
















  • 図表 / データ描写問題
  • ダイアグラム(プロセス)問題 
  • 地図問題

出題頻度としては、図表 / データ描写問題 > 地図問題 > ダイアグラム (プロセス)問題の傾向が高いです。




  • 能力、ニーズ、要望、好き嫌い、意見、見解、苦情を表現する能力
  • 手紙の目的が示されているか
  • 手紙のトーンや文体が適切か 
  • 設問に対して十分な量かつ適切な回答ができているか
  • 文章の内容が設問と関連しているかつ論理的に構成できているか
  • 幅広い語彙を適切に使用できているか
  • 幅広い構文を適切に使用できているか


  • 課題の要件を満たしているか
  • 回答に詳細な説明が含まれているか
  • 段落分けがうまくできているか
  • 自然に接続詞が使えているか
  • 幅広い語彙を自然に使用できているか
  • 様々な構文を柔軟に使いこなせているか







ライティングタスクでは基本的に「導入」→「本論」→「結論」の順に書き進めます。この型 (テンプレート)に当てはめて書いていくことで、論理的に、かつスムーズに文章を作成できます。また、「導入」では、何が、いつ、どこでを含めた内容で書くこと、「本論」では数字やデータの特徴を明確に書くことが求められます。「結論」を書き忘れると減点になるため、気をつけましょう。










  • To sum up,
  • In conclusion,
  • Overall,
  • In summary,
  • To conclude,
  • Altogether,
  • All in all,




  • 150単語以上でまとめる
  • 結論を書く
  • 重要な情報が捉える
  • 数字を使って比較をしながら説明する
  • 接続詞を適切に使う
  • 要点を整理して書く
  • 書き終えたら見直し、スペルミスなどないか確認する


  • 数字を使って説明していない
  • 書かれていない情報が含まれる
  • 情報が要約できていない
  • 結論がない


出題される問題形式3つと、それぞれの解答方法(書き方)を理解することが大切です。型 (テンプレート)を作る際にも重要なポイントとなります。

図表/データ描写問題 (グラフ問題)


書き方 (構成)

  1. 導入:問題文のパラフレーズ (1文)
  2. 概要:主要な特徴2つ (2〜3文)
  3. 詳細1:2で挙げた1つ目の特徴の詳細 (3〜5文)
  4. 詳細2:2で挙げた2つ目の特徴の詳細 (3〜5文)



You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The two pie charts show the age range of Facebook users in 2005 and 2015. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.

ダイアグラム (プロセス問題)



書き方 (構成)

  1. 導入:問題文のパラフレーズ(1文)
  2. 概要:プロセスの要約 (2〜3文)
  3. 詳細1:プロセスの前半(3〜5文)
  4. 詳細2:プロセスの後半(3〜5文)

人工プロセスの場合は、現在形かつ受動態で書きます。しかし、自然プロセスについては「人」が何かをするわけではないので、能動態を使用する場合もあります。適宜使い分けていきましょう。また、Transition Words (転換語)の使用も重要となります。


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. 

The diagram shows the process by which potato chips are manufactured. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.



  • 過去から過去の地図の比較
  • 過去から現在の地図の比較
  • 現在と未来の地図の比較


  1. 導入:問題のパラフレーズ(1文)
  2. 概要:大きな変化2つ(2文)
  3. 詳細1:大きな変化1の特徴を細かく述べる(3〜5文)
  4. 詳細2:大きな変化2の特徴を細かく述べる(3〜5文)


過去から過去への変化 = 過去形
過去から現在 = 現在完了形
現在から未来への変化 = 現在の地図は現在形、未来の地図は未来形


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The diagram shows the site of Filsberg City in 2015 and the plans for the changes 2025.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.



図表 / データ描写問題 (グラフ問題)

< 導入 >

  • The [type of graph/chart] illustrates/depicts/shows [subject] over [time period]. 

例文: The presented bar chart illustrates the distribution of household expenditure across various categories in 2020.

  • The [type of graph/chart] presents data on [subject] from [year] to [year].

例文: The line graph presents data on the unemployment rate in the United States from 2000 to 2020.

< 概要 >

  • Overall, it is evident that [general trend/observation].

例文: Overall, it is evident that household spending on housing and utilities accounted for the largest proportion of expenditure, while leisure and entertainment expenses constituted the smallest share.

