
Are you a morning person or a night person?
あなたは朝型ですか、それとも夜型ですか? あなたの時間の過ごし方やライフスタイルについて説明してみましょう!
Are you a morning person or a night person?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Are you a morning person or a night person?

I am basically a night person. If I am without any restrictions, I work at night when I realize. There are some reasons for that. First, It is quiet at night. We hardly ever get contacts such as email or phone call. No one talks to me. I can concentrate on my work. Secondly, I work with no pleasure of the schedule. I can use time freely at least by the morning. I can continue to work with a sense of calm.


I am basically a night person. If I am without any restrictions, I work at night when possible. There are some reasons for that. First, it is quiet at night. We hardly ever exchange email or phone calls. No one talks to me. I can concentrate on my work. Secondly, I work without schedule pressure. I can use time freely at least until the morning. I can continue to work with a sense of calmness.

1. when you say 'when I realize' it is necessary to say what you realize, so say 'when possible'
2. pronouns are not proper nouns and must not be capitalized
3. it is more natural to say 'exchange email or phone calls'
4. it is more natural to say 'without schedule pressure'
5. add 'until' as 'morning' is the point in time until you can work freely
6. 'calm' is an adjective and you need a noun after prepositions
I understand what you mean. What time do you usually go to bed and what time do you usually wake up?

I try to go to bed at 1 a.m. and wake up at 7 a.m. I know, I am a night person, but I should be a morning one, so I try to go to bed and wake up at certain times. Sometimes, I can't, though. I'd say maintaining regular routines is better than life in irregular ones to keep efficiency on work. We must keep health above all. If we are night people for a long time, we have at risk of illness more.


I try to go to bed at 1 a.m. and wake up at 7 a.m. I know, I am a night person, but I should be a morning person, so I try to go to bed and wake up at certain times. Sometimes, I can't, though. I'd say maintaining regular routines is better to maintain the level of work efficiency. We must maintain health above all. If we are night people for a long time, we are at risk of contracting an illness more.

1. say 'a morning PERSON' as 'one' doesn't sound right here
2. it is more natural to say it is better TO MAINTAIN THE LEVEL OF WORK EFFICIENCY
3. 'keep' doesn't collocate with 'health' you can 'maintain' the health'
4. the expression is 'be at risk' so add 'are' when the subject is 'we'
5. the expression is 'contract an illness' so one can be at risk of contracting an illness
I completely agree with you. Please tell me about your morning routine. What time do you have to be at your workplace?

On weekdays in the morning, I usually wake up at 7 a.m. and make a vegetable smoothie for my family. I take my daughter to her kindergarten after breakfast and got to work on foot. it is typically at eight-thirty. It is easy to go to the office because the kindergarten is on the way to it and it is within a walking distance. On weekends in the morning, I wake up depending on my mood. I make food for my family sometimes, but my wife usually does.


On weekdays in the morning, I usually wake up at 7 a.m. and make a vegetable smoothie for my family. I take my daughter to her kindergarten after breakfast and got to work on foot. It is typically at eight-thirty. It is easy to go to the office because the kindergarten is on the way to it and it is within a walking distance. On weekends, I wake up depending on my mood. I make food for my family sometimes, but my wife usually does it.

1. always start a sentence with a capital letter
2. 'in the morning' is not needed as people normally wake up in the morning so 'in the morning' is implied
3. after the verb 'do' you need an object
Oh, that's quite a productive morning that you have. What time do you sleep on weekends? Do you stay up late?

I try not to be nocturnal, but sometimes stay up way past midnight to talk with my wife. My daughters disturb our conversation, so we wait for their sleeping to talk with each other. We should talk at another time, but I can not afford to take such time enough because of my work.


I try not to be nocturnal, but sometimes stay up way past midnight to talk with my wife. My daughters disturb our conversation, so we wait for them to fall asleep to talk with each other. We should talk at another time, but I cannot afford to take time off because of my work.

1. one can wait for someone to do something, such as 'to fall asleep'
2. 'cannot' is always one word
3. it is more natural to say 'take time off' meaning find the time when you are not working
  • temperament(気質、感情の起伏の激しい気性)
  • personality(性格、人格)
  • preference(好み、好きな物、(~より)優先させること)
  • rhythm(リズム、調子、周期性)
  • compatibility(適合性)
  • benefit(s)(利益、恩恵)
  • nocturnal(夜行性の)
  • habit(s)(習慣、くせ、性質)
  • deprivation(剥奪、欠如、損失)
  • punctuality(時間厳守、几帳面)
  • Different personality types respond to different methods of learning.(性格のタイプによって、対応する学習方法は異なります。)
  • This product was made to suit individual lifestyles.(一人ひとりのライフスタイルに合わせて作られた製品です。)
  • I need to change my sleeping habits.(睡眠習慣を変えないといけない。)
  • Sleep deprivation has been a primary cause in many driving accidents.(睡眠不足は、多くの運転事故の主な原因となっています。)
  • Many clinical studies were done.(多くの臨床試験が行われました。)
  • Your circadian rhythm could affect your ability to lose weight.(概日リズムがダイエットに影響を与える可能性があります。)
  • The app was very good with matching people who had compatible lifestyles.(このアプリは、ライフスタイルの合う人とのマッチングにとても優れていました。)
  • I sometimes stay up way past midnight.(夜中まで起きていることもあります。)
  • The price does not outweigh the enormous health benefits.(膨大な健康効果を上回る価格ではありません。)
  • What are the benefits of being an early riser or a night owl?(早起き、夜更かしのメリットは何ですか?)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • 自己紹介
  • 習慣