
Describe a picture of a colleague explaining to the other
Please describe this picture.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please describe this picture.

This picture was taken at the office. A woman in a business suit is holding her computer. A man, who is probably her colleague, is pointing at the screen of the computer. It seems that he is teaching her how to operate a computer. They are in the hallway, so this operation must not be so difficult.


This picture was taken at the office. A woman in a business suit is holding her computer. A man, who is probably her colleague, is pointing at the screen of the computer. It seems that he is teaching her how to operate a computer. They are in the hallway, so this operation must not be so difficult.

1. Alternatively, you can say "most likely" here.
2. You can also say "it appears".
Thank you for your answer. Can you describe what these people look like? How old do you think they are? What can you say about their fashion style?

The woman's hair is short and brown, which gives us her energetic look. They look young, so I suppose they are new employees. Black suits they wear are really common clothes used in formal situations in Japan. Most new recruits wear this kind of suits at first, but begin to wear other clothes gradually. Now I rarely ware a suit for business except when I take job interviews or visit clients' offices.


The woman's hair is short and brown, which gives    her an energetic look. They look young, so I suppose they are new employees. The black suits they are wearing are really common clothes used in formal situations in Japan. Most new recruits wear these kinds of suits at first, but begin to wear other clothes gradually. Now I rarely wear a suit for business except when I take job interviews or visit clients' offices.

1. There is no need to say "us" here.
2. Use an indefinite article before an adjective that is followed by a non-specific countable noun which the adjective modifies.
3. Since you're referring to the suits they're wearing, use the definite article here.
4. Since you're describing what they're currently wearing, in the picture, use the continuous form here.
5. You're referring to the plural noun "suits" so you should use the plural form here as well.
6. Spelling correction.
Do you think you can tell who is more senior be senior between the two? Do they look like they're agreeing with each other?

I don't think there is the age gap among them. I can feel a friendly atmosphere in this picture, so they must be in a good relationship. Both of them are smiling, so they are agreeing with each other. Probably his instruction is clear and she can solve the computer problem she has.


I don't think there is an age gap among them. I can feel a friendly atmosphere in this picture, so they must be in a good relationship. Both of them are smiling, so they are agreeing with each other. His instructions are probably clear and she can solve the computer problem she has.

1. Since you're not referring to some specific age gap, use an indefinite article here.
2. Use the plural when speaking in a general sense.
3. This word order would sound more natural.
Given their dress sense, what type of company do you think these two work for? Which industries are synonymous with black suits and young people in Japan?

It can be applied for any company. If I choose one, they may be working at the bank. Banking companies often have strict dress codes. I don't know the true reason, but wearing a suit may enhance their impression of trustworthiness.


It can be applied to any company. If I had to choose one, I would say that they may be working at the bank. Banking companies often have strict dress codes. I don't know the true reason, but wearing a suit may enhance their impression of trustworthiness.

1. Something can be applied "to" something.
2. This is a much clearer and more natural way of expressing this point.
I think this is true as well. The more presentable you look, the more trustworthy you are perceived. Are there any companies that do not have a specific standard or dress?

Credibility is crucial for big companies that manage sensitive resources like money and personal information. I've heard that creative work companies and startups don't have dress codes. They believe that it is important to express themselves by their outfits. I think it is also true to everyone. Wearing a suit is an unspoken agreement here, especially when we are new companies. I wish we could wear what we like everyday for business. Tight suits make my shoulders frozen!


Credibility is crucial for big companies that manage sensitive resources like money and personal information. I've heard that creative work companies and startups don't have dress codes. They believe that it is important to express themselves through their outfits. I think it is also true for everyone. Wearing a suit is an unspoken agreement here, especially when we are new companies. I wish we could wear what we like every day for business. Tight suits make my shoulders tight!

1. You should use "through" here, meaning "by means of".
2. It would be more appropriate to use "for" here. Something is true "for" someone.
3. “Everyday” is an adjective we use to describe something that's seen or used every day. It means “ordinary” or “typical”. “Every day” is a phrase that means “each day”.
4. It might fit better to use this adjective here.
  • co-worker(同僚)
  • superior(上司)
  • alert(指摘する)
  • acquire((知識・学問)を吸収する)
  • deliverable(成果物)
  • What would be the best thing to do?(どうすればいいかな?)
  • Please tell me how to make an estimate.(見積書の作成の仕方を教えてもらえますか?)
  • The best business connection that my company has is with AB company.(わが社の一番の取引先はAB社です。)
  • Sales have increased by 20 percent.(売上高は20パーセント増加しています。)
  • My co-worker told me to ask my supervisor.(上司に同僚に聞いてみるようにと言われました。)


  • ビジネス
  • 上級
  • 写真描写問題