例題 -

Some people choose to be vegetarians because they believe it improves their health and has a positive effect on the world. To what extent do you agree or disagree?







  • 自身の立場 / 主張を決める 
  • それを裏付ける例やデータ
  • 自身の意見の反対派が納得できる内容かどうか








Opinion 型



Some people choose to be vegetarians because they believe it improves their health and has a positive effect on the world.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?


まずは、自分のポジションを明確にします。問いは、(このトピックに対して)どの程度賛成 /反対ですか?というものなので、100%賛成(反対)、どちらかといえば賛成 (反対)など自分の主張を決めます。


導入:トピックのパラフレーズ + 自身の主張 + エッセイの展開


Some individuals choose a vegetarian lifestyle, asserting that it enhances their well-being and contributes positively to the global environment.


 In my opinion, I strongly agree with this perspective. 


This essay will discuss two primary reasons why being a vegetarian is beneficial, focusing on health improvements and global environmental impact.



もし、どちらかといえば賛成 / 反対の立場をとった場合は、本論を3つにし、自身がより指示する立場について2つ書きます。そうすることで、自身の主張を明確に伝えることができます。

まずは、トピックセンテンス + 理由で始めます。

A key reason for supporting vegetarianism is its potential to improve health. 



Scientific studies consistently show that a plant-based diet can lower the risk of various health issues, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and certain types of cancer.


This is primarily due to the abundance of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants found in fruits, vegetables, and legumes, which are essential for overall well-being.


For example, research indicates that individuals adhering to a vegetarian diet tend to exhibit lower cholesterol levels and experience fewer instances of obesity, leading to enhanced overall health and resilience.


Furthermore, choosing a vegetarian lifestyle has a positive effect on the world by mitigating environmental challenges.


The meat industry plays a substantial role in causing deforestation, water pollution, and the release of greenhouse gas emissions. 


Adopting a plant-based diet reduces the demand for animal agriculture, subsequently alleviating environmental strain. 


For example, the livestock sector is responsible for a considerable share of global greenhouse gas emissions, and transitioning to a vegetarian diet is an effective way to curb this environmental impact. By making this choice, individuals actively contribute to the preservation of ecosystems and the reduction of their carbon footprint.

結論:自身の主張を再度述べる + エッセイの内容の要約 


In conclusion, the decision to embrace vegetarianism not only promotes personal health but also fosters a positive impact on the environment. 


The evidence supporting the health benefits of a plant-based diet, coupled with the environmental advantages, makes it a compelling choice for individuals concerned about their well-being and the planet. As more people choose this lifestyle, the collective impact has the potential to create a healthier and more sustainable world for future generations.

Advantage & Disadvantage 型





The number of multicultural cities is increasing due to globalisation.
Does this development have more advantages or disadvantages?


  • メリットとデメリットの一方しか挙げていない
  • 議論の結果どちらが上回るかを書いていない
  • 自分の意見を述べていない



導入:トピックのパラフレーズ+ 自身の立場 + エッセイの展開


The rise in multicultural cities can be attributed to the phenomenon of globalization. 

<自分の立場 + エッセイの展開>

While these urban centers become vibrant melting pots of diverse cultural expressions, traditional practices, and linguistic variations, they also grapple with challenges related to social integration and potential conflicts. In this essay, I will explore the multifaceted nature of this trend, emphasizing the belief that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.




One of the significant advantages of multicultural cities is the rich diversity they offer, blending various cultural backgrounds, traditions, and languages.


This diversity enhances tolerance and understanding among residents, leading to a vibrant community network. 


For instance, cities like Toronto and London celebrate diverse cultural festivals, allowing individuals to appreciate and learn from different customs and practices. As a result, people become more open-minded and accepting of differences, fostering a more harmonious society. 


Moreover, multicultural cities often experience economic benefits due to globalization. 


These cities attract a diverse pool of talent and expertise from around the world.


