
Let's talk about how to spend your vacation.
Do you have any plans for the vacation?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Do you have any plans for the vacation?

My family has a three-day holiday because my husband's company is following the US holidays. I don't tell anyone in detail not to upset them. Some people are hostile to his job. I prefer to stay home whenever it's a three-day holiday. Nowadays, most people can financially afford to go elsewhere, so going out is rare, and ways to spend holidays have been diversified. We take a trip during an extended holiday but secretly conduct a trip without telling anyone for security reasons.


My family has a three-day holiday because my husband's company is following the US holidays. I don't tell anyone in detail not to upset them. Some people are hostile to his job. so I prefer to stay home whenever it's a three-day holiday. Nowadays, most people can financially afford to go elsewhere, so going out is rare, and the ways to spend holidays have been diversified. We take a trip during an extended holiday but secretly conduct    trips without telling anyone for security reasons.

1. A conjunction is missing. ‘and’, ‘or,’ ‘so,’ and ‘but’ connect two parts of sentences that are similar in grammatical status. Use ‘and’ to add information, ‘or’ to give alternatives, ‘but’ for unexpected or different information, and ‘so’ to introduce clauses of result or decision.
2. Use "the" when referring to something specific, be it an object, person, type of object or person, or a particular quality of an object or person. Neglecting to include it can pose challenges in discussing a specific object or person unless you resort to using words like "this," "that," or a proper noun.
3&4. When more than one person or object is involved in the action, the verb should be plural. Follow the format to minimize disagreement within the sentence.
That makes sense. Sometimes it's best to keep things low-key and enjoy your time without worrying about what others think or say. It sounds like you have a good balance between enjoying trips and maintaining privacy. Do you have any favorite destinations or activities you like to do during these secret trips?

I hope so. Some people always annoy me by asking what I do on weekends, though. I don't want to tell them the truth, so I answer vaguely. I can follow a friend of mine's answers. He usually answers such questions, saying that he was masturbating or praying. I wish they could ask me more abstractly, like, "Anything new?" Well, there are many favorite or exciting places, but I wouldn't say I like trips. I like doing nothing and cuddling my little puppy and my husband.


I hope so, though some people always annoy me by asking what I do on weekends. I don't want to tell them the truth, so I answer vaguely. I can also follow a friend of mine's answers. He usually answers such questions, by saying that he was masturbating or praying. I wish they could ask me more abstractly, like, "Anything new?" Well, there are many favorite or exciting places, but I wouldn't say I like trips. I like doing nothing and cuddling my little puppy and my husband.

1. The selected term is misplaced. Move it to the correct position in the sentence.
2. You are correct. It's an addition.
3. A preposition is missing. ‘by’ explains someone's action or who acted.
It's lovely that you cherish those quiet moments with your family and furry friend. Sometimes, the best vacations are the ones where you can just relax and enjoy each other's company without any pressure to do anything extravagant. Speaking of which, do you have any special plans for this upcoming three-day holiday?

My husband is like my cute, cuddly, and furry little puppy. Every day is unique and a holiday for me. Something extravagant is usual and has bored me already. Instead, I wish I could have authority and silence annoying fellow. I don't want to feel pressured to do something, but some people can't resist forcing me to do that.


My husband is like my cute, cuddly, and furry little puppy. Every day is unique and a holiday for me. Something extravagant is usual in my life and has come to bore  me already. Instead, I wish I could have the authority and silence annoying fellows. I don't want to feel pressured to do something, but some people can't resist forcing me to do that.

1. You are correct. It's an addition.
2. You are heading in the right direction, but, it’s incomplete, and an additional component to the hanging sentence would be appropriate.
3. Subject-verb disagreement is a frequent error in writing, occurring when the verb conjugation does not align with the point of view (first, second, or third) and number (singular or plural) of the subject.
4. Use "the" when referring to something specific, be it an object, person, type of object or person, or a particular quality of an object or person. Neglecting to include it can pose challenges in discussing a specific object or person unless you resort to using words like "this," "that," or a proper noun.
5. When more than one person or object is involved in the action, the verb should be plural. Follow the format to minimize disagreement within the sentence.
  • plan(計画)
  • sightseeing(観光)
  • relaxation(リラックス)
  • booking(予約する)
  • 2 days and 3 nights(2泊3日)
  • I will be traveling to Kyoto for two days and three nights.(2泊3日で京都に行く予定です。)
  • I am planning a trip abroad.(海外旅行を計画しています。)
  • Are you planning to go somewhere?(どこかへ行く予定はありますか?)
  • I plan to go to the outlet mall and do some shopping.(アウトレットに行って買い物をする予定です。)
  • I plan to go to a hot spring to relax.(温泉に行ってリラックスする予定です。)


  • 初級
  • 雑談