
Hey. Where are you headed?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Hey. Where are you headed?

I'm headed to London. Are you going there?


I'm headed to London. Are you going there too?

1. you can add 'too' meaning 'as well'
I am going to Paris to visit a friend. Can I hitchhike on the way there? It would be really nice if you allow me to.

Ok, thank you so much. Can I get in your car, anyway? To tell the truth, this is the first time in my life to have a hichhike.


Ok, thank you so much. Can I get in your car, anyway? To tell the truth, this is the first time in my life to hitchhike.

1. something can be the first time to do. 'have a hitchhike' is unnatural, simply say 'to hitchhike'
Well, there's a first time for everything, right? Don't worry, I won't bite. Where did you come from anyway?

I came from Japan. I'm a big fun of historical castles.


I came from Japan. I'm a big fan of historical castles.

1. fun (noun)=entertainment. fan (noun)=supporter/lover of something
I see. I'm guessing you are alone on this trip. Do you like traveling alone? What would you like to see in London?

I'm a little tired. I have a little feeling to take drink at a pub restaurant firstly.


I'm a little tired. I'd like to take a drink at a pub restaurant firstly.

1. use 'would like' or its contracted form to express a desire
2. add 'a' to refer to one drink
Have you already booked a hotel in the area? Where else would you like to do when you reach London?

Anyway, I go to my hotel firstly, and have a good coursean near there.


Anyway, I will go to my hotel first and have a good rest there.

1. use 'will' to refer to the future
2. do something 'first'. We usually place 'firstly' before listing things to do
3. I am not sure what you mean by 'coursean' so I reworded this into 'have a good rest' as it makes sense in this context
  • beware(注意する、用心する)
  • caveat(但し書き、警告)
  • alternative(選択肢、オプション)
  • thumb((ヒッチハイカーが)親指を立てて(車に乗せてもらうことを)頼む)
  • solitude(寂しい場所、へき地)
  • boredom(退屈)
  • adventurous(向こう見ずな、冒険心のある)
  • unpredictable(予測できない)
  • dangerous(危険な、物騒な)
  • notorious(悪名高い、評判の悪い)
  • Hitchhiking is a cheap alternative to other modes of transportation.(ヒッチハイクは他の交通機関に代わる安い手段です。)
  • I like to be adventurous whenever I travel, so I often hitchhike.(旅するときはいつも冒険的でありたいので、私はよくヒッチハイクをします。)
  • Your hitchhiking experience will always be unpredictable.(ヒッチハイクの経験は、常に予測不可能なものです。)
  • I would never hitchhike because it could potentially be dangerous.(危険なことが起きるかもしれないから、私はヒッチハイクはしないな。)
  • If you get bored traveling alone, you can always hitchhike.(一人旅に飽きたら、ヒッチハイクするといいよ。)
  • Hitchhiking is notorious for robberies.(ヒッチハイクは強盗が多いことで有名です。)
  • Bored drivers will sometimes pick up hitchhikers to have someone to talk to.(退屈なドライバーは、誰かと話をするためにヒッチハイカーを拾うことがある。)
  • If you ever "thumb a ride", be careful whose car you get into.(”ヒッチハイクをする”のなら、誰の車に乗るのかよく気を付けましょう。)
  • What should you be careful about when hitchhiking?(ヒッチハイクの注意点は何ですか?)
  • If you ever hitchhike, don't do it alone.(ヒッチハイクをするなら、1人でしないように。)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • 交通機関
  • 助けを求める