
Reminding your customer of a payment
It's good to see you again.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
It's good to see you again.

Hello. Thank you for using our service for a long time. My name is Kei Takahashi from ABC. Inc and I'm in charge of processing a payment of almost all clients regarding Project A. According to our records administered by the department abroad, we haven't received a payment from you since last quarter. We would be pleased if you could confirm your payment status.


Hello. Thank you for using our service for a long time. My name is Kei Takahashi from ABC Inc. and I'm in charge of processing     payments for almost all clients regarding Project A. According to our records administered by the department abroad, we haven't received a payment from you since last quarter. We would be pleased if you could confirm your payment status.

1. ''a'' is not necessary.
2. Use a plural noun for a general reference.
3. Use ''for'' to indicate the purpose.
I apologize for the delay. We sent an email to the company last month about our payment problem. Our company is under internal dispute, so our operations have been affected.

Thank you for your clarification. I understand. Could you please when is your payment able to accomplished? It has passed two months already from the original deadline settled by us; therefore, we would be helpful if you could proceed this at your earliest convenience.


Thank you for your clarification. I understand. Could you please tell me when      your payment will be accomplished? It has passed two months already from the original deadline settled by us; therefore, it would be helpful if you could proceed with this at your earliest convenience.

1. ''is'' is not necessary.
2. Use ''will be'' to make the meaning clear.
3. Use ''it'' to refer to the situation.
4. Use ''with'' to form ''proceed with''.
Thank you for your understanding. We're doing our best to settle the matter to avoid further inconvenience to our partners. Is it possible to pay in installments?

I'm afraid that we can't accept any payment in installments because it has almost passed December, which is our financial month. We shouldn't pass over 2025. If this requirement can't be suit to your needs, we have no choice but to claim a late payment fee, which is 20% of the total price.


I'm afraid that we can't accept any payment in installments because  December has almost passed, which is our financial month. We shouldn't pass over 2025. If this requirement can't     suit     your needs, we have no choice but to claim a late payment fee, which is 20% of the total price.

1. Rephrase to make the meaning clear.
2. ''be'' is not necessary.
3. ''to'' is not necessary.
I'm grateful for your patience. We're doing everything we can to solve our issues. What do you think about receiving payment after a month?

I hope your situation is getting better soon. If you are to process after a month, which is December 25, we need to charge an extra as I mentioned before. After confirming your original payment, I will send you an estimate of the late payment fee as soon as possible.


I hope your situation is getting better soon. If you are to process after a month, which is December 25, we need to charge an extra fee as I mentioned before. After confirming your original payment, I will send you an estimate of the late payment fee as soon as possible.

1. Add the word ''fee'' to indicate what the ''extra'' refers to.
I'm sorry, but it's still July. Payment after a month would be sometime in August. I understand that we would receive a 20% penalty if we fail to pay by December. Let me contact you again once we send our payment.

We'd appreciate your corporation. I'm sure to accept your payment schedule. I'll get other staff members informed with this status after I get back to my office today. Is there anything else you've concerned about project A?


We'd appreciate your cooperation. I'm sure to accept your payment schedule. I'll get other staff members informed of this status after I get back to my office today. Is there anything else you're concerned about Project A?

1. Spelling correction.
2. Use ''of'' to indicate a link.
3. Use ''you're'' for clarity.
4. Capitalise the initial letter of a proper noun.
  • stir(動揺、かきまわすこと)
  • inspect(検査する、視察する)
  • responsibility(義務、〔費用の〕負担)
  • value(価値、値打ち)
  • recourse(償還請求、頼ること)
  • recall(思い出すこと、取り消し)
  • reputation(評判、風評)
  • integrity(誠実、品位)
  • apparently(どうやら~らしい、一見したところ~のようだ)
  • intention(~する意図[意思]があること)
  • Even the most experienced occasionally draw a blank during a lecture.(経験豊富な人でも、講義中に頭が真っ白になることがあります。)
  • The integrity of your company rests upon the shoulders of its employees.(あなたの会社の整合性は、従業員にかかっています。)
  • As far as I'm concerned, he is out of sight, out of mind.(私としては、彼は見えないところにいて、心にも残らない。)
  • Would you like to negotiate a repayment plan?(返済のご計画について話し合いましょうか。)
  • May I remind you of your late payment before it completely slips your mind?(お支払いが遅れていることを忘れないようにしましょう。)
  • Before you lose sight of your responsibility, please make a payment.(あなたの職責を見失う前に、支払いをしてください。)
  • Your paying due date has already passed.(あなたの支払い請求は支払い期限を過ぎています。)
  • Do you not value the reputation of your company?(自分の会社の評判を大切にしないのですか?)
  • If you refuse to pay, I will have no choice but to notify the authorities.(もし支払いを拒否されましたら、当局に連絡が入ります。)
  • It is not my intention to give you a hard time.(あなたを責めるつもりはありません。)


  • ビジネス
  • 初級
  • 交渉
  • 仕事依頼
  • 社外業務