
Let's talk about your favourite animal.
Please tell me about your favourite animals.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please tell me about your favourite animals.

I love all animals! However, I like sharks, especially. I find they are majestic and have unique traits. Plus, most of their ecology has remained mystery. I'm looking forward to newfound discoveries about sharks!


I love all animals! However, I like sharks, especially. I find they are majestic and have unique traits. Plus, most of their ecology has remained a mystery. I'm looking forward to newfound discoveries about sharks!

1. Excellent work, you can also say ''adore''
2. You're introducing an unknown mystery, hence use the indefinite article here.
People have a negative view of these animals, but I like how you see them differently. Is it your profession that has opened your mind to the good things about sharks?

Actually, I'm a high school student. When I was little, I got interesting about sharks. My dream is to be a marine biologist and study sharks.


Actually, I'm a high school student. When I was little, I was interested in sharks. My dream is to be a marine biologist and study sharks.

1. Use the past tense verb form since you're referring to the past.
2. Conventionally, we say ''interest in'' something.
That's wonderful that you've had a passion for sharks since you were little! Marine biology is a fascinating field with so much to explore, especially when it comes to studying sharks. Have you had any opportunities to learn more about marine biology or sharks through school projects or extracurricular activities?

Definitely! I had a chance to go to a aquarium that displays many kinds of sea creatures all over the world when I went to a school trip. I was very attracted to a large fish tank. It made me feel as if I were in the sea. In this time, I could also participate its backyard tour and the keepers told me many wonderful facts about sea animals.


Definitely! I had a chance to go to an aquarium that displays many kinds of sea creatures all over the world when I went on a school trip. I was very attracted to a large fish tank. It made me feel as if I were in the sea. During this time, I could also participate in its backyard tour and the keepers told me many wonderful facts about sea animals.

1. Use ''an'' the form of the indefinite article used before words beginning with a vowel sound.
2. Conventionally, we say ''go on'' a trip.
3. This is the correct preposition of time to use here
4. Conventionally, we say ''participate in'' something.

Thank you. Have a great Speaking lesson!
  • wild animal(野生動物)
  • endangered species(絶滅危惧種)
  • rare(珍しい)
  • in the woods(森の中で)
  • famous(有名な)
  • Do you have a favourite wild animal?(あなたには好きな野生動物がありますか?)
  • There are many wild rabbits where I live.(私が住んでいる場所にはたくさんの野生のウサギがいます。)
  • I love watching birds in my backyard.(裏庭で鳥を観察するのが好きです。)
  • My favourite animal is the panda.(私の好きな動物はパンダです。)
  • In my area, you can often see deer in the woods.(私の住んでいる地域では、よく森の中で鹿を見ることができます。)


  • 日常
  • 初級