
Let's explain the rainy season ("Tsuyu") in Japan.
What is the Japanese rainy season like?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What is the Japanese rainy season like?

First, I like the rainy season because I was born in the season. However, it might be the uncomfortable one for many Japanese because you sweat a lot due to high humidity.


First, I like the rainy season because I was born during the season. However, it might be uncomfortable for many Japanese because they sweat a lot due to high humidity

1. Change "in the season" to "during the season" for better grammatical accuracy. "During" is used to specify when something happens within a particular period.
2. Remove "the" and "one" to make the sentence more natural. The adjective "uncomfortable" directly describes the rainy season without needing additional words.
3. The sentence starts by talking about "many Japanese," so it should continue using "they."
It sounds like it is an intense time. Do people prefer to stay indoors during the rainy season or do they still go about their daily business?

I think majority of them prefer staying home to going out. You have to take your umbrella and be afraid of being wet under the bad weather.


I think the majority of them prefer staying home to going out. You have to take your umbrella and worry about getting wet in the bad weather.

1. Add "the" before "majority" to make it grammatically correct. "The majority" is a specific group being referred to.
2. Change "be afraid of being wet" to "worry about getting wet" for a more natural expression. "Worry about" is more commonly used in this context.
3. Change "under" to "in" because "in the bad weather" is the correct preposition to use when describing being out in bad weather conditions.
I can understand that. How long does the rainy season last? Are there any interesting events or festivals during this season?

It lasts about one and half months from June to July. Once the rainy season finishes, we welcome the passionate summer season. I've never heard of particular events related to the rainy season.


It lasts about one and a half months from June to July. Once the rainy season is over, we welcome the hot summer season. I've never heard of any particular events related to the rainy season.

1. Add "a" between "one" and "half" to correct the phrase. "One and a half" is the standard way to express this time duration.
2. Change "finishes" to "is over" to make the sentence more natural and idiomatic.
3. Replace "passionate" with "hot" for better clarity. "Hot" accurately describes the summer weather.
4. Add "any" before "particular" to complete the expression and make it grammatically correct.
I see. I think it is the same in most places. How do people welcome the summer season? Are there any exciting rituals or festivals?

Unfortunately,we don't have particular events to celebrate summer. During summer season, you can enjoy many festivals in each location.


Unfortunately,  we don't have any particular events to celebrate summer. During the summer season, you can enjoy many festivals in various locations.

1. Always put a space after punctuation.
2. You should add "any" to clarify that there are no specific events.
3. You should add the definite article "the" here because it specifies the particular season being referred to.
4. You should change "each" to "various" to imply that festivals occur in many different places.
Yes, those are the festivals I would like you to tell me about. How do you celebrate and enjoy the summer?

For example, some cities hold fireworks festivals in the season. You can enjoy variety of fireworks one after another. Also, we have the traditional dance festival in local areas.


For example, some cities hold fireworks festivals during the season. You can enjoy a variety of fireworks one after another. Also, we have traditional dance festivals in local areas.

1. You should change "in" to "during" to correctly indicate the time period when the festivals occur. "During" is used to specify when something happens within a specific time frame.
2. You should add the article "a" before "variety" to correctly quantify the noun. Without "a," the sentence is missing a determiner, which makes it grammatically incomplete. "A variety of" indicates there are many different types of fireworks.
3. You should change "the traditional dance festival" to "traditional dance festivals" to indicate that there are multiple festivals, not just one.
  • rainy season(梅雨)
  • humidity(湿気)
  • hydrangea(あじさい)
  • hang(吊るす)
  • pouring rain(土砂降り)
  • typhoon(台風)
  • umbrella(傘)
  • forecast(予報)
  • Japan usually has its rainy season in June.(日本はだいたい6月に梅雨になります。)
  • Hydrangeas will start to bloom from the end of May and are best viewed from mid-June.(紫陽花は5月下旬に咲き始め、6月中旬ごろに見頃を迎える。)
  • Japan has a high number of typhoons.(日本は台風が多いです。)
  • Children hang teru teru bozu when they wish for good weather.(子どもたちは良い天気を願う時、てるてる坊主という手作りの人形を吊るします。)
  • The rainy season in Japan is very humid.(日本の梅雨は湿度が高いです。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • ホームステイ
  • 日本の話