 For example, cities such as New York and Singapore have become global financial hubs due to their ability to attract international businesses and skilled professionals. This influx of talent fuels innovation and economic growth, contributing significantly to the city's prosperity and development.




However, alongside these advantages, multicultural cities also face challenges. 


One notable disadvantage is the potential for cultural clashes and social tensions. When various cultures coexist, conflicts may arise due to differing values or beliefs. 


For instance, cultural misunderstandings can lead to discrimination or even social unrest, as seen in some European cities experiencing tensions between native populations and immigrant communities.



In conclusion, the increase in multicultural cities due to globalization brings both advantages and disadvantages. Despite the challenges of cultural clashes, the advantages of fostering diversity, economic growth, and a more tolerant society are paramount. It is imperative to recognize that the benefits of multiculturalism extend far beyond the drawbacks, and addressing the complexities requires proactive measures to promote understanding and inclusion among different communities.




Some parents buy a lot of toys for their children.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of children having a lot of toys?


導入:問題文のパラフレーズ + エッセイの展開

<問題文のパラフレーズ >

In contemporary society, the purchasing of numerous toys for children has become a prevalent practice among parents. This phenomenon raises the question of the advantages and disadvantages associated with children having an abundance of toys.


In this essay, we will explore both aspects and provide insights into the potential impact on a child's development.



One significant advantage of children having a plethora of toys is the stimulation of cognitive and creative abilities.


 The variety of toys available in the market caters to different learning styles and preferences, fostering intellectual growth.


For instance, puzzles enhance problem-solving skills, building blocks promote spatial awareness, and artistic tools encourage creativity. As a result, children exposed to a diverse range of toys tend to develop a well-rounded set of cognitive abilities that are essential for their academic and personal success. 


Furthermore, an ample supply of toys can contribute to the development of social skills in children. 


Toys designed for group activities and games facilitate interaction and cooperation among peers. 


Board games, for instance, encourage children to take turns, follow rules, and communicate effectively. This social engagement not only enhances their interpersonal skills but also lays the foundation for teamwork and collaboration in future endeavors.



On the other hand, a notable disadvantage of an excess of toys lies in the potential for overstimulation and reduced attention span. 


When children have an abundance of toys, they may find it challenging to focus on one activity for an extended period. 


This overabundance can lead to a decreased ability to concentrate and may negatively impact their capacity for sustained attention, a crucial skill for academic success.


Moreover, an excess of toys may inadvertently contribute to materialism and a sense of entitlement in children. 


When children are constantly surrounded by a multitude of toys, they may develop an expectation that material possessions are readily available and easily replaceable. 


This attitude can hinder the development of gratitude and an appreciation for non-material aspects of life, potentially impacting their long-term emotional well-being.


In conclusion, while providing children with a variety of toys can stimulate cognitive development and foster social skills, it is essential to recognize the potential drawbacks associated with an excess of toys. Parents must strike a balance to ensure that their children benefit from a diverse range of toys without succumbing to the pitfalls of overstimulation and materialistic tendencies. The key lies in thoughtful selection and moderation to support holistic child development.

Discussion 型




Some people say that modern communication technology means that good handwriting is no longer necessary. Others believe that good handwriting will always be an important skill. 

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


序論:問題文のパラフレーズ + 自分の意見 + 2つの主要なポイント


Some assert that the advent of modern technology has rendered good handwriting obsolete, while others maintain that it remains a vital skill.


 In my opinion, good handwriting continues to be important. 


Firstly, the act of handwriting contributes to cognitive development, especially in children, enhancing memory retention and cognitive functions. Additionally, individuals with legible handwriting often demonstrate superior organizational skills and attention to detail, qualities essential in various professional settings.



Some argue that good handwriting is no longer necessary due to the prevalence of modern communication technology. 


The advent of smartphones and computers has led to the perception that digital communication is quicker and more efficient, making the traditional act of handwriting seem outdated. 


For instance, instant messaging and emails have become the standard modes of communication, making traditional handwritten letters and notes appear impractical and time-consuming. 

