
Describe a picture of a residential street
Please describe this picture.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please describe this picture.

There are several houses, three telegraph poles, and electric wires. The sky is twilight and I can see some black clouds and the moon or a bright star. Maybe some families are living here.


There are several houses, three telegraph poles, and electric wires. The sky is twilight and I can see some black clouds and the moon or a bright star. Maybe some families are living here.

1. You may also say "staying".
You have provided a very concise and detailed description of the picture. Well done. Could this photo have been taken in Japan?

Yes, there has been some electric wires and telegraph poles in Japan. Of course, electric wires are buried underground in some cities, but here in Chiba, I can see them.


Yes, there are some electric wires and telegraph poles in Japan. Of course, electric wires are buried underground in some cities, but here in Chiba, I can see them.

1. Use the present tense form for events that are occurring in the present.
Oh, that's a really interesting point that you have made. Why do they choose to do it this way in Chiba?

I think that it is a traditional way and many telegraph poles were built long time ago. The construction of burying costs high and complex arrangement of rights is necessary, so burying is not major in Chiba.


I think that it is a traditional way and many telegraph poles were built a long time ago. The construction of burying costs high and a complex arrangement of rights is necessary, so burying is not major in Chiba.

1. & 2. "a" is the indefinite article that you should use when mentioning a countable noun that starts with a consonant sound for the first time
  • dark(暗い)
  • moon(月)
  • hang (ぶら下がる)
  • quiet(静かな)
  • rise(上がる)
  • The sun is about to rise soon.(太陽がもうすぐ昇ります。)
  • It's getting dark.(暗くなってきた。)
  • I can see a crescent moon tonight.(今夜は三日月が見えます。)
  • The electric cables are hanging between the poles.(電柱の間に電線がかかっています。)
  • It looks quiet around here.(この辺りは静まり返っています。)


  • 日常
  • 上級
  • 写真描写問題