
I'm looking for the one that I can easily connect with other divices. Also, I'm going to put it in my office, so I want you to consider the internet connection.
I'm looking for one that I can easily connect with other devices. Also, I'm going to put it in my office, so I want you to consider the internet connection.
Other devices are like iPad, PC made by Lenovo, Del, and Apple. Are those readily available with your copy machine?
Other devices like iPads and PCs made by Lenovo, Dell, and Apple. Are those readily available with your copy machine?
2. You are talking about iPads in general, so the noun needs to be in the plural form.
3. Use the conjunction "and" to join two words, phrases, parts of sentences, or related statements together.
4. You are talking about PCs in general, so the noun needs to be in the plural form.
5. Correct spelling.
I see. At last time we installed new copiers, we had a really hard time those being ready. I wish you had such a service. However you mentioned you have two type of copires. That's great. Is there another merit on your product?
I see. The last time we installed new copiers, we had a really hard time making them ready. I wish you had such a service. However, you mentioned you have two types of copiers. That's great. Is there another merit to your products?
2. This is a better phrase to use in this context.
3. Use a comma after introductory phrases.
4. You are talking about more than one type, so the noun needs to be in the plural form.
5. Correct spelling.
6. The preposition "to" is used to denote "in connection with".
7. You are talking about more than one product, so the noun needs to be in the plural form.
That's also great. We still rely on printed documents when dealing with clients, so the function is really helpful for us. How much does it cost?
Of course, the cheapest is better. What are the differences among those? We handle documents color copied, so the function is necessary.
Of course, the cheapest one is better. What are the differences among the three mentioned? We handle color documents, so this function is necessary.
- clarity(鮮明さ、明瞭さ)
- effective(効果的な)
- justify(正当化する)
- reputable(評判の良い、信頼できる)
- affordable(手頃な)
- consistency(一貫性、調和、整合性)
- obsolete(旧式の)
- replicate((名)再現、反復、(動)複製する)
- investment(投資、出資)
- reliability(信頼性)
- I am concerned about the reliability of your copy machines.(コピー機の信頼性が気になります。)
- Have you tested their durability?(それらの耐久性について検査しましたか?)
- May I see some research data on the clarity of the print?(印刷の鮮明さについての研究データを見てもいいですか?)
- Do your machines make consistently good copies?(安定して良いコピーができていますか?)
- How can I justify this cost to my accounting department?(このコストをどうやって経理部に正当化すればいいのか?)
- I can only purchase equipment from reputable companies.(一流の会社から備品だけを購入できます。)
- We consider this large purchase to be an investment.(この大きな買い物は投資を考えています。)
- Do you have any machines that are more affordable?(もっとお手頃な価格の機械はありますか?)
- Are you able to replicate your past success?(過去の成功をまた成し遂げられますか?)
- Your advertising campaign has been very effective.(あなたの宣伝活動はとても効果的です。)
2. Correct spelling.