<トピックセンテンス2 + 説明>

Additionally, the use of voice-to-text technology further diminishes the need for manual writing, as individuals can convey their messages verbally without the need for typing or handwriting. 


Voice assistants like Siri and Google Assistant allow users to dictate messages without physically typing or writing them.



On the positive side, many believe that good handwriting remains crucial, particularly in formal and personal contexts. 


Formal documents, such as legal contracts and job applications, often necessitate handwritten signatures, emphasizing the enduring importance of this skill. 


Moreover, handwritten notes convey a personal touch that electronic messages may lack, fostering stronger connections in both personal and professional relationships. 


Studies have shown that the act of physically writing information enhances information processing and understanding, which is not replicated to the same extent in digital typing. 


Educational settings often encourage students to take handwritten notes during lectures as it is linked to improved retention and comprehension.

結論:エッセイのまとめ + 自分の意見の再主張


In conclusion, despite the prevalence of modern communication technology, good handwriting remains valuable for cognitive development, organizational skills, specific formal and personal contexts, enhanced information processing, and educational benefits. Striking a balance between technological advancements and traditional skills is crucial for effective communication and personal development in our digital age.


Therefore, I maintain that good handwriting is a relevant and essential skill in today's world.

Positive / Negative 型



In some countries car ownership and driving has become less popular with young people.

Why do you think this is? Is it a positive or a negative development?




序論:問題文のパラフレーズ + 自分の意見を述べる
本論1〜3:トピックセンテンス +なぜそれが良いのか/悪いのかの理由 

Cause / Solution 型



In some countries, crime rates are increasing. What are the causes of this problem? What can be done about it? 


序論:問題分のパラフレーズ + どのような内容を展開するのか簡潔に述べる


 In numerous countries, the surge in crime rates has become a pressing concern, prompting a need for comprehensive analysis and effective solutions.


This essay delves into the causes behind the escalating crime rates and proposes viable solutions to tackle this alarming issue.



Crime rates surge due to a combination of factors, notably socioeconomic disparities, and limited access to quality education. Economic deprivation and lack of educational opportunities may drive individuals toward criminal activities as a desperate means of survival. 


For example, in countries where a significant population faces poverty and lacks educational access, people may resort to crime for economic survival. Additionally, social and family breakdowns contribute significantly, leaving individuals vulnerable to criminal influences. A child growing up in a crime-ridden neighborhood may find criminal role models more accessible than positive influences, increasing the likelihood of engaging in unlawful activities.



To address the escalating crime rates, implementing robust socioeconomic policies is crucial. By narrowing the wealth gap and offering quality education, the root causes of crime can be mitigated, leading to a decline in criminal activities. 


For instance, a country prioritizing wealth gap reduction and education observes a decline in crime rates as individuals have more legal opportunities for economic advancement. Additionally, community-based programs and interventions can foster stronger social bonds and support systems, thereby counteracting the negative impact of broken families. Community centers, mentorship programs, and after-school initiatives provide alternatives for individuals at risk, steering them away from a life of crime. A city that invests in after-school initiatives witnesses a positive shift in crime rates as individuals, especially those at risk, are provided with alternatives, steering them away from engaging in criminal activities.



In conclusion, the surge in crime rates is a multifaceted issue rooted in socioeconomic disparities and social breakdowns. 


To curb this trend, it is imperative to address the root causes through comprehensive socioeconomic policies and community-based initiatives. By fostering education, reducing income inequality, and strengthening social support structures, societies can create an environment that discourages criminal behavior, thereby paving the way for a safer and more secure future.



Opinion 型

  • In my opinion…

例文: In my opinion, technology has greatly improved our lives because it enhances communication, simplifies tasks, and fosters innovation.

  • One reason for my viewpoint is that…

例文: One reason for my viewpoint is that renewable energy sources like solar and wind power are sustainable and environmentally friendly alternatives to fossil fuels.

