
Describe a picture of telephone support
Please describe this picture.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please describe this picture.

This is a picture of an office. A woman is answering the phone.
 As we can see, the woman is well-dressed in a white top, a black suit and a red strap on her neck. Her hair is neatly combed and fixed with a black hair clip. There's a computer screen in front of her. However, she isn't looking at the screen while answering the phone. According to her facial expression, she might be chatting with someone who isn't related to her workplace. The person could be her friend or someone she's dating with.


This is a picture of an office. A woman is answering the phone.
 As we can see, the woman is well-dressed in a white top, a black suit and a red strap on her neck. Her hair is neatly combed and fixed with a black hair clip. There's a computer screen in front of her. However, she isn't looking at the screen while answering the phone. According to her facial expression, she might be chatting with someone who isn't related to her workplace. The person could be her friend or someone she's dating   .

1. The preposition "with" is not required here. The transitive verb "date" should be followed by an object.
That is a very nice observation. It seems to me that she is talking with a client and she has to smile so that the caller will hear her smile. I thought so because she is using the company phone. Do you agree?

Let me correct my description. I fully agree with you.
Her smile looks quite appropriate in the business screen.


Let me correct my description. I fully agree with you.
Her smile looks quite appropriate on the business screen.

1. The preposition "on" is usually used with the noun "screen" or perhaps "appropriate for the business scene" would fit here instead.
I agree. To me, it seems like she is a receptionist at a company and she is attending a call to someone who wants to know general information that she knows well. What do you think? Maybe she is someone's secretary.

I'm not sure, but you have a point.
I remember that there was an argument about the gender of the receptionist, and those occupations remind us of female people. It's a kind of gender discrimination, but I think it can not be helped due to well-known facts.


I'm not sure, but you have a point.
I remember that there was an argument about the gender of receptionists, and those occupations remind us of female people. It's a kind of gender discrimination, but I think it can not be helped due to well-known facts.

1. The context suggests you're referring to "receptionists" in general, so we could use the plural form here.
What else would you like to add? Can you tell the mood in that picture? Can you also guess her nationality?

Nothing further, thanks.


Nothing further, thanks.

1. You expressed yourself well here. There is nothing to correct, so this is an alternative expression we could use in this context - "that'd be all for today".
  • take calls(電話対応)
  • receptionist(受付係)
  • a secretary(秘書)
  • make a phone call(電話をかける)
  • extension(内線)
  • Who's calling please?(どちら様ですか?)
  • May I ask what this is about?(ご用件をお伺いできますか?)
  • I'm afraid she/he is not available now.(申し訳ありませんが、ただいま、席をはずしております。)
  • May I speak to Mr. Mike, please?(マイクさんはいらっしゃいますか?)
  • I must have the wrong number.(電話番号を間違えました。)


  • ビジネス
  • 上級
  • 写真描写問題