
Handling the loss of your student ID card.
I lost my student ID card.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
I lost my student ID card.

That's unfortunate. May I have your name? Let me see your information with our database just in case. Also could you tell me when was the last time you used your student ID card?


That's unfortunate. May I have your name? Let me check your information in our database just in case. Also could you tell me when was the last time you used your student ID card?

1 better word choice, inspect it
2 should use 'in' with 'database' to express where the information is located
Certainly, my name is Kim Chiu. Please check the database to see if my information is there. The last time I used my student ID card was two days ago. Is there any specific procedure I should follow if my ID card isn't found in the database or if it's still missing?

Now,I've confirmed your status with our database. Yes, your ID card was actually used at the Library two days ago. Is that correct? There aren't any ID cards found at school. If you miss if for sure, please write this form and submit it here. We will make the old card invalid and issue a new one within a day. It'll take 1,000 yen for reissue the card. Is that okay?


Now, I've confirmed your status in our database. Yes, your ID card was actually used at the library two days ago. Is that correct? We have not found any lost ID cards at the school. If you are sure that you lost it, please fill out this form and submit it here. We will deactivate your old card and issue a new one within a day. It costs 1,000 yen to reissue the card. Is that okay?

1. should use preposition 'in' here
2 it shouldn't be capitalized
3 your expression was rephrased to sound more natural in this context
4 your expression was rephrased to sound more natural, if he is certain that he lost the card
5 it's more natural to say 'fill out a form'
6 your expression was rephrased to sound more natural, it means it will be invalid
7 this is a more natural way to say there is a 1000 yen fee, 'take' is not used with 'money'
Thank you for checking. Yes, it seems my ID card was indeed used at the Library two days ago. I appreciate your assistance in issuing a new card. Are there any specific documents or identification requirements needed when submitting the form for the reissue of the ID card?

Yes, you need to present your passport when submitting the documentation. Oh, by the way, have you checked the library if there was your ID card left behind? I recommend you to check that just in case. All the lost-and found items are administered here, but sometimes it takes time to send them here.


Yes, you need to present your passport when submitting the documentation. Oh, by the way, have you checked with the library to see if you left your ID card there? I recommend you to check with them just in case. All the lost-and found items are kept here, but sometimes it takes time to send them here.

1. your expression was rephrased to sound a little more natural
2 better wording, check with the library staff
3 better word choice, you store them there
Thank you for the reminder about the passport. I haven't checked the library for my ID card yet. Do you know the best way to contact the library to inquire about lost items?

Oh, you can visit the library and ask the staff there. I think there is an office on the first floor, just next to the entrance.


Oh, you can visit the library and ask the staff there. I think there is an office on the first floor, just next to the entrance.

Another expression: ask the staff in person.
That sounds like a helpful suggestion! Thank you so much for assisting me. I appreciate it a lot. I'll give you an update soon.

Sure. This desk is open until five. If you came here by three, you can get your new IF card on the day, but after that, you can get it next day. I hope you'll find it at the library.


Sure. This desk is open until five. If you came here by three, you can get your new ID card  the same dayHowever, if you come after 3 pm you can get it the next day. I hope you'll find it at the library.

1 correct spelling
2 better wording if he comes tomorrow or another day by 3 pm, you can say 'get the card the same day'. If you are talking about today, you should say 'you can get the card today'.
3 better to start a new sentence here, your expression was rephrased for better clarity
4 should use definite article to refer to a specific day
  • lose(なくす)
  • lost and found(遺失物取扱所)
  • features(特徴)
  • reissue(再発行)
  • procedure(手続き)
  • application form (申請書)
  • fee(手数料)
  • ID photo(証明写真)
  • issuing days(発行日数)
  • sticker(シール)
  • When was the last time you used your student ID card?(あなたが最後に学生証を使用したのはいつですか?)
  • Could you tell me more about the location and situation?(場所と状況について詳しく教えてください。)
  • It takes two weeks to reissue yout student ID card.(学生証の再発行には2週間かかります。)
  • Could you come back tomorrow with your photo ID?(明日、証明写真を持ってまた来てくれますか?)
  • If it is found during the reissue process, it cannot be cancelled.(手続き中に見つかっても、キャンセルはできません。)


  • ビジネス
  • 初級
  • シーンリクエスト
  • 大学・短大・専門学校