  • Overall, it can be observed that…

例文: Overall, it can be observed that the trend of smartphone ownership has seen a steady increase across all age groups over the past decade.

  • In general

例文: In general, the line graph depicts a gradual decline in the consumption of fossil fuels for energy production, accompanied by a corresponding rise in renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power.

  • A key finding

例文: A key finding from the bar chart is that the majority of respondents preferred to shop online rather than in physical stores, with online shopping accounting for nearly 70% of total retail sales.

  • A striking observation is...

例文: A striking observation is the sharp increase in online shopping expenditure, which nearly doubled from 2010 to 2020, reflecting the growing trend towards e-commerce.

  • The [visual] reveals some interesting contrasts between...

例文: The pie chart reveals some interesting contrasts between urban and rural population distribution, with urban areas accounting for the majority of the population while rural areas show a significantly smaller proportion.

< 詳細1 >

  • Looking at the specifics, [detail] experienced [change] during the [time period].

例文: Looking at the specifics, spending on food and groceries experienced a slight increase from around 25% to approximately 28% between 2010 and 2020.

  • Focusing on [specific category/group], it is interesting to see [observation].

例文: Focusing on the age group of 18-24, it is interesting to see that they are the highest users of social media platforms, spending an average of six hours per day online.

< 詳細2 >

  • Conversely, [detail] experienced a gradual increase/decrease, peaking at [value] in [year].

例文: Conversely, spending on leisure and entertainment experienced a gradual decrease, peaking at around 5% in 2010 before steadily declining to approximately 2% by 2020.

  • In contrast

例文: In contrast, while the demand for fossil fuels has declined steadily over the past decade, there has been a notable increase in the adoption of electric vehicles, signaling a shift towards cleaner transportation alternatives.

ダイアグラム (プロセス問題)

< 導入 >

  • The process diagram illustrates the steps involved in [process].

例文: The process diagram illustrates the steps involved in the production of paper from wood pulp.

  • The diagram illustrates the intricate process of [process name].

例文: The diagram illustrates the intricate process of how electricity is generated from solar energy through photovoltaic panels.

  • This visual depicts the various stages involved in [process name].

例文: This visual depicts the various stages involved in the production of biodiesel fuel from vegetable oils.

< 概要 >

  • Overall, the process consists of [number] main stages, beginning with [first stage] and ending with [final stage].

例文: Overall, the process consists of four main stages, beginning with the harvesting of timber and ending with the packaging of the finished paper products.

  • The process can be broadly divided into…

例文: The process can be broadly divided into three main stages: extraction, refining, and packaging.

  • It encompasses a series of [number] distinct steps, ultimately leading to [outcome].

例文: It encompasses a series of five meticulous steps, ultimately leading to the creation of a stunningly crafted stained-glass window.

< プロセスの前半 >

  • In the first stage

例文: In the first stage, timber is harvested from sustainable forests to ensure a steady supply of raw materials for the paper production process.

  • Initially

例文: Initially, the raw materials are sorted and inspected for quality before being transported to the production line for further processing.

  • Next

例文: Next, the harvested timber undergoes chipping and debarking to remove bark and reduce the wood into small chips suitable for pulping.

  • Subsequently

例文: Subsequently, the mixture is transferred to the fermentation tanks where it undergoes a controlled fermentation process to convert sugars into alcohol.

  • Following this

例文: Following this, the wood chips are cooked in a chemical solution to break down the lignin and separate the cellulose fibers for further processing.

  • This is followed by… 

例文: This is followed by the application of a protective coating to enhance durability and resistance to environmental factors such as corrosion and abrasion.

< プロセスの後半 >

  • In the subsequent stage

例文: In the subsequent stage, the pulp is refined and beaten to improve the quality and strength of the paper fibers.

  • At this stage

例文: At this stage, the mixture undergoes a heating process to facilitate the chemical reaction and transform the raw materials into the desired product.

  • This paves the way for [fifth step], where [details of the fifth step].

例文: This paves the way for the fifth step, where the dried paper sheets are cut into specific dimensions and inspected for quality control before packaging for distribution.

  • Undergoing

例文: The mixture is then subjected to a series of purification steps, undergoing filtration and distillation to remove impurities and ensure high-quality end products.

  • Transforming into

例文: The raw materials undergo a chemical reaction, transforming into the desired product through a series of controlled processes and reactions.

