To adorn carp streamers is a Japanese traditional custom conducted on May 5. The day is called the children's day. People adorn colorhul floats like carps over the river or their houses . A long time ago in China, a carp could climb a waterfall after that the carp became a dragon. The story was transmitted to Japan and people thought carps were the symbol of great success. Today people decorate with carp streamers to wish for the healthy growth of their children.
To adorn carp streamers is a Japanese traditional custom conducted on May 5. The day is called the children's day. People adorn colorful floats like carps over the river or their houses. A long time ago in China, a carp could climb a waterfall, after that the carp became a dragon. The story was transmitted to Japan and people thought carps were the symbol of great success. Today, people decorate with carp streamers to wish for the healthy growth of their children.
Yes, I have a similar cultural celebration. While people decorate with carp streamers to wish for the healthy growth of their children especially 'boys', people decorate with the hina dolls to wish for the healthy growth of 'girls' during the Girls' Festival. It's held on March 3. On that day, people celebrate by eating cake. Both carp streamers and the hina dolls are traditional customs.
Yes, I have a similar cultural celebration. While people decorate with carp streamers to wish for the healthy growth of their children, especially 'boys', people decorate with the hina dolls to wish for the healthy growth of 'girls' during the Girls' Festival. It's held on March 3. On the day, people celebrate by eating cake. Both carp streamers and the hina dolls are traditional customs.
Yes, I have a specific tradition. When I was born, my mother gave me a pretty hina doll. Also, when my mother was born, my grandma gave her it. Therefore, my hina doll have been lived for over 60 years.
Yes, I have a specific tradition. When I was born, my mother gave me a pretty hina doll. Also, when my mother was born, my grandma gave it to her. Therefore, my hina doll have lived for over 60 years.
- Carp Streamer(鯉のぼり)
- traditional (伝統的な)
- colorful(カラフルな)
- auspicious(縁起の良い)
- adorn(飾る)
- Koinobori is very uniquely Japanese.(鯉のぼりは日本独自のものです。)
- They come in a variety of colors and sizes and symbolize a family. (family in general - any family; the-to specify)(色も大きさもさまざまで、家族を表しています。)
- On Children's Day, people decorate their houses with carp streamers to wish for the healthy growth of their children.(子どもの日に、子どもの健やかな成長を願って家に飾ります。)
- In some areas you can see large carp streamers decorating rivers.(ある地域では川に飾られた大きな鯉のぼりを見ることができます。)
- Three carp streamers in a row are typical.(3匹並んだ鯉のぼりが一般的です。)
2. Punctuate by removing the space before the full stop.
3, 4. Punctuate by adding a comma.