【GE Advanced】あなたはセルフィーに関して賛成か反対か。賛成ならばその長所を、反対ならばその短所を述べなさい。【Spring Term】
Express your opinion on selfies. Do you enjoy them or dislike this phenomenon ?
Create a for/against argument, and provide supporting reasons or evidence.
- advent(登場)
- narcissism()
- proponent()
- detractor()
- distasteful()
- With the advent of camera phones, selfie-taking has become a widespread habit.()
- People criticize selfies for many reasons, saying that they can promote narcissism.()
- Proponents of selfie taking say it is a good way to enhance self-confidence.()
- Whether you find it enjoyable or distasteful, it seems selfies are here to stay. ()
- Selfies are a social trend, but one must be extremely careful with morals and behaviors when taking them in public.()