
Let's express your appreciation.
Thank you so much for everything.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Thank you so much for everything.

I am very grateful to my English teacher Mirjana. She is not only an English teacher but also a friend with whom I can talk about anything. She encouraged me a lot when I had a hard time. I can't thank her enough.


I am very grateful to my English teacher Mirjana. She is not only an English teacher but also a friend with whom I can talk about anything. She encouraged me a lot when I had a hard time. I can't thank her enough.

Excellent work, you can also use these alternatives;
1. ''incredibly''
2. ''went through''
3. ''I'm incredibly grateful for her assistance''
Mirjana sounds like a wonderful teacher and friend! How has her support and encouragement influenced your growth and confidence in learning English?

She always compliments me on my English, which gives me confidence. She knows the English grammar that I am lacking and efficiently conducts 25-minute lessons.


She always compliments me on my English, which gives me confidence. She knows the English grammar that I am lacking and efficiently conducts 25-minute lessons with me.

Excellent work, you can use these alternatives;
1. ''praises''
2. ''boosts my''

3. Add ''with me'' to convey that you have lessons with your teacher here.
Have long have you known each other? She is indeed a wonderful teacher from your words. How often do you have a 25-minute lesson in a week?

I have taken 1740 lessons so far since 2018. I always take six lessons in a week. I believe it makes my English skills build up.


I have taken 1740 lessons so far since 2018. I always take six lessons in a week. I believe it enhances my English skills.

1. Excellent work, you can also say ''frequently''
2. Conventionally, we use the verb ''enhance'' or ''improve'' to convey how your English skills become better as a result of taking lessons. This improves sentence flow and natural phrasing.

Thank you. Have a great Speaking lesson!
  • appreciate (感謝する)
  • gratitude(感謝の気持ち)
  • care(心遣い)
  • grow up(成長する)
  • memorable(思い出深い)
  • I have learned a lot from all of you.(私は皆さんからたくさんのことを学ばせていただきました。)
  • It is thanks to all of you that I have grown.(私が成長できたのは、皆さんのおかげです。)
  • I remember how you gently encouraged me when I made mistakes.(私が失敗した時、優しく励ましてくれたことが思い出に残っています。)
  • Working with such an inspirational team has motivated me.(この刺激的なチームと仕事をすることで、自分のモチベーションが上がりました。)
  • I will never forget this precious experience.(この貴重な経験を私は忘れません。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • 感謝する