  • While it is true that [acknowledge opposing viewpoint], I still maintain that [restate your opinion].

例文: While it is true that some argue smartphones have led to decreased face-to-face interaction, I still maintain that they have revolutionized communication and connectivity in various aspects of life.

  • Despite the fact that…

例文: Despite the fact that automation may lead to job displacement in certain sectors, I believe it also creates opportunities for new, specialized roles and boosts overall productivity.

  • Without a doubt…

例文: Without a doubt, investing in renewable energy sources is imperative for combating climate change and securing a sustainable future for our planet.

  • I am convinced that…

例文: I am convinced that implementing stricter penalties for environmental pollution is essential to preserve natural habitats and biodiversity.

  • crucial/vital/essential

例文: It is crucial that governments prioritize investment in public transportation infrastructure to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution in urban areas.

  • In my personal experience…

例文: In my personal experience, volunteering at a local shelter for the homeless has underscored the importance of community support and social welfare programs in addressing homelessness and poverty.

  • There is an urgent need to…

例文: There is an urgent need to invest in education and skill development programs to equip the workforce with the tools necessary to adapt to the demands of the digital economy.

  • I firmly believe that…

例文: I firmly believe that renewable energy sources such as hydroelectric power offer a more sustainable solution to energy production than fossil fuels, as they do not emit greenhouse gases and rely on renewable resources like flowing water.

  • From my perspective…

例文: From my perspective, one of the key advantages of a vegetarian diet is its positive impact on environmental sustainability, as it requires fewer natural resources and produces lower greenhouse gas emissions compared to meat-based diets.

  • In my view…

例文: In my view, the legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes offers significant benefits, such as pain relief and symptom management for patients with chronic conditions like cancer and multiple sclerosis.

Advantage & Disadvantage 型


  • While there are both advantages and disadvantages to…

例文: While there are both advantages and disadvantages to telecommuting, I believe that the flexibility it offers outweighs the potential challenges.

  • One advantage of [topic] is that [advantage].

例文: One advantage of online shopping is the convenience it provides, allowing consumers to shop from the comfort of their homes at any time.

  • Another benefit is…

例文: Another benefit is that online learning platforms offer a wide range of courses and resources, allowing individuals to acquire new skills and knowledge at their own pace.

  • Despite these advantages…

例文: Despite these advantages, remote work may blur the boundaries between work and personal life, leading to burnout and decreased job satisfaction.

  • I firmly believe that…

例文: I firmly believe that telecommuting offers more benefits than drawbacks, as it provides flexibility for employees and reduces carbon emissions associated with commuting.

  • From my perspective…

例文: From my perspective, one of the key advantages of globalization is increased access to diverse cultural experiences and perspectives, enriching individuals' lives and fostering mutual understanding.

  • In my view…

例文: In my view, the ability to connect with people from around the world in real-time is a significant benefit of social media, as it promotes global communication and cultural exchange.

  • Overall, my opinion is that…

例文: Overall, my opinion is that technological advancements in healthcare have more positive than negative aspects, as they improve patient outcomes, enhance medical diagnoses, and streamline healthcare delivery systems.

  • Noteworthy advantage

例文: Investing in renewable energy offers a noteworthy advantage in the fight against climate change.

  • Evidenced by

例文: The decline in biodiversity is evidenced by the shrinking habitats of endangered species and the increasing rate of species extinction.

  • Potential drawback

例文: One potential drawback of relying solely on renewable energy sources is the intermittency of power generation, which can pose challenges to maintaining a stable and reliable electricity grid.

  • Complex and multifaceted

例文: The issue of climate change is complex and multifaceted, involving scientific, economic, political, and social dimensions that require comprehensive and interdisciplinary solutions


  • Conversely

例文: Conversely, reliance on fossil fuels for energy production contributes to environmental degradation and climate change.

  • While the benefits of [topic] are undeniable…

例文: While the benefits of technological advancements in healthcare are undeniable, it is crucial to acknowledge the ethical implications and privacy concerns associated with the use of personal health data.

