
Describe a picture of looking out of the window
Please describe this picture.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please describe this picture.

A man is looking at outside of the window from his office. He can see several buildings and many people walking outside. He works for a transportation company in Tokyo. In Japan, it is a summer season and is very hot today, and the temperature is 36 degrees. The record of the highest temperature breaks down every year in Japan. Although he has to go out in order to attend the meeting with clients, he is reluctant to go there at all. Since He is wearing a long-sleeve jacket, so he may be covered with sweat once he goes outside.


A man is looking    outside of the window from his office. He can see several buildings and many people walking outside. He works for a transportation company in Tokyo. It is very hot today, with a temperature of 36 degrees, as it is summer in Japan. The record of the highest temperature breaks down every year in Japan. Although he has to go out in order to attend the meeting with clients, he is reluctant to go there at all. Since He is wearing a long-sleeve jacket,    he may be covered with sweat once he goes outside.

1. The preposition is not necessary.
2. Restructure to make the meaning clear.
3. Leave out ''so'' as it is unnecessary.
That was a very detailed description of the given picture. You were able to describe the appearance of the person. What do you think is the reason why he stands in that position?

He often looks at outside of the window. This window is located at a rest room in his office. He always takes a break in this room and drink a cup of coffee. He has a lot of work to do and always work overtime on weekdays. He always thinks about his jobs that make him trouble. When he is looking at people walking on the street, he need not think anything and feels relax.


He often looks    outside of the window. This window is located in a restroom in his office. He always takes a break in this room and drinks a cup of coffee. He has a lot of work to do and always works overtime on weekdays. He always thinks about the tasks that give him problems.   When he is looking at people walking on the street, he need not think anything and feels relaxed.

1. The preposition is unnecessary.
2. Use ''in'' to indicate the location of something.
3. Write as one word.
4. & 5. Use singular verbs for singular subjects.
6. Use the definite article for something specific.
7. Use ''tasks'' to refer to duties.
8. Use ''give'' to mean present.
9. Replace with ''problems'' to refer to something that can be solved as ''trouble'' is usually connected to bad things, e.g., ''He used to get in trouble when he was young''.
10. Use the adjective ''relaxed'' to describe how one feels.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. Do you do the same thing as the guy does in that picture? Do you feel stressed out these days?

I always work on the 15th floor of the building and I can see a wide view of Tokyo city. I can often watch fireworks launching at a baseball stadium which is located in the south. I often have to work overtime and have big stress, but I feel excited about the fireworks. I think the building I work is like a jail. When I look at the outside from the window, I wonder to go away from my tasks as possible, so I am compassionate with him.


I always work on the 15th floor of the building and I can see a wide view of Tokyo City. I can often watch fireworks launching at a baseball stadium which is located in the south. I often have to work overtime and have a lot of stress, but I feel excited about the fireworks. I think the building I work is like a jail. When I look at the outside from the window, I want to go away from my tasks as soon as possible, so I feel sorry for him. 

1. Capitalise on the initial letters of proper nouns.
2. Use ''a lot of'' as ''big'' is used to describe the sizes of things.
3. Use ''want'' to indicate an intention.
4. Use ''as soon as'' to indicate how something can be done.
  • gloomy(どんよりとした)
  • be deep in thought(たそがれる)
  • look out of the window(窓の外をみる)
  • just did A(Aしたばかり)
  • just(ただ~しているだけ)
  • He is looking out of the window.(彼は窓の外をみている。)
  • He seems to be deep in thought.(なにか考え事をしているようだ。)
  • He must be in his office.(彼はオフィスにいるはずです。)
  • He has a file in his hand.(彼は手に書類を持っている。)
  • He looks gloomy.(彼は暗い顔をしている。)


  • ビジネス
  • 上級
  • 写真描写問題