
Accepting payment using a hotel voucher
Can I use this hotel voucher?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Can I use this hotel voucher?

Yes, you can use the hotel voucher. However, you need to make a reservation in advance through the internet or phone. You cannot use the voucher without a reservation. I am sorry for this inconvenience.


Yes, you can use the hotel voucher. However, you need to make a reservation in advance through the internet or phone. You cannot use the voucher without a reservation. I am sorry for this inconvenience.

1. Alternatively, you can use the contraction "can't" which is short for "cannot" in this context.
2. Alternatively, you can use the contraction "I'm" which is short for "I am" in this context.
Thank you for that explanation. I didn't know the procedure. Can you please give me the number to call?

Yes, here is our business card and you can find the number in it. You can also book the room here.


Yes, here is our business card and you can find the number on it. You can also book the room here.

1. Alternatively, you can use the contraction "here's" which is short for "here is" in this context.
2. Use the preposition "on" to show where something has been written, printed, or drawn.
Okay, I understand. I have finished making my reservation. How long should I wait before I use my coupon?

Thank you. Let me confirm... yes, we duly confirmed your reservation. Now you can use the coupon. Can you give it to us?


Thank you. Let me confirm... yes, we duly confirmed your reservation. Now you can use the coupon. Can you give it to us?

1. Great job! Here's an alternative word you can use in this context. "verified"
Oh, here it is. Are there any promos that I can avail myself of using my hotel voucher? Can you tell me more about it?

When you buy the products at our hotel, you can get a 10 percent discount. You also enjoy drinking a cup of coffee at the lounge when you arrive or leave here.


When you buy the products at our hotel, you can get a 10 percent discount. You can also enjoy drinking a cup of coffee at the lounge when you arrive or leave here.

1. Use the modal verb "can" to express ability.
Oh, that's wonderful to hear. Can you tell me where in the hotel my room will be located? Is that alright?

Your room is on the twenty first floor of the north tower. You can use the elevator over there. Here is your room card key. When you take the elevator, please hang this card over the reader besides them. Shall we take you to the room?


Your room is on the twenty-first floor of the north tower. You can use the elevator over there. Here is your room card key. When you take the elevator, please hang this card over the reader beside them. Shall we take you to the room?

1. Compound numbers from twenty-one through ninety-nine should be hyphenated.
2. Alternatively, you can use the contraction "here's" which is short for "here is" in this context.
3. Use the preposition "of" which means at the side of or next to.
  • discount(割引)
  • payment(支払い)
  • coupon(クーポン)
  • travel agent(旅行代理店)
  • include(含む)
  • Do you have a hotel voucher?(ホテルバウチャーをお持ちですか?)
  • The payment at the restaurant is not included (in your hotel bill).(レストランでのお支払いは含まれていません。)
  • I'll print it out for you.(ただいま印刷致します。)
  • Did you send it to us by fax?(ファックスで送りましたか?)
  • Let me check on that.(確認して参ります。)


  • ビジネス
  • 中級
  • ホテル業界
  • フロントオフィス業務