Dragana Zoric 講師
年 齢
26 歳
経 歴
Currently a Social work student in my second year of studies and a volunteer in various NGOs.
My name is Dragana Zorić and I am a 20 year old Social work student and a passionate volunteer from Serbia. Apart from university and the work I do for my local community, one of my many interests (which include almost every form of art) are languages. I can proudly say that I have learnt how to speak English, Spanish and German fluently, and only recently have I taken up Japanese. Taking English classes is one of my earliest childhood memories. This language is the bridge which connects people from all over the world and gives opportunities for growth. And that is why I want to help others reach their full potential by learning how to speak English properly. My previous experience in giving English lessons takes me back to high school when I was a private tutor for my peers, which later on escalated into me tutoring for an online Chinese company for as long as two years. Now my goal is to help you learn and experience English in the right way!
特 徴
  • 初心者向け
  • 日本アニメ好き