  • Ultimately resulting in

例文: The refining process continues, ultimately resulting in the production of high-quality gasoline with minimal impurities and optimal performance characteristics.

  • Culminating in

例文: The process progresses through various stages, culminating in the assembly of the final product ready for distribution to retailers.

  • Finally

例文: Finally, the paper is dried and rolled onto large spools before being cut into individual sheets or rolls for packaging and distribution.

  • Finally, [final step] concludes the process, producing the desired [outcome].

例文: Finally, the packaging and labeling of the bottled water in sterile containers concludes the process, producing the desired product ready for distribution and consumption.


< 導入 >

  • The map depicts the changes that have occurred in [location] over a period of [time].

例文: The map depicts the changes that have occurred in downtown Sydney over the past decade.

  • The presented maps illustrate [changes/development] that have occurred in [location] between [past date] and [present date]. (Past to present)

例文: The presented maps illustrate the significant urban redevelopment that occurred in downtown Los Angeles between 2000 and 2020.

  • These [number] maps depict [location] in [present time] and its projected transformation by [future date]. (Present to future)

例文: These two maps depict downtown Seattle in its current state in 2025 and its projected transformation by the year 2035.

  • This single map details the current layout and features of [location]. (Present only)

例文: This single map details the current layout and features of Central Park in New York City.

< 概要 >

  • Overall, there have been significant changes in [location] including [major change 1] and [major change 2].

例文: Overall, there have been significant changes in downtown Sydney including the construction of a new commercial district and the expansion of residential areas.

  • The most striking changes are... (Past to present/Present to future)

例文: The most striking changes are the emergence of new residential developments and the expansion of transportation infrastructure in downtown Chicago from 2000 to the present day.

  • Two key transformations are evident: [change 1] and [change 2]. (Past to present/Present to future)

例文: Two key transformations are evident: the conversion of industrial areas into residential neighborhoods and the establishment of green spaces along the waterfront in downtown Vancouver from the present to the projected future.

  • This map showcases [main feature/characteristic]. (Present only)

例文: This map showcases the intricate network of hiking trails and scenic viewpoints in Yosemite National Park.

< 詳細1 >

  • This area has been transformed into [description], featuring [details].

例文: This area has been transformed into a vibrant commercial and recreational hub, featuring modern office buildings, restaurants, and entertainment venues.

  • Previously, [feature] was located in [past location]. Now, it has been [moved/developed/replaced] by [new feature/development]. (Past to present)

例文: Previously, the industrial district was located in the northern part of the city. Now, it has been replaced by a modern commercial and residential complex.

  • In the present map, [feature] occupies a prominent position in [location]. In the future, it is envisioned to [change/develop]. (Present to future)

例文: In the present map, the downtown area occupies a prominent position in the city center. In the future, it is envisioned to undergo extensive redevelopment, featuring new high-rise buildings and improved public spaces.

  • [Feature] is situated in [location] and serves as [function]. (Present only)

例文: The central plaza is situated in the heart of the city and serves as a popular gathering spot for community events and festivities.

< 詳細2 >

  • The second major change is the expansion of [specific area], which was previously [description].

例文: The second major change is the expansion of the residential neighborhoods around Central Station, which were previously characterized by older buildings and warehouses.

  • These neighborhoods have seen the construction of…

例文: These neighborhoods have seen the construction of modern apartment complexes and townhouses, accommodating the growing population and demand for housing.

  • Additionally, [another change] has taken place, with [details]. (Past to present)

例文: Additionally, a significant increase in green spaces has taken place, with several parks and recreational areas established throughout the city.

  • Furthermore, plans call for [future change] in [area/feature]. (Present to future)

例文: Furthermore, plans call for the construction of a state-of-the-art convention center in the downtown area to attract more business and tourism in the future.

  • Another noteworthy aspect is [feature], which [details]. (Present only)

例文: Another noteworthy aspect is the extensive network of bike lanes, which facilitates eco-friendly transportation and promotes a healthy lifestyle in the city.


 IELTS ライティングタスク1の効果的な学習方法
















IELTS ライティングタスク1は、出題される問題形式もタスク2と比較すると限られています。そのため、それぞれの形式をしっかり把握して、対策しておけば得点につながるでしょう。特有の単語や表現をマスターすることが、スコアアップへの第一歩です!










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