
Buying coffee machines
We provide a wide range of coffee machines. What are you looking for?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
We provide a wide range of coffee machines. What are you looking for?

What a surprise, we are just looking for a new coffee machine for this floor!
I would say that we prefer to have the latest and full-fledged one with which we can use to make any types of coffee. I may say that it does not matter how much will it cost. I have already secured enough amount of money for this. Do you have the one today?


What a surprise, we are just looking for a new coffee machine on this floor!
I would say that we prefer to have the latest and fully-fledged one with which we can use to make any type of coffee. I may say that it does not matter how much will it cost. I have already secured enough _ money for this. Do you have _ one today?

1. Correct preposition here.
2. This used to be an American/British divide, but for once the British won, and 'fully-fledged' is used now.
3. Just need a singular here.
4. Unnecessary words.
5. No article needed.
Yes, this one has reheating capabilities and brews coffee grounds to perfection. What is your price range or budget?

Sounds great, I cannot wait to use it!
Our budget range is, say, 1000 dollars at the maximum. Is it enough?


Sounds great, I cannot wait to use it!
Our budget range is, say, 1000 dollars at the maximum. Is it enough?

No corrections needed - but this is not a good way to get a bargain!
Yes, how many cups do you plan to make every hour? We also have coffee makers that can produce multiple flavors at once.

I dare say a couple of cups I plan to have my secretary make per an hour.
Very good. I would like to have the one with which we can make various flavors simultaneously. How much is it? Is it cheap enough for me to buy with the said budget?


I dare say a couple of cups I plan to have my secretary make an hour would suffice.
Very good. I would like to have the one with which we can make various flavors simultaneously. How much is it? Is it cheap enough for me to buy with the said budget?

1. You are speaking in a quite haughty way, so let's go all the way.
Yes Sir/Madame. This coffee machine is well in your budget. The price is $750 , but if you were to order two coffee machines we can make you a discount of 4%. Do you have any intentions of purchasing two coffee machines?

How cheap it is, amazing! Also for the discount! However, unfortunately, we need only one machine at this time, because there are only a few people loving to drink a cup of caffe, if not no 2 or 3 people. With that said, we are very keen to be granted any discount. Were I say we would like to enter into a kind of a minimum purchase contract with respect to the caffe beens, could you be able to offer the same type of discount to us? Please kindly consider.


How cheap it is; amazing! Also for the discount! However, unfortunately, we need only one machine at this time, because there are only a few people who want to drink a cup of coffee. _ With that said, we are very keen to be granted any discount. Were I to say we would like to enter into a kind of a minimum purchase contract with respect to the caffe beans, could you be able to offer the same type of discount to us? Please kindly consider it.

1. Natural expression. 'Loving' is too strong here.
2. Spelling.
3. Unnecessary as you've already said 'a few'.
4. Infinitive here.
5. Spelling.
6. Pronoun to end the sentence naturally.
Yes, this is possible, but I shall have to consult my General Manager first before giving you a firm offer. It is highly likelythat we shall take your offer into consideration.

Many thanks. Assuming that your General Manager accepts my offer, when will you be able to provide the machine with us at the earliest? We are planning to held a all-staff-meeting next Friday and it is desirable to announce the purchase at the time; thus, your delivery before the next Thursday will be very much appreciated. Could you?


Many thanks. Assuming that your General Manager accepts my offer, when will you be able to provide the machine with us at the earliest? We are planning to hold an all-staff-meeting next Friday and it is desirable to announce the purchase at the time; thus, your delivery before _ next Thursday will be very much appreciated. Could you?

1. Typo.
2. Need an 'n' here.
3. Not needed.

 Very good. You do use nice words, but anyone speaking like this would get looks in native speaking countries - it's so upper-class! :)
  • capability(機能、性能)
  • reheat((名)再加熱、(動)~を再加熱する)
  • retain(保つ、抱える)
  • grind(ひく[すりつぶす・研磨する]音)
  • capacity(限度容量、生産量、性質)
  • ease(弱まる、和らげる)
  • replacement(返却、交換)
  • canister(小型の缶[容器]、弾筒)
  • temperature(温度、体温)
  • brew((名)混合物、(動)調合する)
  • Will I be able to control the water temperature?(水温調節は自分でできますか?)
  • What's the capacity of the machine?(このマシンの容量はどのくらいですか?)
  • Does it have the capacity to grind whole beans?(豆をすりつぶす機能はありますか?)
  • How easy is it to get replacement filters?(どのくらい簡単にフィルター交換できますか?)
  • ease of use(使いやすさ)
  • Are the canisters dishwasher-safe?(キャニスターは食洗機に対応していますか?)
  • How fast can it make coffee?(コーヒーをどう早く再加熱するのですか?)
  • How long does the coffee keep its flavor after brewing?(コーヒーを淹れた後、どのくらい風味が持続しますか?)
  • Can these machines also make tea?(これらのマシンはお茶も作れますか?)
  • Do they come with an extended warranty?(延長保証も付けられますか?)


  • ビジネス
  • 上級
  • 交渉
  • 社外業務