
Yes. I'm going to explain the result of our recent advertising campaign to promote a new service. As this graph indicates, our sales have hit the roof since the launch of this campaign. The TV commercial attracted the young generation from teenagers to people in their 30's. They seem to have an image that our service is very cool due to the commercial.
Yes. I'm going to explain the result of our recent advertising campaign to promote a new service. As this graph indicates, our sales have hit the roof since the launch of this campaign. The TV commercial attracted the young generation from teenagers to people in their 30's. They seem to have an image that our service is very cool due to the commercial.
Yes. We used a very popular actress in the TV commercial, so the costs exceeded our original budget by 50 thousand dollars or so. However, I believe it was worth the expense because our sales rose sharply and we could establish a new customer base. On the other hand, it is difficult for us to keep using her because of the high costs. Thus, we need to think about the next TV commercial at a lower cost.
Yes. We used a very popular actress in the TV commercial, so the costs exceeded our original budget by 50 thousand dollars or so. However, I believe it was worth the expense because our sales rose sharply and we could establish a new customer base. On the other hand, it is difficult for us to keep using her because of the high costs. Thus, we need to think about the next TV commercial at a lower cost.
That sounds great. The cost of using SNS celebrities may be much lower than this time. I will work on researching it right now. At first, I will convene a meeting with young workers who are familiar with SNS and discuss the celebrities who are suitable for our commercial.
That sounds great. The cost of using SNS celebrities may be much lower than this time. I will work on researching it right now. Firstly, I will convene a meeting with young workers who are familiar with SNS and discuss the celebrities who are suitable for our commercial.
- empirical(経験による、実験に基づいた)
- target(ターゲット、狙い)
- statistics(統計データ)
- pinpoint((名)ピンポイント、先端、(動)正確に狙う)
- tailor((名)テーラー、仕立屋、(動)注文して作る)
- marketing(マーケティング)
- concentrate(集中する)
- research((名)研究、(動)研究[調査]する)
- analysis(分析)
- demographic(商品の購買層)
- All of the empirical evidence points towards a successful campaign.(すべての経験的な証拠は、キャンペーンの成功を示しています。)
- We have tailor made our campaign to hit only the key markets in our area.(私たちは、この地域の主要な市場だけを対象に、キャンペーンをカスタマイズしました。)
- The demographics in these areas almost guarantee our success.(これらのエリアの商品の購買層を見ると、弊社の成功がわかると思います。)
- If we focus our advertising only on young people, we will fail miserably.(若者だけに広告を集中させれば、惨めな失敗をします。)
- As this graph indicates, our sales have hit the roof since the launch of our new advertising campaign.(このグラフが示しているように、弊社の売上は新しい広告キャンペーンを始めてから急激に伸びています。)
- It is still too early to tell, but indications are that our marketing strategy is working.(まだ分かりませんが、弊社のマーケティング戦略は上手くいっていると思います。)
- We need to pinpoint our advertising efforts on single parents.(ひとり親たちを狙って宣伝をする必要がある。)
- These statistics all indicate that our advertising campaign isn't working.(これらの分析はすべて弊社の広告キャンペーンの効果がないということを示しています。)
- Our market analysis has proven to be spot on.(弊社の市場分析は正確です。)
- Our research section has recommended that we continue to focus on families and older people.(弊社のリサーチ部は、家族と年配者に集中することを勧めています。)