  • strike a balance between [advantages] and [disadvantages]

例文: It is important to strike a balance between economic growth and environmental conservation when considering the implications of industrial development in ecologically sensitive areas.

  • On one hand, [advantage]; on the other hand, [disadvantage].

例文: On one hand, working from home offers flexibility and comfort; on the other hand, it can lead to feelings of isolation and blurred work-life boundaries.

  • Proponents argue that…

例文: Proponents argue that implementing universal basic income can alleviate poverty and provide financial security to all citizens, thus promoting social equality and economic stability.

  • Critics argue that…

例文: Critics argue that globalization primarily benefits multinational corporations and wealthy elites at the expense of local economies and workers, leading to job displacement and exploitation in developing countries.

  • Another positive aspect is…

例文: Another positive aspect is that flexible work schedules allow employees to achieve a better work-life balance, resulting in increased job satisfaction and productivity.

  • Drawbacks

例文: The drawbacks of urbanization include increased air and water pollution, overcrowding, and strain on infrastructure and public services.

  • Downsides

例文: One of the downsides of genetically modified crops is the potential for unintended ecological consequences, such as the development of pesticide-resistant pests and loss of biodiversity.

Discussion 型

  • On one hand

例文: On one hand, proponents argue that government intervention in the economy is necessary to address market failures and promote social welfare.

  • Conversely

例文: Conversely, critics assert that excessive government regulation stifles innovation and hampers economic growth.

  • In contrast

例文: In contrast, supporters contend that laissez-faire policies lead to inequality and exploitation in the absence of government intervention.

  • Similarly

例文: Similarly, proponents of environmental regulations argue that they are necessary to protect ecosystems and public health.

  • Advocates argue that…

例文: Advocates argue that implementing universal basic income can alleviate poverty and provide financial security to all citizens, thus promoting social equality and economic stability.

  • Supporters contend that…

例文: Supporters contend that renewable energy sources offer a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to fossil fuels, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change.

  • I am inclined to believe that…

例文: While both perspectives offer valid points, I am inclined to believe that a balanced approach that combines elements of government intervention and free-market principles is necessary to address economic challenges effectively.

  • I am of the opinion that…

例文: After considering the arguments presented, I am of the opinion that strategic government intervention is essential to correct market failures and ensure equitable outcomes while preserving the dynamism and efficiency of free markets.

  • It is my belief that...

例文: It is my belief that sustainable development requires balancing economic growth with environmental conservation and social equity.

  • Based on the arguments presented…

例文: Based on the arguments presented, I believe that proactive measures are needed to address climate change and its adverse impacts on society.

  • After considering both viewpoints…

例文: After considering both viewpoints, I am of the opinion that investing in renewable energy infrastructure is crucial for mitigating climate change and promoting energy security.

  • Ultimately

例文: Ultimately, striking a balance between competing interests is essential for achieving sustainable and inclusive development.

  • In light of these arguments…

例文: In light of these arguments, policymakers must prioritize evidence-based decision-making and stakeholder engagement to ensure inclusive and sustainable development.

Positive / Negative 型

<100% 反対>
  • I completely disagree with the statement that…

例文: I completely disagree with the notion that capital punishment serves as an effective deterrent to crime.

  • One reason for my disagreement is that…

例文: One reason for my disagreement is that economic growth at the expense of environmental protection leads to resource depletion, pollution, and biodiversity loss, ultimately undermining the well-being of current and future generations.

  • I strongly oppose the idea that…

例文: I strongly oppose the idea that censorship is an effective solution to combating hate speech online, as it overlooks critical factors such as the importance of open discourse in addressing societal issues.

  • It is simply not true that…

例文: It is simply not true that vaccines cause autism; numerous scientific studies have debunked this myth and confirmed the safety and effectiveness of vaccines in preventing infectious diseases.

