
Explaining the treatment to the patient's family.
I would like to know about the treatment plan.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
I would like to know about the treatment plan.

Your diagnosis is acute cholangitis. The duct connecting the gallbladder and intestines is blocked for some reason, causing inflammation. You will need to be hospitalized, and we will administer antibiotics. If necessary, we will perform an endoscopic procedure to remove the blockage.


Your diagnosis is acute cholangitis. The duct connecting the gallbladder and intestines is blocked for some reason, causing inflammation. You will need to be hospitalized, and we will administer antibiotics. Should the need arise, we will perform an endoscopic procedure to remove the blockage.

1. Not incorrect, an alternative.
Thank you for the diagnosis. Could you please provide more details about the hospitalization process and the antibiotics that will be administered? Also, I'd like to understand more about the endoscopic procedure and under what circumstances it would be necessary. What can I expect in terms of recovery time and follow-up care?

You had better be hospitalized right now, so you have to finish the necessary documents. A nurse will explain it later. The period of antibiotics depends on the change of your laboratory, but it probably is about one week. About the endoscopic procedure, I will explain it carefully using explanatory paper later.


You had better be hospitalized right now, so you have to finish the necessary documents. A nurse will explain it later. The period of antibiotics depends on the change of your laboratory, but it probably is about one week. As for the endoscopic procedure, I will explain it carefully using an explanatory paper later.

1. Not incorrect, an alternative.
2. As "paper" is a singular countable noun in this case, it requires an article.
I will fill in the details in a moment. How long will it take to recover and will the procedure be painful?

Thanks. If another problem should not happen, you would be discharged from this hospital after antibiotics is finished, so you will recover in about ten days. The endoscopic procedure won't be painful, as we will do sedation for you.


Thanks. If another problem should not happen, you would be discharged from this hospital after you've finished with the antibiotics, so you will recover in about ten days. The endoscopic procedure won't be painful, as we will sedate you.

1. This is more natural; it's how a native speaker is more likely to phrase it.
2. See 1.
  • treatment plan(治療方針)
  • surgery(手術をする)
  • medicine(薬)
  • side effect(副作用)
  • be hospitalized(入院する)
  • detailed examination(精密検査)
  • We have a treatment plan for your mother. Shall we discuss it?(お母様の治療計画があります。相談しましょう。)
  • Your father needs surgery for a full recovery.(お父様の完治には手術が必要です。)
  • We've prescribed a new medicine for your son's condition.(お子さんの症状に合わせて新しい薬を処方しました。)
  • This medicine is effective, but there are potential side effects.(この薬は効果的ですが、副作用が出る可能性があります。)
  • Considering his condition, your father will need to stay a few nights for observation.(お父様の状態を考えると、数日間の入院が必要でしょう。)
  • We recommend a detailed examination for your mother to understand her condition better.(お母様の状態をより正確に把握するために、詳しい検査をお勧めします。)


  • ビジネス
  • 中級
  • 病院/医療業界
  • 病院