
Talking about foods that are in season for now.
What foods are in season right now?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What foods are in season right now?

There are many seasonal fruits in Japanese autumn. For example, grape, pumpkins, Japanese pears, Japanese persimmons, and chestnuts are popular autumn fruits.
My favorite fruits is Japanese pear. It is crisp like an apple and juicy like an typical pear. I ate 10 or more this autumn.


There are many seasonal fruits in Japanese autumn. For example, grapes, pumpkins, Japanese pears, Japanese persimmons, and chestnuts are popular autumn fruits.
My favorite fruit is the Japanese pear. It is crisp like an apple and juicy like a typical pear. I ate 10 or more this autumn.

1. You are talking about grapes in general, so the noun needs to be in the plural form.
2. In this case, the noun "fruit" is an uncountable noun, so the plural form is also "fruit".
3. Use the definite article when referring to something specific or unique.
4. You need the indefinite article "a" when referring to a non-specific, singular noun mentioned for the first time, in this case, modified by an adjective.
apanese pears sound delicious! They must be a real treat in autumn. Do you enjoy them on their own, or do you like to use them in recipes or desserts?

I enjoy them on their own. I think it is the best way to eat. Although one of the reason is that I can't cook well, I think Japanese pear is so fresh that we can enjoy its flavor of the ingredients.


I enjoy them on their own. I think it is the best way to eat them. Although one of the reasons is that I can't cook well, I think Japanese pear is so fresh that we can enjoy the flavor of the ingredients.

1. Use the pronoun "them" as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to two or more people or things previously mentioned or easily identified.
2. The phrase "one of" implies one part out of many, so the noun has to be in plural form.
3. Use the definite article when referring to something specific or unique.
That makes sense! In the Philippines, mangoes and lanzones are in season right now. They are so delicious!

Great! I love Mango but it is luxury fruits in Japan because we cannot harvest them. I can't forget the taste of them when I went to Philippine before.
I heard about lanzones for the first time. How does it taste?


Great! I love mangoes, but they are luxury fruits in Japan because we cannot harvest them. I can't forget the taste of them when I went to the Philippines before.
I heard about lanzones for the first time. How do they taste?

1. The word is in the middle of the sentence, so there is no need for an upper-case letter. In addition, you are talking about mangoes in general, so the noun needs to be in the plural form. Also, you need a comma before the conjunction "but" because it's followed by an independent clause.
2. The pronoun "they" is used as the subject of a verb to refer to people, animals, or things already mentioned or, more generally, to a group of people not clearly described.
3. The auxiliary verb needs to be equated with the pronoun in the 3rd person plural form now.
4. The correct name of the country is the Philippines.
5. Same as correction No. 3.
6. Same as correction No. 2.
Lanzones have a sweet and slightly tangy flavor, similar to grapes, but with a unique fragrance. The texture is juicy and tender, making them quite refreshing. They’re often eaten fresh. Have you tried any other fruits from the Philippines, or are there any that you’re curious about?

Thank you for sharing the details! It is so interesting. I will definitely try it next time I go there!
I remember eating mangosteens, pineapples, and coconuts water. Mangosteens and pineapples ware very sweet and juicy. However, coconuts water was not sweet. It was interesting that we inserted a straw into the coconut fruits, but taste wasn't good for me.


Thank you for sharing the details! It is so interesting. I will definitely try them next time I go there!
I remember eating mangosteens, pineapples, and coconut water. Mangosteens and pineapples were very sweet and juicy. However, coconut water was not sweet. It was interesting that we inserted a straw into the coconut fruits, but the taste wasn't good for me.

1. Use the pronoun "them" as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to two or more people or things previously mentioned or easily identified.
2. The noun functions as an adjective here, so it needs to be in the singular form.
3. & 4. Correct spelling.
5. Use the definite article when referring to something specific or unique.
You're welcome! I'm glad you found it interesting! Mangosteens and pineapples are indeed delicious, and they’re such a treat in the Philippines. Coconut water can be a bit of an acquired taste; some people love it, while others find it less appealing. I personally love it because we have a lot of coconut trees around our house.

I see. Perhaps because I was imagining coconuts milk, I thought it was not as sweet as I expected.
As you said, there are a lot of coconut trees and many stalls sold it. It's amazing that you can pick them in your own house!


I see. Perhaps because I was imagining coconut milk, I thought it was not as sweet as I expected.
As you said, there were a lot of coconut trees, and many stalls sold coconuts. It's amazing that you can pick them at your own house!

1. The noun functions as an adjective here, so it needs to be in the singular form.
2. Use the Past Simple Tense here to refer to an event or situation that happened once and is now finished.
3. You need a comma before the conjunction "and" because it's followed by an independent clause.
4. Use this noun to clarify your statement.
5. The preposition "at" is used to show an exact position or particular place.
  • season(旬)
  • seasonally(季節ごと)
  • most delicious(最も美味しい)
  • nutritious(栄養のある)
  • limited(限定)
  • ~ is in season right now.(今が旬の食べ物は〜です。)
  • Do you have a favorite seasonal food?(好きな季節の食べ物はありますか?)
  • ~ is only available in limited areas in Japan.(~ は日本では限られた地域でしか入手できません。)
  • Seasonal foods are rich in nutrients.(旬の食べ物は栄養が豊富です。)
  • Seasonal foods are really delicious and are cheaper.(季節の食べ物はとても美味しく、手頃な価格で買うことができます。)


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