  • I cannot be further from the truth that…

例文: I cannot be further from the truth that reality TV represents an accurate depiction of real life. It is highly staged and unrealistic. 

  • In conclusion, I remain steadfast in my belief that…

例文: In conclusion, I remain steadfast in my belief that capital punishment should be abolished worldwide.

  • In conclusion, I vehemently oppose the notion that…

例文: In conclusion, I vehemently oppose the notion that censorship is an effective tool for managing online content, as it undermines fundamental values such as freedom of speech and the exchange of diverse ideas in a democratic society.

  • Demonstrably false

例文: The statement that automation will create more jobs than it replaces is demonstrably false. 

  • Unequivocally wrong

例文: The assertion that individuals with disabilities are incapable of contributing meaningfully to society is unequivocally wrong; countless 例文s demonstrate their valuable contributions in various fields.

  • Utterly misleading

例文: The advertisement claiming that their product will make you lose 10 pounds in a week is utterly misleading, as it fails to mention the potential health risks and unrealistic expectations associated with rapid weight loss.

  • Clearly detrimental

例文: The decision to cut funding for public education is clearly detrimental to the future prospects of our children, as it undermines their access to quality education and perpetuates socioeconomic disparities.

<100% 賛成>
  • I wholeheartedly agree with the statement that…

例文: I wholeheartedly agree with the assertion that renewable energy sources are crucial for combating climate change.

  • I strongly advocate for…

例文: I strongly advocate for implementing comprehensive recycling programs in communities to reduce waste and promote environmental sustainability.

  • I firmly believe that...

例文: I firmly believe that social media's impact on mental health is overwhelmingly negative.

  • I emphatically agree that…

例文: I emphatically agree that globalization has enriched our lives culturally and economically.

  • One compelling reason for my agreement is that…

例文: One compelling reason for my agreement is that renewable energy sources reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate environmental degradation.

  • It is undeniable that…

例文: It is undeniable that access to clean water and sanitation is essential for ensuring public health and preventing the spread of waterborne diseases.

  • Unquestionably

例文: Unquestionably, advancements in artificial intelligence have revolutionized various industries, enhancing efficiency and productivity.

  • Undoubtedly

例文: Undoubtedly, the discovery of antibiotics has transformed modern medicine, saving countless lives and revolutionizing healthcare practices.

  • Undeniably

例文: Undeniably, renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power offer sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels, reducing carbon emissions and mitigating climate change.

  • In conclusion, I am fully convinced that…

例文: In conclusion, I am fully convinced that transitioning to renewable energy is imperative for ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.

  • While I see merits on both sides of the argument, I find myself torn between [opinion 1] and [opinion 2].

例文: While I see merits on both sides of the argument, I find myself torn between the need for stricter gun control laws and the protection of individual rights to bear arms.

  • While it is true that…

例文: While it is true that technological advancements have brought about numerous benefits, such as increased connectivity and convenience, they have also raised concerns about privacy, cybersecurity, and social isolation.

  • On one hand, [opinion 1]; on the other hand, [opinion 2].

例文: On one hand, stricter gun control laws may reduce gun-related violence and mass shootings; on the other hand, they may infringe upon Second Amendment rights and restrict law-abiding citizens' access to firearms for self-defense.

  • Overall, I find myself unable to fully support either opinion…

例文: Overall, I find myself unable to fully support either opinion, as both the need for stricter regulations on social media platforms and the protection of freedom of expression present valid arguments and potential consequences that must be carefully considered in policymaking to ensure a fair and democratic online environment.

  • Complex

例文: The issue surrounding the ethics of genetic engineering is complex and cannot be easily categorized as solely beneficial or detrimental.

  • Double-edged sword

例文: The rapid expansion of social media platforms can be seen as a double-edged sword; while it provides unprecedented opportunities for connectivity and information sharing, it also raises concerns about privacy invasion and the spread of misinformation.

  • Nuanced

例文: The effects of globalization on local economies are nuanced and depend on various factors such as industry specialization, geographic location, and workforce skillsets.

