
Offering to help
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。

Hi, Tom. How are you? Can I help you?


Hi, Tom. How are you? Can I help you?

1. WHAT CAN I DO FOR is also possible here.
Tom! You are heaven sent! I can hardly finish my task on the project. Can you help me? Can you type fast?

Sure. I think type faster than others.


Sure. I think I type faster than others.

1. You need a pronoun before the verb.
Oh, really? That sounds perfect, then! How much free time do you have? I will send you the documents via email. May I have your email?

I have free time for 1 hour per day. Ok, this is my mail address. Please send to me.


I have free time for an hour per day. Okay, this is my mail address. Please send the document to me.

1. We usually write the numbers zero through nine as full words and all numbers after nine numerically from ten through one million. We tend to prefer 'A/AN' to ONE.
2. The full word is usually written.
3. You need a noun after the verb.
Thank you so much! You are my hero! Can you kindly edit and correct the mistakes in the documents? Would that be fine?

Understood. When do I need to complete this by?


Understood. When do I need to complete this by?

1. You could also use DO here.
Thank you! Can you please send it to me at 9 pm, please? I actually am very ashamed to ask you this favor.

Really? That's too soon. I will work on it as a top priority, but if I can't get to it in time, I will contact you today.


Really? That's quite soon. I will work on it as a top priority, but if I can't get to it in time, I will contact you today.

1. TOO means it is IMPOSSIBLE, but in your next sentence you suggest that you COULD do it with difficulty.
  • empathy(共感)
  • sympathy(同情)
  • relate(関連する、好意的に受け取る)
  • understand(理解する)
  • counseling(カウンセリング、相談、助言)
  • advise(〔人に〕アドバイス[助言]を求める、アドバイス[忠告・助言・勧告]する、勧める)
  • guidance(ガイダンス、指導すること)
  • support(サポート、手助け)
  • encouragement(激励、励まし、勇気づけること)
  • empower(~に力を与える、(人)を力づける)
  • I can certainly empathize with you.(あなたに深く共感いたします。)
  • Can I offer you some words of encouragement?(励ましの言葉をかけさせていただけますか?)
  • I can relate to what you're going through.(あなたが経験していることに共感します。)
  • Please rely on your family and friends for guidance.(ご家族やご友人の助言を頼ってください。)
  • I'll always be here if you need to talk.(君が話したいときは、いつでも聞くよ。)
  • I feel your pain.(あなたの辛い気持ちはよく分かります。)
  • I understand what you've gone through.(あなたがどれほどの事を経験してきたか理解している。)
  • You have my deepest sympathy.(あなたに深く同情いたします。)
  • Can I offer you some unsolicited advice?(僭越ながらアドバイスをさせていただきます。)
  • I hope these words will give you the power to face this.(これらの言葉が、あなたがこれに立ち向かうための力となりますように。)


  • ビジネス
  • 中級
  • 内定者研修
  • 新入社員研修
  • ヒアリングする
  • 仕事の指示を受ける
  • 部門:営業