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Hello! I'm Cassandra from the Philippines! I've been teaching English to Japanese students since 2018, and I hope that someday I'll be able personally teach in Japan too!
私はフィリピン出身のカサンドラです! 2018年から日本人生徒に英語を教えています。いつか私も日本で教えることができたらいいなと思っています。
As much as I am interested in Japan's rich culture, here are a few things that I am proud to share with you as well.
I was born and raised in the province of Bulacan. Our province is known for crispy fried pork skin, called "Chicharon". It is so famous to the point that whenever I meet someone and they find out I'm from Bulacan, they immediately ask me, "Where's my chicharon?"
私はブラカン州で生まれ育ちました。ブラカン州といえば、「チチャロン」と呼ばれる豚の皮をカラッと揚げた料理が有名です。私がブラカン州出身だと知ると、すぐに "チチャロンはどこ?"と聞かれるほど有名なんです。
After finishing high school in Bulacan, I temporarily moved to Manila to study at a university. I earned my degree in Communication, and I also became a writer for our school’s newspaper.
Upon graduating, I became an ESL instructor for Japanese students, and received a job offer from my college to work as a teacher specializing in English-related subjects like Oral Communication, Reading and Writing, English for Academic and Professional Purposes, and others.
Currently, I am working as a sub-editor for an Australian news company, where I edit articles written by Australian journalists. I also work as a freelance English subtitle editor for some known streaming platforms and international companies.
現在は、オーストラリアのニュース会社で編集補佐として、オーストラリア人ジャーナリストが書いた記事を編集しています。 また、フリーランスの英語字幕編集者として、いくつかの有名なストリーミングプラットフォームや国際的な企業で仕事をしています。
I may seem like a workaholic, but I know how to have fun too! I like painting even though I’m not so good at it.
I like playing with our dogs, Kimchi and Twix.
I like Japanese animes and playing ukulele as well.
English opened up a lot of opportunities for me and it’s something I want my students to remember: even as a non-native speaker, the possibilities are endless for us, too! With dedication and continuous practice, English is something we can all achieve anytime soon.
いかがでしたか? Cassandra講師に聞いてみたいことがある方、共通点がある方、ぜひレッスンで話してみましょう。レッスン提供時間などは、プロフィールからご確認ください!