24時間 受講回数制限なし
Hi there! I’m a new teacher and I’m very excited to meet all of you. Let me introduce myself. My name is Ketevan, but people usually call me Keta. It’s an old Persian name and means “queen of the house”. In the Georgian alphabet, it’s written like this: ქეთევან. It’s cool, right?
I’m from a small country called Georgia. I live in the capital city, where I’m enrolled in my second Bachelor’s degree. My first major was Governance and Political Sciences. Since I wasn’t fond of the idea of having a government job, I reapplied to the university. This time I’m studying Psychology. I believe that it’s never too late to start over and learn something completely new. So, if there’s something you want to learn I’ll say go for it. Most people are afraid of wasting time, but it’s not a waste if you acquire a new skill.
Now let me tell you about my interests! I hope you’re ready because I have lots of hobbies(but unfortunately not enough free time).
I know that we’ve all had to adjust to the pandemic, stay at home and maybe find new hobbies. For me, it was the time of remembering old hobbies: reading books, watching movies, learning languages, and even dancing! My favorite book is “The Catcher in the Rye” and one of my favorite movies is “Corpse bride”. I recommend both of them, or if you’re already familiar with them, please let me know! I also speak 5 foreign languages, some of them fluently, some of them not so much. I think learning a new language will never be extra since every language gives you a new life and a different point of view.
さて、趣味について話します!たくさんあるから心の準備をお願いします。(残念ながら趣味に費やす時間が足りないのです...) 私達はこのパンデミックの影響で家にいなければならなかったし、新しい趣味を見つける必要があった人もいると思います。私は、昔好きだった事を思い出す時間にしました...本を読んだり、映画を見たり、言語を学んだり、踊ったりすることが好きでした。私の好きな本は、”The Catcher in the Rye”で、お気に入りの映画は、“Corpse bride”です。どちらもお勧めです。もしこれらを知っていたら教えてくださいね!五カ国語が話せて、流暢に話せるのもあれば、そうでないものもあります。私は新しい言語を学ぶことが無駄になることは決してないと思います。なぜなら、どの言語も学んでみると新しい世界が開けるし、新たな視点を見出すことができるからです。
Before Covid-19, I was an outdoorsy person. I used to enjoy going out with my friends, traveling abroad and around my country, as well as taking tons of photos(to be honest, being a professional photographer is still my dream!)
This is one of the most beautiful places in the Northern part of my country, called Omalo, where I went on a 10-day camping trip. I have so many unbelievable and fun stories from my trips, and I’d love to share them anytime.
As I mentioned, I’m really passionate about photography. Unfortunately, the pandemic has limited my chances to take photos, but I still manage to take photos of my friends and my surroundings sometimes. I first started taking photos about 6 years ago. I don’t have a professional camera though and I don’t have a specific style either. I usually walk around with my phone (or my old film camera for special occasions) and capture everything that seems interesting to me: people, animals, buildings, etc. If you also share my interest in photography, I’d love to see some of your photos and hear the stories behind them.
You might be surprised that someone still uses a film camera when everything is digital. However, I feel that phones or digital cameras will never create the same atmosphere as film cameras. Plus I find it exciting that we only have one perfect shot, we can’t delete or edit it in any way!
I took this photo while I was waiting for a play to start at my favorite theater! That’s another thing I miss about pre-pandemic life: going to the movies, theater performances, and concerts without any fears, all of which I absolutely love!
Another thing that has kept me busy during these two years is that I have very energetic dogs. My mornings usually consist of hiking with them. As you can guess, I’m definitely a dog peson. I live alone and they are my constant companions! Sometimes the best thing to do is sit in the park and read a book while they play.
Finally, I want to say that I’m very excited to meet you and be a part of your English learning journey. I hope not only to impart my knowledge but also to build meaningful connections and have fun in the process!
いかがでしたか? Ketevan講師に聞いてみたいことがある方、共通点がある方、ぜひレッスンで話してみましょう。レッスン提供時間などは、プロフィールからご確認ください!