
I love all animals! However, I like sharks, especially. I find they are majestic and have unique traits. Plus, most of their ecology has remained mystery. I'm looking forward to newfound discoveries about sharks!
I love all animals! However, I like sharks, especially. I find they are majestic and have unique traits. Plus, most of their ecology has remained a mystery. I'm looking forward to newfound discoveries about sharks!
Actually, I'm a high school student. When I was little, I got interesting about sharks. My dream is to be a marine biologist and study sharks.
Definitely! I had a chance to go to a aquarium that displays many kinds of sea creatures all over the world when I went to a school trip. I was very attracted to a large fish tank. It made me feel as if I were in the sea. In this time, I could also participate its backyard tour and the keepers told me many wonderful facts about sea animals.
Definitely! I had a chance to go to an aquarium that displays many kinds of sea creatures all over the world when I went on a school trip. I was very attracted to a large fish tank. It made me feel as if I were in the sea. During this time, I could also participate in its backyard tour and the keepers told me many wonderful facts about sea animals.
- wild animal(野生動物)
- endangered species(絶滅危惧種)
- rare(珍しい)
- in the woods(森の中で)
- famous(有名な)
- Do you have a favourite wild animal?(あなたには好きな野生動物がありますか?)
- There are many wild rabbits where I live.(私が住んでいる場所にはたくさんの野生のウサギがいます。)
- I love watching birds in my backyard.(裏庭で鳥を観察するのが好きです。)
- My favourite animal is the panda.(私の好きな動物はパンダです。)
- In my area, you can often see deer in the woods.(私の住んでいる地域では、よく森の中で鹿を見ることができます。)
2. You're introducing an unknown mystery, hence use the indefinite article here.