Bosnia and Herzegovina
Natasa Sljivic 講師
年 齢
38 歳
経 歴
Psychologist, Cognitive Semiotician, English Teacher
My name is Natasa and I am currently living in Denmark, where I have obtained a master’s degree in Cognitive Semiotics. Cognitive Semiotics is an interesting study about signs and perception. My mаin аreаs оf interest аre humаnities аnd lаnguаges аnd I аm аn enthusiаstic аnd pаssiоnаte cоmmunicаtоr.

I have been teaching English as a private tutor for over 4 years. I have also taught conversational English classes in a local Sunday school. In my extensive experience, I have worked with students from various educational backgrounds, age groups, class sizes and helped them reach a range of goals.

As for my teaching philosophy, I have an open and easy style of teaching in a relaxed environment. The sessions will concentrate on the practical use of the language, conversation and pronunciation. I believe in teaching useful English for real-life situations and conversations. In my spare time, I love traveling, hiking, reading books, taking pictures and doing yoga. I look forward to meeting people from around the world and exchange knowledge about various topics.
Let’s start learning together!
ボスニア出身で、現在デンマークに住んでいる講師です。Cognitive Semioticsという学部を卒業しており、心理学·科学·言語学·コミュニケーション学が一体化した、例えば人間と類人猿の違いなどを研究する世界でもとても珍しい学問だそうです。自然と旅行が大好きで、中国·エジプト·アメリカ·スウェーデンなど多数の国を旅してきており、ヨーロッパはほぼ全覇しました。4年間英会話講師をした経験があり、分かりやすい英語で教えてくれます。
特 徴
  • 初心者向け
  • 旅行好き