  • Cannot be generalized

例文: The effects of social media on mental health cannot be generalized; they vary greatly depending on individual usage patterns, pre-existing mental health conditions, and socio-cultural factors.

Cause / Solution 型

  • One of the prominent issues facing society today is [problem].

例文: One of the prominent issues facing society today is childhood obesity.

  • One significant cause of…

例文: One significant cause of air pollution is vehicular emissions, which release harmful pollutants into the atmosphere, contributing to respiratory illnesses and environmental degradation.

  • To mitigate the problem of…

例文: To mitigate the problem of food insecurity, one potential solution is to implement community gardens and urban farming initiatives, which would provide access to fresh produce and promote local food resilience.

  • A pressing issue facing our society today is...

例文: A pressing issue facing our society today is the increasing amount of electronic waste, with harmful environmental consequences.

  • There is growing concern about the detrimental effects of...

例文: There is growing concern about the rising trend of childhood obesity, impacting both physical and mental health.

  • It is undeniable that…

例文: It is undeniable that climate change poses a significant challenge, with potentially catastrophic consequences for the planet.

  • Widespread problem

例文: The widespread problem of plastic pollution is caused by the excessive use and improper disposal of single-use plastics in both developed and developing countries.

  • Considerable consequences

例文: The excessive use of pesticides in agriculture can have considerable consequences, including soil degradation, water contamination, and harm to non-target organisms.

  • Root cause

例文: Addressing poverty is essential in tackling the root cause of many social issues, including inadequate access to healthcare, education, and employment opportunities.

  • Key factors

例文: Education and access to economic opportunities are key factors in reducing youth unemployment rates and fostering socio-economic development.

  • Underlying issue

例文: Although unemployment rates have decreased, the underlying issue of underemployment persists, with many individuals working in low-paying and unstable jobs.

  • Contributing element

例文: Climate change is exacerbated by various contributing elements, such as deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions from industrial activities, and reliance on fossil fuels for energy production.

  • Play a significant role

例文: Access to quality education plays a significant role in shaping individuals' opportunities for socio-economic advancement and improving overall societal well-being.

  • This problem stems primarily from...

例文: This problem stems primarily from our unsustainable consumption patterns and reliance on fossil fuels.

  • One of the key factors contributing to…

例文: One of the key factors contributing to social isolation is the increasing use of technology and decreasing face-to-face interaction.

  • It is important to acknowledge that…

例文: It is important to acknowledge that poverty plays a significant role in educational inequality, limiting access to resources and opportunities.

  • To address this issue, we need to...

例文: To address this issue, we need to invest in renewable energy sources and transition away from fossil fuels.

  • A potential solution could be to...

例文: A potential solution could be to implement universal healthcare policies, ensuring equitable access to medical care for all.

  • It is crucial to implement measures that...

例文: It is crucial to implement measures that promote financial literacy and education, empowering individuals to manage their finances effectively.

  • Effective solution

例文: Promoting renewable energy sources and implementing energy efficiency measures is an effective solution to mitigate the impacts of climate change and reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

  • Viable approach

例文: Implementing a carbon pricing mechanism is considered a viable approach to incentivize industries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition towards cleaner energy sources.

  • Tackle the issue

例文: To tackle the issue of plastic pollution, governments must implement strict regulations on single-use plastics and promote sustainable alternatives to reduce environmental harm.

  • Address the root cause

例文: Instead of merely treating symptoms, it is crucial to address the root cause of poverty by implementing policies that promote equitable access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities.

  • Promote positive change

例文: Community-based initiatives aimed at raising awareness about environmental conservation and sustainable practices can promote positive change in reducing carbon emissions and protecting ecosystems.





フォーマルなエッセイは、形式はもちろん単語やフレーズ、言い回しなども適切なものを使用する必要があります。例えば、”think”は”consider”にしたり、”check out”は”examine”にするなどです。


















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