
Why do you wake up early in the morning?
Why do you wake up early in the morning?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Why do you wake up early in the morning?

Because, I have work early in the morning. I work at a hotel restaurant, I'm mainly charge of breakfast and dinner time for guests. I usually wake up at 5 am. I arrived at work at 6:30 and prepare a breakfast for guests.


This is because I have work early in the morning. I work at a hotel restaurant, and I'm mainly in charge of breakfast and dinner    for guests. I usually wake up at 5 a.m. I arrived at work at 6:30 and prepare     breakfast for the guests.

1. Add this introductory phrase to make a complete sentence.
2. Add the coordinating conjunction ‘and’ to link the two statements.
3. 'In charge' is an idiomatic expression that means being responsible for overseeing or managing something.
4. Omit this word if you mean that you have overall responsibility or authority for the breakfast and dinner service itself, without necessarily specifying the exact time periods.
5. Lowercase abbreviations take periods.
6. Remove 'the' since you are not implying a specific breakfast or a particular meal that is being referred to.
7. Add 'the' to refer to the guests at the hotel restaurant specifically
Are you a cook? I could imagine all the hardwork you put forth to serve food for the guests. Do you find it easy to wake up early?

I'm not a cook, I'm a waitress. Before open the restaurant, prepare food and drinks. It's very crowded in the morning, so it's to be able to serve it earlier. It's difficult for me to get up early. I'm not good at it, so I set my alarm every time minutes. Recently, the sun rises early, I'm easy to make up.


I'm not a cook; I'm a waitress. Before opening the restaurant, prepare food and drinks. It's very crowded in the morning, so it's important to be able to serve     early. It's difficult for me to get up early. I'm not good at it, so I set my alarm every few minutes. The sun has been rising early lately, which makes it easier for me to wake up.

1. Use a semicolon (;) to join two independent clauses (complete sentences) that are closely related in meaning.
2. Use a gerund to indicate the activity or action associated with getting the restaurant ready to open.
3. Add this adjective to express the necessity or value of being able to serve early in the morning.
4. Omit this pronoun since 'serve' is used intransitively, which means to provide a service or perform a duty for others.
5. You are expressing the need to serve at an early time in general and not comparing the serving time to a specific earlier point in time.
6. This is the appropriate word to use to express a short and frequent interval of time.
7. We do not use the present tense with 'recently.' We use 'lately' for repeated events.
8. This is the proper way to explain the effect or outcome of a preceding statement or situation.
That is very interesting. You can try to sleep earlier at night to help you wake up early in the mornings.
How do you feel about the early morning temperatures and weather?

The temperature in the morning is a little cold. The area where I work is windy, so I feel colder. The wether is sunny and bright, so it's good to wake up.


The temperature in the morning is a little cold. It's windy in the area where I work, so I feel even colder. The weather is sunny and bright, so it's good to wake up.

1. When discussing weather or climate conditions in a particular area, it's more common to use 'it' as the subject.
2. Add this word to express that the feeling of coldness is more pronounced or significant than expected.
3. spelling corrected
Do other people in your area wake up early? I think it is much easier to wake up early in the morning when other people in the area also do this.

That's right! Many people gets up early in the morning. Everyone who works in the same department starts work at 6:30, so I usually wake up around 5:00.


That's right! Many people get up early in the morning. Everyone who works in the same department starts work at 6:30, so I usually wake up around 5:00.

1. ‘People’ is plural and, therefore, takes a plural verb.
2. Alternatively, you can say, 'All employees in our department start work...'
You start work very early but I guess that is better. At what time do you break off from work? In my country, we start to work at 8:30 so most people do not wake up early.

My working time is from 6:30 to 9:30 in the morning and from 5:00 to 9:00 in the evening. My working time is unusual because many workers in my country is from 9:00 in the morning to 6:00 in the evening. I work at breakfast and dinner time for guests, so I work at this time. At first, it work time is very hard for me, but I spend my long breaks taking naps and doing whatever I like.


My working hours are from 6:30 to 9:30 in the morning and from 5:00 to 9:00 in the evening. My working schedulre is unusual because many workers in my country have their shifts from 9:00 in the morning to 6:00 in the evening. I work during breakfast and dinner times   , so I work during these times. At first, adjusting to this working time was very hard for me, but I spend my long breaks taking naps and doing whatever I like.

1. 'Working hours' is a more commonly used and idiomatic expression when discussing specific time frames or schedules of work.
2. 'Working time' refers to the duration or specific hours during which you are expected to work. On the other hand, 'working schedule' incorporates not only the time but also the overall organization and distribution of those working hours.
3. Use this phrase to refer to the specific assigned periods of time during which individuals are scheduled to work or perform their duties.
4. This is the correct preposition to use to indicate that your work takes place throughout the duration of the breakfast and dinner times.
5. Pluralize this noun to indicate specific instances or periods of breakfast and dinner.
6. Removing this phrase does not change the basic meaning of the sentence, especially when the context makes it clear that the work is related to serving guests during breakfast and dinner times.
7. Rephrase it this way since you are referring to the specified breakfast and dinner times. You can also say 'which is why I have this schedule.'
8. You are referring to the process of getting used to or adapting yourself to the specific schedule or hours of work mentioned earlier in the sentence.
9. When using the phrase 'at first,' it is common to use the past tense to indicate a specific point in the past when something occurred or was experienced.
  • routine((名)日課、(形)日常の)
  • regimen((食事などの)規則、摂生)
  • snooze((名)うたた寝、居眠り(動)居眠りをする)
  • alarm(目覚まし時計、(時計の)ベル)
  • hectic(あわただしい、忙しい、活発な)
  • dusk(たそがれ、夕暮れ時)
  • dawn((名)夜明け、暁、日の出(動)夜が明ける)
  • sluggish(のろい、反応が遅い、怠惰な)
  • mundane(日常的な、平凡な、つまらない)
  • refreshed((動)元気づけられた、元気回復した)
  • Are you an early or late riser?(あなたは早起きですか、それとも遅起きですか?)
  • What's your usual wake-up time?(ふつう何時に起きますか。)
  • I have a daily routine.(私には毎日のルーティンがあります。)
  • morning regimen(朝の食事療法)
  • How do you prepare for the day each morning?(毎朝、どのように一日の準備をしていますか?)
  • What's your breakfast of choice?(お好みの朝食は何ですか。 )
  • daily routine(日課、日常茶飯事)
  • I like to get up in the wee hours of the morning because I can go at my own pace instead of feeling rushed.(私は早朝に起きるのが好きです。なぜなら、焦らずに自分のペースで行動できるからです。)
  • Are you a morning person or a night person?(君は朝型、それとも夜型?)
  • regular bedtime(通常の就寝時間)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • 自己紹介
  • 習慣