【GE Advanced】英語を母国語としない国において、英語教育を小学校3年生から始めることは効果的な学習か。【Spring Term】
Is studying English from Grade 3 in countries that do not have English as the first language, efficient?
Think about the topic and propose your ideas.
- left brain()
- right brain()
- cinch()
- connatural()
- cognitive plasticity()
- Many countries start their students on an English learning program from Grade 3.()
- Young children show a high amount of cognitive plasticity, and will easily grasp new languages.()
- The younger students are exposed to English, the more it will seem like a connatural skill.()
- People from countries that officially start English education during later years in life tend to either initiate English learning by themselves or become indifferent to it.()
- While the right and left brain is still forming, learning is a cinch.()