
Talking about how to spend Halloween.
How do you spend Halloween?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
How do you spend Halloween?

I used to dress up and party on Halloween. These days I don't dress up myself, but my son dressed up and we had a family Halloween party. I have no plans for this year yet. Do you have any special plans?


I used to dress up and party on Halloween. These days I don't wear costumes myself, but my son dressed up, and we had a family Halloween party. I have no plans for this year yet. Do you have any special plans?

1. In this version, the redundancy is eliminated while still conveying the intended meaning.
2. Use a comma (,) to join independent clauses.
Halloween can be so much fun for kids. I don’t have any specific plans yet either, but I’m thinking about attending a local event or maybe hosting a small gathering. What costumes did your son choose in the past?

Last year he became a pumpkin. Before that he became a prince. This year I'm trying to figure out what kind of costume he should wear. We will also have a Halloween party at the preschool. The little kids look so cute in their costumes.


Last year he dressed up as a pumpkin, and the year before that, he was a prince. This year I'm trying to figure out what kind of costume he should wear. We'll also have a Halloween party at the preschool. The little kids look so cute in their costumes.

1. The phrase 'dressed up as' explicitly indicates that he wore a costume representing a character or object. 'Became' can imply a transformation rather than simply wearing a costume.
2. This creates a smoother connection between the two sentences. It shows that the actions are part of a sequence, making it clear that dressing up as a pumpkin happened last year and dressing up as a prince occurred in the preceding year.
3. Add a comma (,) to mark a short pause.
4. This verb directly describes his state during the past event of wearing a costume. 'Became' suggests a transformation or change into a prince, which may not accurately convey the idea of simply dressing up in a costume.
5. Use contractions in everyday speech to sound natural.
A pumpkin and a prince are such fun choices. I can only imagine how cute the little ones will look at the preschool party. Do you have any ideas in mind for this year's costume, or are you still brainstorming?

This year I am thinking a ghost costume would be a good idea. My son loves ghosts these days and likes to watch ghost books and videos. It is a unique hobby.


This year I'm thinking that a ghost costume would be a good idea. My son loves ghosts these days and likes books and videos about ghosts. It's a unique hobby.

1. 5. We use contractions in natural speech.
2, Add 'that' to introduce the clause properly.
3. In the original phrase, 'likes to watch' is not suitable for books, as books are read rather than watched. The correction eliminates this inconsistency by simply using 'likes,' which can apply to both books and videos without specifying the action, making the sentence more accurate.
4. The phrase 'about ghosts' clearly indicates that both the books and videos are related to ghosts. 'Ghost books' could be somewhat ambiguous, as it may not be immediately clear to everyone that the books are about ghosts.
 I remember when I was a kid, I had a ghost costume that was just a simple sheet. It's amazing how creative you can get with them. Has he ever gone trick-or-treating in that kind of costume before?

When I was a child, Halloween was not popular in Japan, so I never went trick-or-treating. Recently, it has become much more popular, so I have done it with my son at a neighborhood store event.


When I was a child, Halloween was not popular in Japan, so I never went trick-or-treating. Recently, it has become much more popular, so I've participated in it with my son at a neighborhood store event.

1. Here's an alternative: 'widely celebrated'
2. Here's an alternative: 'gained popularity'
3. Use contractions to create a more natural and conversational tone.
4. Rephrase it this way to indicate that you actively engaged in Halloween activities with your son.
A ghost costume sounds fun and classic. Do you think you’ll add any spooky decorations to go along with it for the Halloween party at preschool?

Pre schools are already decorated for Halloween. These are pumpkin decorations made by the children. Every year, the head of the Pre school dresses up as a witch.


Preschools are already decorated for Halloween. These are pumpkin decorations made by the children. Every year, the head of the preschool dresses up as a witch.

1. This should be written as one word since this is the standard spelling of the term referring to early childhood educational institutions.
2. Here's an alternative: 'adorned'
3. Here's an alternative: 'created'
4. This is written as one word and is classified as a common noun, so it should be written in lowercase unless it starts a sentence.

Well done! Have a fantastic speaking lesson!
  • event(イベント)
  • wear a costume(仮装する)
  • put make-up on(メイクする)
  • decoration(飾り)
  • trick or treat(トリック・オア・トリート)
  • We're planning a Halloween event at the park.(公園でハロウィーンのイベントを計画しています。)
  • Every Halloween, I wear a costume inspired by my favorite movie character.(毎年ハロウィンには、好きな映画のキャラクターにちなんだ仮装をします。)
  • For this Halloween, I'm going to put make-up on to look like a zombie.(今年のハロウィンは、ゾンビメイクをしようと思っています)
  • Jack-o'-lanterns are my favorite Halloween decoration.(カボチャのランタンは、私のお気に入りのハロウィーンの飾りです。)
  • "Trick or treat!" is the common thing to say on Halloween.(「トリック・オア・トリート!」はハロウィーンの定番の掛け声です。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • スモールトーク