
Asking for a delay in payment
Hello. I'm here because we still haven't received any payment from your company.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Hello. I'm here because we still haven't received any payment from your company.

Hello. I have confirmed the payment status with accountant department. They couldn't receive the invoice until the end of last month. To make payment until the due date, we must received the invoice until the end of last month. I asked accountant department to make the payment as soon as possible. They say they can do that until next Friday.


Hello. I have confirmed the payment status with the accounting department. They couldn't receive the invoice until the end of last month. We must receive the invoice by the end of last month to make payment by the due date. I asked the accounting department to make the payment as soon as possible. They say they can do that until next Friday.

1. and 4. The definite article is used before singular and plural nouns when the noun is specific or particular.
2. and 5. It's the correct collocation in this case.
3. This part of your response was confusing, so I changed it to be clearer, more concise, and more natural.
I understand. Thank you for letting me know. I truly hope this will not happen again because we must finish all of the papers and make deposits on time. However, we did send the invoice on time. Do you have any idea why it came late?

We don't know why it came late. To prevent the recurrence, we want to make next term contract as electronic one. If we can make electronic contract, you don't need to send paper contract document, invoice via mail. Just upload these documents to upload site and contract department and accountant department receive them directly. There will be no lead time like using paper contract.


We don't know why it came late. To prevent the recurrence, we want to make the next term contract an electronic one. If we can make an electronic contract, you don't need to send paper contract documents or invoices via mail. Just upload these documents to the upload site, and the contract department and accountant department will receive them directly. There will be no lead time like using a paper contract.

1. The definite article is used before singular and plural nouns when the noun is specific or particular.
2. You misspelled this word.
3. and 11. The indefinite article is used before a noun that is general or when its identity is not known.
4. and 6. The plural form of the noun is needed, considering the meaning of the sentence.
5. I added the conjunction to connect everything.
7. The definite article is used before singular and plural nouns when the noun is specific or particular.
8. When coordinating conjunctions connect two independent clauses, the conjunction is always preceded by a comma.
10. The future tense should be used here, considering the meaning of the sentence.
That sounds much smarter, thank you for the suggestion, it'll make a big difference. So, can we expect our payment to be effected next week Friday?

Exactly. We will talk with contract department. I think for changing it to electronic one, you need to conduct some procedures. Our contract department will contact you shortly and show you how to do it. Could we share your name, email address and phone number with them? Next project will start next term, so there is enough time for the change.


Exactly. We will talk with the contract department. I think to change it to an electronic one, you need to conduct some procedures. Our contract department will contact you shortly and show you how to do it. Could we share your name, email address, and phone number with them? The next project will start next term, so there is enough time for the change.

1. and 5. The definite article is used before singular and plural nouns when the noun is specific or particular.
2. This part of your response was confusing, so I changed it to be clearer, more concise, and more natural.
3. The indefinite article is used before a noun that is general or when its identity is not known.
4. When coordinating conjunctions connect two independent clauses, the conjunction is always preceded by a comma.
Sure, please go ahead and share our information with your contract department and tell them to contact us for any further details. Is there anything else we should know?

Thank you. We don't have further information to share with you for now. To be honest, we are development departments don't know a lot about it. Our responsible range are receiving the estimate, contract and check the property of them. Do you know have your company ever used electronic contract? I wish it will not bother you.


Thank you. We don't have further information to share with you for now. To be honest, we, the development department, don't know much about it. Our responsibility includes receiving the estimate, reviewing the contract, and verifying the property. Do you know whether your company has ever used electronic contracts? I wish it will not bother you.

1. 2. and 3. This part of your response was confusing, so I changed it to be clearer, more concise, and more natural.
Ok, I understand what you mean, and yes, we have signed electronic contracts with many of our business partners, so it's not a problem for us. When should we expect the electronic contract?

Tomorrow, we will have a meeting with contract department. They will contact you next week, so at the earliest, we can make electronic contract end of this month. As a premise, we need to receive estimation which must be approved by executive, and contract. Could you make it?


Tomorrow, we will have a meeting with the contract department. They will contact you next week, so, at the earliest, we can make an electronic contract end of this month. As a premise, we need to receive an estimation which must be approved by the executive   and contract. Could you make it?

1. and 5. The definite article is used before singular and plural nouns when the noun is specific or particular.
2. A comma symbolizes a slight pause that can separate ideas or grammatical structures in a sentence.
3. and 4. The indefinite article is used before a noun that is general or when its identity is not known.
5. The definite article is used before singular and plural nouns when the noun is specific or particular.
  • reconsider(再考する、考え直す)
  • beg(懇願する)
  • renegotiate(〔契約条項などを〕再交渉する)
  • mercy(慈悲)
  • grace(柔軟性)
  • forgive(免除する、許す)
  • grant(許可する、承諾する)
  • postponement(延期、後回し、先送り)
  • lag(遅延、遅滞)
  • extension(延長)
  • This game was put off.(この試合は延期された。)
  • Can you cut me some slack regarding the past due payment?(過去の支払遅延について大目に見てくれますか?)
  • Please reconsider the terms of repayment.(返済条件についてもう一度お考えください。)
  • I would like to renegotiate the terms of payment.(支払い条件について再度交渉したいです。)
  • Can you forgive at least a portion of the late fees?(延滞料の部分だけは免除していただけますか?)
  • Can you extend the grace period?(猶予期間を延長していただけますか?)
  • Can you show some compassion during these tough economic times?(この不況の中、いくらか値引きしていただけますか?)
  • Can you grant us an extension on our loan?(私たちのローンの延長を許可していただけますか?)
  • I realize that we have been lagging behind in our payments.(私たちの支払いが遅れていることに気が付きました。)
  • We can't possibly make a payment under these conditions.(このような条件では、私どもは支払いができません。)


  • ビジネス
  • 中級
  • 交渉
  • 社外業務