
Describe a picture of a camel
Please describe this picture.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please describe this picture.

There is a camel which was taken a picture from the neck to the face from the left side. Behind the camel is a lot of sands looks like walking on a desert. A chain is anchoring the face which is leading or fixing the camel. The camel has a long neck which is dressed by necklaces. Those are colorful and have balls were made from weaving wools.


There is a camel that was taken a picture from the neck to the face from the left side. Behind the camel is a lot of sand and it looks like its walking in a desert. A chain is anchoring the face which is leading or fixing the camel. The camel has a long neck which is dressed by necklaces. Those are colorful and have wool woven balls.

1. Use the relative pronoun instead.
2. Use the mass noun 'sand'.
3. Add the phrase for the sake of clarity.
4. This is the fitting phrase to refer to the desert.
5. A more natural way of writing your phrase.
That is a very good observation, well done. I also see some papers on the sand, do you think there are a lot of people who pass through this place, throwing the papers on the ground?

I see something was dropped on the sand. This picture is out of focus. I cannot see what it is. If so, there is another way which is that the wind brought them there and formed the sand like that.
The camel is pursing the mouth, looks like it's smiling and the eye is closed in half. The ear is cut a bit. The body is white but dusted. The small rock is behind the camel.


I see something was dropped on the sand. This picture is out of focus. I cannot see what it is. If so, there is another way which is that the wind might have brought them there and formed the sand like that.
The camel is pursing the mouth, looks like it's smiling and the eye is closed in half. The ear is cut a bit. The body is white but dusted. The small rock is behind the camel.

1. Add the phrase to refer to something that you are assuming.
Yes, that is very good, it could be the wind that brought them there. Do you think it is carrying any luggage?

This camel seems not wild. Human beings keep it for carrying baggages or giving a ride to tourists. Does the camels really exist?! They live in such an oppressive place.


This camel doesn't seem to be wild. Human beings keep it for carrying baggage or giving a ride to tourists. Do camels really exist?! They live in such an oppressive place.

1. Use the phrase for the sake of clarity.
2. This is a mass noun, it doesn't need an additional 's'.
3. This is the fitting verb to use.
  • camel(ラクダ)
  • do a collar(首輪をする)
  • weed(雑草)
  • hump(ラクダのこぶ)
  • camelidae(ラクダ科)
  • The Japanese thinks that a camel is famous in Arab countries.(日本人はアラブでラクダが有名だと考えています。)
  • A camel is an unfamiliar animal in Japan.(ラクダは日本では馴染みのない動物です。)
  • The camel has a big hump on its back.(ラクダは背中に大きなコブをもっています。)
  • The camel is wearing a collar around its neck.(そのラクダは首輪をしています。)
  • The camel is taking a walk in the desert together with its owner. (ラクダは主と砂漠の上を散歩しています。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • 写真描写問題