
Let's explain the summer festival in Japan.
What is the Japanese summer festival like?
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What is the Japanese summer festival like?

ocal governments across Japan plan summer festivals. These festivals are held in elementary schools and town squares, attracting many children, adults, and the elderly who come together to enjoy the celebrations. There is also a festival in my area today, and I am helping out by selling cotton candy. My son is a member of Boy Scout Troop in Yokohama, and as his parent, I volunteer as a leader for the Boy Scouts. The cotton candy sales are part of the Boy Scouts' booth, and the proceeds go towards funding their activities.


Local governments across Japan plan summer festivals. These festivals are held in elementary schools and town squares, attracting many children, adults, and the elderly who come together to enjoy the celebrations. There is also a festival in my area today, and I am helping out by selling cotton candy. My son is a member of the Boy Scout Troop in Yokohama, and as his parent, I volunteer as a leader for the Boy Scouts. The cotton candy sales are part of the Boy Scouts' booth, and the proceeds go towards funding their activities.

1. Correct spelling.
2. Excellent work, you can also say ''hosted''
3. Excellent work, you can also say ''numerous''
4. You're introducing a specific, well-known noun, hence use the definite article here.
It's great to hear that everyone is cooperating to hold the festival. How does the Boy Scout Troop choose their booth?

The booth location is decided randomly each year, probably through a lottery, though I'm not very sure about the details. We've been selling cotton candy every year recently. In the past, we used to make and sell dishes like stew and curry, but now it's mainly cotton candy. It's likely because it's easier to prepare and more convenient.There might have been opinions in the past that dishes like stew and curry were too hot to sell considering Japan's summer climate.


The booth location is decided randomly each year, probably through a lottery, though I'm not very sure about the details. We've been selling cotton candy every year recently. In the past, we used to make and sell dishes like stew and curry, but now it's mainly cotton candy. It's likely because it's easier to prepare and more convenient. There might have been opinions in the past that dishes like stew and curry were too hot to sell considering Japan's summer climate.

Excellent work, you can use these alternatives;
1. ''determined''
2. ''quite certain''
3. ''probably''
I see what you mean. Do the parents organize it? How about considering the health benefits of the items that are sold?

Yes, the parents handle it. The children don't get involved in this kind of fundraising. Since it's a festival, I don't think healthy items would sell very well.


Yes, the parents handle it. The children don't get involved in this kind of fundraising. Since it's a festival, I don't think healthy items would sell very well.

Excellent work, you can also use these alternatives;
1. ''Of course''
2. ''believe''
3, ''would be as popular among attendees''
Would you mind explaining what happens at the festival? Do school students wear school uniforms on the day?

There are many food stalls, and visitors can enjoy a variety of meals. In the center, there's a stage for taiko drum performances and bon odori (traditional dance). Students don't need to wear uniforms since it's not a school event.


There are many food stalls, and visitors can enjoy a variety of meals. In the center, there's a stage for taiko drum performances and bon odori (traditional dance). Students don't need to wear uniforms since it's not a school event.

Excellent work, you can use these alternatives;
1. ''myriad''
2. ''have''
The Japanese summer festivals sound lively and vibrant! It must be fun to see the different food stalls and performances. Is there a particular aspect of the festival or a specific performance that you enjoy the most? And how does your son feel about participating in the Boy Scouts' booth?

The Japanese summer festivals are indeed lively and vibrant! It's always fun to see the various food stalls and performances. I enjoy the traditional dances and music the most; they really bring out the festive spirit. My son loves participating in the Boy Scouts' booth. He enjoys helping out and feels proud to contribute to the event.


The Japanese summer festivals are indeed lively and vibrant! It's always fun to see the various food stalls and performances. I enjoy the traditional dances and music the most; they really bring out the festive spirit. My son loves participating in the Boy Scouts' booth. He enjoys helping out and feels proud to contribute to the event.

Excellent work, these are alternatives;
1. ''diverse''
2. ''enjoys partaking''

Thank you. Have a great Speaking lesson!
  • summer festival (夏祭り)
  • food stalls(屋台)
  • historic(歴史ある)
  • fireworks(花火)
  • lanterns(提灯)
  • taiko drums(太鼓)
  • traditional games(伝統的なゲーム)
  • Japan has traditional festivals that are unique to local regions.(日本には地方特有の伝統的なお祭りがあります。)
  • There are many food stalls at festivals.(お祭りにはたくさんの屋台が出ます。)
  • My favourites are Takoyaki and candy apples.(私のお気に入りはたこ焼きとりんご飴です。)
  • Yukata is mainly worn for the summer festivals.(浴衣は主に夏祭りで着ます。)
  • As well as enjoying food stalls, traditional games can be played.(食べ物の屋台だけではなく、伝統的なゲームもできます。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • ホームステイ
  • 日本の話