
Putting an outside call through to a [hotel] guest.
I would like to talk with a guest staying at your hotel.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
I would like to talk with a guest staying at your hotel.

Yes, sir. May I have the room number or his or her name, please?


Yes, sir. May I have the room number or their name, please?

1. We can use 'they' instead of 'him or her'.
I'm looking for Mr. Tompson. He should have arrived two days ago. Can you check if he is in his room right now?

Let me see, oh, there are two Tompsons, today. Can I have his first name, please?


Let me see... Oh, there are two Mr. Tompsons currently staying with us. Can I have his first name, please?

1. Punctuation. This might be a better way of separating these sentences.
2. We should add Mr. here, to be polite.
3. We can also use this expression.
Mark John. I'm looking for Mr. Mark John Tompson. By the way, can you please call him in advance? Kindly tell him his brother Tony from the Philippines is calling.

Yes, sir. Wait a moment,please.
Yes, he is in the room and he wants to talk to you. Can I transfer this call to you?


Yes, sir. Wait a moment, please. Yes, he is in the room and he wants to talk to you. Would you like me to transfer your call?

1. We need to use a space after (most) punctuation marks.
2. This is a common expression that we can use here.
Yes, please and thank you so much. By the way, kindly tell him that I am calling from the Ninoy Aquino International Airport in Manila.

Yes, sir. A moment again,please.


Yes, sir. A moment, please.

1. We don't really use 'again' in these kinds of situations. If you used the whole sentence, it would be OK, but in this case, it isn't needed.
By the way, I am running out of time. It's boarding time for passengers taking the 10am flight bound for Japan.

Oh,really? You must not have much time. Would you like to talk him by the way? Or would you like to leave your message?


Oh, really? You must not have much time, then. Would you like to talk him, by the way, or would you like to leave a message?

1. Punctuation spacing.
2. We can add 'then' or 'in that case' here.
3. Punctuation.
4. We can say all of this in one sentence.
5. We can just say 'a message'. 'Your' is a bit redundant in this case.
  • have(持つ、もらう、受け取る)
  • put(置く)
  • hold(保つ、とどめておく)
  • date(日にち)
  • tour(旅行)
  • May I have the person's name?(その方のお名前を教えてください。)
  • I'll put you through right away.(ただいまおつなぎいたします。)
  • Please stay on hold.(そのままでお待ちください。)
  • Do you know what date he checked in?(何日にチェックインされたかご存知ですか)
  • Is he/she with a tour?(団体のお客様ですか?)


  • ビジネス
  • 中級
  • ホテル業界
  • 電話オペレーター業務