
Rebeca Daniel 講師
- 年 齢
- 36 歳
- 経 歴
- I have a bachelor’s degree in language teaching and a TESOL certificate. I have been teaching English since 2011 to students of different age ranges and proficiency levels in online and onsite courses.
- 自己紹介
- My name is Rebeca, and I live in Mexico. I have been teaching English since 2011. My students have varied in age and proficiency level, and my purpose has always been to make their learning experience as enjoyable and rewarding as possible. In 2018 I decided to try online teaching, and it has been great! I also worked for an American medical billing company for about a year. I speak English and Spanish fluently and French at an intermediate level. Some of the things that I enjoy are visiting museums, making jewelry, reading and dancing. I recently took up water painting, so I am not good at it yet, but I hope to become skillful one day.
- スタッフの推薦文
- 2011年から英語を教えているベテランです。生徒が分かるまで丁寧に説明をして、理解したか確認するためのクイズを出してくれるなど、生徒の学び定着に熱心な講師です。
明るく陽気な性格で、ダンスと読書、美術館へ行ったり、ハンドメイドのアクセサリーを作るのが趣味です。自転車に乗ることが大好きで、休日はとてもアクティブに過ごしています。 - レッスン提供時間
- 月曜、火曜、木曜、金曜
9:00-14:59、21:00-23:59 - ※ 講師都合により変更となる場合がございます。ご了承ください。
- 特 徴
- 今月のBest Teacher賞
- 初回レッスンでオススメ
- 英検対策
- 自己紹介動画
- 受講者の声
- 話しやすくてとてもよかったです!
時間があっという間に経ち、気持ちよく終われました。終わった後のFBもありがたいです。by 匿名 - Teacher Rebeca is always observant of students' mistakes but good at pointing them out in a positive way to keep students encouraged. In this lesson, I practiced being more careful with tenses.by Taka
- Phrasal verbs are one of the challenges in learning English because only adding a preposition or an adverb changes the meaning of the original verbs. Teacher Rebeca patiently teaches me a lot about them.by Taka
- Teacher Rebeca has patiently encouraged me to keep practicing constantly and I finally got a aimed score on TOEIC. I appreciated it a lot.by Taka
- いつも明るくレッスンしてくれるのでうれしいです。たくさんタイプしてくれるのが助かります。by Yukari
- 笑顔で、私の考えに対して賛同してくれたり意見をくれたのでありがたかった。
自分のk答えに対して、これであってる?と聞いてくれたので、自分の発言が相手に伝わっているか確認できてよかった。by mayuko - Teacher Rebeca is knowledgeable and kind all the time. I'm always comfortable taking her lessons. This time, I learned the meaning of "low-maintenance."by Taka
- Teacher Rebeca answered my question intelligibly. I had been confused about how to use the word exaggerated and be exaggerating. It became clear.by Taka
- Teacher Rebeca explained my pain point with the difference between direct and indirect questions. It was helpful for me.by Taka
- Through this lesson, I learned the usage of "I'm afraid" and "elaborate on". These expressions are useful in business conversations. Teacher Rebeca is always considerate to student's questionsby Taka