
INTRODUCTION 03:Jotham Milton講師 (South Africa)






Hello! My name is Jotham, I’m from Cape Town, South Africa. I’m a certified English tutor with 10 months of online tutoring experience. I’ve taught Russian and Chinese students of all ages and levels, and I’ve enjoyed every moment of it. I’ve obtained my level 5 TEFL certification (168hrs) and Business English certificate through The TEFL Academy. My goal with teaching is to travel the world and help foreign students with the English language, I see the demand for the English language globally. My passion in life is to help people achieve their personal goals in life, it gives me great satisfaction to see them grow and develop into the person they want to be.

As you can see from this picture, I’m a “coffeeholic”. I enjoy drinking at least two strong cups of coffee every day. I’m so interested in how coffee is brewed and where the different blends originate from. My favorite blend of coffee is Mocha Java, and my favorite brand is Lavazza. Lavazza is an Italian brand of coffee, and it’s becoming quite popular. The reason why I like the Lavazza brand is that their coffee is robust in flavor, and it is not too overwhelming. 

I find drinking coffee is also a great tool to use to socialize because it is becoming a common interest in many. Coffee is one of the preferred stimulants to recharge your battery and the effects last for some time. I would not advise anyone to overindulge in coffee as it can cause harm to people, the best is to drink in moderation. 


In the picture above, you can see the beach. This is one of my favorite things to do on the weekends, especially in summer. I could spend the whole day at the beach, swimming, surfing, diving, etc. I see the beach as one of God’s amazing creations, when I’m there I feel at peace. Even in winter, the beach is so beautiful to be at. My favorite beach to go to is Koegel Bay, about 15 kilometers from where I stay. It has such a beautiful view of the mountains, and the sand is so soft that you can walk for miles and your feet wouldn’t get sore. There is a lovely resort nearby the beach, where families could go and camp with their campers and make a campfire and enjoy the scenery. 
特に「夏の週末」は、 泳いだり、サーフィンをしたり、ダイビングをしたりと、一日中ビーチで過ごすのが好きです!私はビーチを神様からの素晴らしい贈り物だと考えていて、そこにいると心が安らぎます。冬のビーチもとても美しいです。私のお気に入りのビーチは、自宅から15kmほど離れたコーゲルベイです。山の景色がとてもきれいで、砂がとても柔らかく何km歩いても足が痛くなりません。ビーチの近くには素敵なリゾートもあり、家族で行ってキャンプをしたり、景色を楽しんだりすることができます。

I enjoy hiking too! I’m fascinated by forestry. When I go and hike with friends or by myself, I would choose a place that is surrounded by forestry. I like forests because it is green, and it is attractive to see trees aligned together. It is easy to get lost in them, but that’s what excites me about forests, it’s a thrill to walk through them and find your way. After a hike, I’m so stimulated by everything I have seen and experienced that I tend to dream about it when I sleep. 
ハイキングも趣味の一つです! 私は森に魅了されていて、友達やひとりでハイキングに行くときは、木に囲まれている場所を選びます。森が好きなのは、緑が多く、木々が並んでいる姿に魅力を感じるからです。迷子になりやすいのですが、その分、森の中を歩いて道を探すスリルがあって、ワクワクします。ハイキングの後は、見たもの、体験したものすべてに刺激を受け、寝るときもその夢を見がちです。

Rugby is my favorite sport to watch, it is one of those high-intensity sports. I tend to say, that is ninety minutes of intense excitement and drama. Why I love this sport is because teamwork is essential for winning a match, it’s not a one-man effort but a whole team’s effort. I find that in this game, you learn so many values that you can take with you off the field, qualities like leadership, teamwork, courage, humility, sacrifice, and determination. These are the qualities I want to possess in my life going forward. 

My message to you is that I’m passionate about helping people, and if you need help in the English language, I want you to know I’m here to help. My methods are student-focused, so they include topics that are relevant to you and language that you are needing improvement on. I don’t want you to feel like you haven’t learned anything after a lesson, I want to ensure that your language needs are met. I like to keep my students engaged in the classroom, so I include vocabulary games and fun activities in the lessons. In my lessons, I prefer the student to speak at least 70% of the time, I don’t want to take over the lesson with speaking. 

I look forward to hearing from you soon! 

いかがでしたか? Jotham講師に聞いてみたいことがある方、共通点がある方、ぜひレッスンで話してみましょう。レッスン提供時間などは、プロフィールからご確認ください!


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