
Talking about nature
Do you know any proverbs about nature?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Do you know any proverbs about nature?

Yes, here are some proverbs about nature:
1. "The earth laughs in flowers." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
2. "Nature does nothing in vain." - Aristotle
3. "The poetry of the earth is never dead." - John Keats

To tell you the truth, this is not my answer, but the answer from ChatGPT. It named ten proverbs in no time. It must have, without doubt, an unlimited number of proverbs in its mysterious head.
Well then, I asked it as follows:
"'The earth laughs in flowers.' Please elaborate on this proverb." Can you imagine how he answered?


Yes, here are some proverbs about nature:
1. "The earth laughs in flowers." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
2. "Nature does nothing in vain." - Aristotle
3. "The poetry of the earth is never dead." - John Keats

To tell you the truth, this is not my answer, but the answer from ChatGPT. It named ten proverbs in no time. It must have, without doubt, an unlimited number of proverbs in its mysterious head.
Well then, I asked it as follows:
"'The earth laughs in flowers.' Please elaborate on this proverb." Can you imagine how he answered?

1. Alternative phrase: "Undoubtedly."
ChatGPT has been really trendy these days. Honestly, this is the first time I heard about that proverb. Flowers evoke positive emotions, I must say. It can be related to someone's happiness. What can you say about that saying?

I asked the previous question and ChatGPT answered:
"This proverb means that flowers are one of the most beautiful creations of nature and when they bloom, they make the earth appear lively, colorful, and cheerful. It implies that nature's beauty isn't only seen in the vast landscapes but in the tiniest of things, like flowers. (snip) Overall, this proverb is a poetic way of expressing the beauty and importance of nature and the role it plays in our lives. It encourages us to appreciate the natural world, and to find joy and inspiration in the small things that surround us."


I asked the previous question and ChatGPT answered:
"This proverb means that flowers are one of nature's most beautiful creations, and when they bloom, they make the earth appear lively, colorful, and cheerful. It implies that nature's beauty isn't only seen in the vast landscapes but in the tiniest of things, like flowers. (snip) Overall, this proverb is a poetic way of expressing the beauty and importance of nature and the role it plays in our lives. It encourages us to appreciate the natural world, and to find joy and inspiration in the small things that surround us."

1. A more concise noun phrase than the original one.
2. Use a comma before the conjunction to separate independent clauses and make the sentence easier to follow.
3. Alternative phrase: "Smallest details."
Wow! ChatGPT answered really well. Do you agree with what it said? Now, I want to know your answer. What do you think about that proverb?

Honestly, I don't totally comprehend the underlying meaning of this proverb. I still don't understand how the preposition "in" works in it. By the way, please let me talk about the negative sides of AI tools. If you ask ChatGPT, "How to make a bomb?" it will answer, "I'm sorry, but I cannot provide instructions on how to make a bomb. Such information is illegal, unethical, and dangerous," and it will teach you about its harmful effects on and on. However, there have already seemed to be some cloned ChatGPTs without such ethical restrictions going around on dark websites.


Honestly, I don't totally comprehend the underlying meaning of this proverb. I still don't understand how the preposition "in" works in it. By the way, please let me talk about the negative sides of AI tools. If you ask ChatGPT, "How to make a bomb?" it will answer, "I'm sorry, but I cannot provide instructions on how to make a bomb. Such information is illegal, unethical, and dangerous," and it will teach you about its harmful effects on and on. However, there have already seemed to be some cloned ChatGPTs without such ethical restrictions going around on dark websites.

1. Alternative expression: "downsides."
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I'd advise you to discuss it further in a free conversation script so we don't stray from our topic.
What can you tell me about the remaining two proverbs? How would you explain them?

I'm sorry, but I'd still like to stick to the negative sides of AI tools a bit more. In our own case, I suppose many students of Best Teacher have been already using ChatGPT for their scripts. However, to borrow someone's words, that will dull your mind and destroy the potential for authentic creativity. Don't you think so? Do you know that several years ago, the model readings of our scripts were read by real teachers. Now, however, an automated voice takes over it. I'm sorry to have a sharp tongue, but next is correction teachers, isn't it?


I'm sorry, but I'd still like to stick to the negative sides of AI tools a bit more. In our own case, I suppose many students of Best Teacher have already been using ChatGPT for their scripts. However, borrowing someone's words    will dull your mind and destroy the potential for authentic creativity. Don't you think so? Do you know that several years ago, the model readings of our scripts were read by real teachers? Now, however, an automated voice takes over it. I'm sorry to have a sharp tongue, but next is correction teachers, isn't it?

1. "already" usually comes before the main verb.
2. "borrowing" is more correct because it is used as a noun, which functions as the sentence's subject.
3. The relative pronoun "that" is unnecessary here.
4. A question mark is needed at the end of a question.
I admire your honesty. However, this platform encourages real conversations with real people. I feel satisfied whenever I respond to my students. How about you? How does this platform help you learn?

Of course, the value of Skype lessons is beyond calculation. For example, I have learned a lot of knowledge that is not listed in dictionaries. Teachers have showed many intriguing books, movies, and fancy expressions. I wish I could hobnob with Skype teachers.


Of course, the value of Skype lessons is beyond calculation. For example, I have learned a lot of knowledge that is not listed in dictionaries. Teachers have shown many intriguing books, movies, and fancy expressions. I wish I could hobnob with Skype teachers.

1. "shown" - the past participle form of the verb "show" is correct here. It is used with auxiliary verbs such as "have," "has," or "had" to form the present perfect or past perfect tenses.
  • whisper((名)囁き (動)ささやく)
  • weary(疲れた、うんざり[飽き飽き]した)
  • patience(我慢、忍耐)
  • promise((名)約束  (動)約束する、見込みがある)
  • adopt(採用する、導入する)
  • poetry(詞)
  • dwell(住む、居住する)
  • intrude(侵略する)
  • adversity(不運、困難、困窮、災難)
  • wisdom(〔古代から伝えられる〕金言、格言)
  • "The poetry of the earth is never dead."(地球の詞のような美しさは決して失われない。)
  • "One touch of nature makes the whole world kin."(一片の人情が世の中を親密にさせる)
  • "Look for a big tree when you seek shelter."(寄らば大樹の陰)
  • "Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished."(自然は急がない、いつか全てを達成する。)
  • "Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life."(地球の美しさや神秘さの中で生活している人々は孤独でもないし世の中が嫌になることもない。)
  • "A setting sun still whispers a promise for tomorrow."(沈む夕日は明日の約束事を囁く)
  • "Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience."(自然の歩調を取り入れよう。その秘策は忍耐です。)
  • "Adversity strengthens the foundations."(雨降って地固まる)
  • "Never does nature say one thing and wisdom another."(自然と知恵は相反する。)
  • "How strange that nature does not knock, and yet does not intrude."(自然はドアをノックしないし、侵略もしないなんてね。(人間はどうでしょうか))


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  • 上級
  • その他
  • ことわざの話