24時間 受講回数制限なし
Have you ever taken a test and passed it successfully? That is what it means when we say this idiomatic expression, “with flying colors.” So how do you prepare for a test so you could pass it, and not just pass it, but really get an impressive result that could land you the job of your dreams, or the promotion you’ve always wanted?
皆さんは、試験を受けて無事に合格を果たした経験はありますか?タイトルの"with flying colors"は「見事に」という意味です。さて、試験に合格するためには、どのように準備すればよいのでしょうか。単に合格するだけでなく、夢の仕事、あるいはずっと望んでいた昇進を手に入れることができるような、素晴らしい結果を得るにはどうすればよいのか考えてみましょう。
High-achieving students do not blame their poor performances on something beyond their control, like unfair test questions, or bad luck, or fate. Instead, they motivate themselves to study and set goals. They organize their time and follow a schedule. If you do the same, that may mean being tough with yourself and avoiding distractions that divert your full attention from studying. Social media tops the list of things that distract students.
Next are family and friends. Then, there are sports and hobbies that destroy our focus. Hunger, too, prevents us from concentrating on what we are studying. Is there something that you can do to avoid these distractions? Yes, of course! During your study time, put your smartphone in silent mode and place it away from you. You can always check messages later. Next, explain kindly to your family and friends that you are studying right now and cannot socialize with them at the moment. Then, make a schedule of sporting activities or other hobbies but keep an eye on study time. Remember to prioritize your study to pass the test. And of course, do not forget that you need to eat well to study effectively.
Set aside a quiet place for study. If you have limited space in your home, you may improvise the kitchen and make it your study area for an hour each evening. If not, try a public library. Use a desk big enough on which to spread out your work, and keep your pencils and other supplies handy so you won’t have to get up constantly. And just like the smartphone, the TV set and the radio disrupt your concentration, so switch them off! Also, make sure that you have adequate lighting to reduce study fatigue and protect your eyes as well.
Condition your brain and body to do the same thing every day. If you study at the same time each day in the same location, your brain will become accustomed to thinking and learning. Since you’ve made your study time non-negotiable, you’ll be more productive because there is less procrastination. And because everybody knows you’re studying, no one will bother you. With less interruption from family and friends, you will focus better on studying.
These practical tips will definitely help you face important tests with less stress. So stop waiting for the perfect time to study. Sit down with your calendar now and stick to your routine. Take advantage of the time you have and don’t waste it. Believe me, your efforts will never be in vain.
これらのヒントは、重要な試験にストレスなく臨むために役立つこと間違いなしです! 勉強するのに最適なタイミングを待つのはもうやめて、今すぐカレンダーを持ってスケジュールをたてるのです。今ある時間を有効に使い、無駄にしないようにしましょう。あなたの努力は決して無駄にはなりません。