
Talking about your English learning goals
Tell me about your English learning goals!
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Tell me about your English learning goals!

Hi! My name is Keisuke Nakagawa. Please call me Kei. How are you? I'd like to share my learning English goals. My aim is to become an online English teacher by the time I'm 45 years old.


Hi! My name is Keisuke Nakagawa. Please call me Kei. How are you? I'd like to share my English learning goals. My aim is to become an online English teacher by the time I'm 45 years old.

1. Changed the word order to make the sentence idiomatic.
Hi Kei! It's nice to meet you. Becoming an online English teacher sounds like a rewarding goal. What steps are you taking to work towards achieving your dream, and do you have any specific areas of English language or teaching skills you're focusing on to prepare for your future career aspirations?

Hi! I'm sorry to late reply.
My steps to achieve my goal start with working on pronunciation. I heard that even if my grammar is incorrect, good pronunciation can make understand. Conversely, even if my pronunciation is correct, poor pronunciation makes misunderstand. After that, I will focus on grammar, listening, and vocabulary.


Hi! I'm sorry for replying late.
My steps to achieve my goal start with working on pronunciation. I heard that even if my grammar is incorrect, good pronunciation can make me understandable. Conversely, even if my pronunciation is correct, poor pronunciation makes it difficult to understand me. After that, I will focus on grammar, listening, and vocabulary.

1. Use the adjective "understandable" here which is defined as - easy to understand.
Those are good plans. How old are you now, and how much time do you need to achieve this goal? Do you have people you can communicate with in English in your daily life?

I'm 39 years old, and I'll be 40 in October. I'd like to become an online teacher within the next 5 years because I want it to be my second job. I don't have any friends I can communicate with in English, so I'd like to make some friends I can communicate with in English for extended periods each day.


I'm 39 years old, and I'll be 40 in October. I'd like to become an online teacher within the next 5 years because I want it to be my second job. I don't have any friends I can communicate with in English, so I'd like to make some friends I can communicate with in English for extended periods each day.

1. Here is an alternative expression. "every".
May I ask what's your primary job? Are you limiting yourself to teaching only English subjects, or are you open to teaching other subjects as well? Have you researched the requirements or qualifications needed to become an online teacher in your desired field?

My primary job is selling flower supplies, and my second job is in aviation security. I have two jobs because I have five kids.
Yes, I'm limiting myself to teaching only English because I'm not good at other subjects such as math, history, or science.
I have to get a TOEIC score over 810 or pass the Eiken per-1 grade.


My primary job is selling flower supplies, and my second job is in aviation security. I have two jobs because I have five kids.
Yes, I'm limiting myself to teaching only English because I'm not good at other subjects such as math, history, or science.
I have to get a TOEIC score of over 810 or pass the Eiken Grade Pre-1.

1. Use the preposition "of" here which is defined as - that is/are.
2. Spelling correction.
You are a hardworking father. How do you manage your time between jobs and family? May I know what aspects of English do you enjoy the most?

I spend with my family expect when I'm working because spending with my family makes me feel fulfilled.
In my opinion, fluent English speakers is very cool. I'd like to become one someday. Haha


I spend time with my family except when I'm working because spending time with my family makes me feel fulfilled.
In my opinion, fluent English speakers are very cool. I'd like to become one someday. Haha.

1. I assume this is what you wanted to say here.
2. Spelling correction.
3. Use plural verb forms with plural nouns.
  • aim(〜することを目指す)
  • target(〔努力などの〕目的、目標)
  • purpose(〔望む〕目的、目標、狙い)
  • improve(〔能力などが〕伸びる、上達する)
  • enhance(〔質・能力などを〕高める、さらによくする)
  • global(グローバルな、地球規模の、全世界の)
  • abroad(外国へ[で]、海外に[で])
  • official language(公用語)
  • second language(第二言語)
  • determined((形)《be ~》決心[覚悟]している)
  • I want to achieve fluency in English so that I can travel and work abroad.(海外旅行や海外で働くために、英語を流暢に話せるようになりたいです。)
  • I'm studying English at an online English school because I can study at my own pace.(オンライン英会話スクールで英語を学んでいるのは、自分のペースで勉強できるからです。)
  • I have studied English for a long time, but I am still not confident when speaking.(長い間英語を勉強してきましたが、話すことにはまだ自信がありません。)
  • I am looking for ways to improve my conversational English skills.(英会話を上達させる方法を探しています。)
  • I am able to understand English text, but I struggle with writing.(英語の文章を理解することはできるが、書くことに苦労している。)
  • I am eager to connect with people from all over the world.(世界中の人たちとつながりたいと思っています。)
  • I would like to have conversations with people from different cultures.(異なる文化の人々と話してみたいと思っています。)
  • I am having trouble with the sudden change to English as the official language of the company.(突然社内公用語が英語になって困っています。)
  • I want to improve my pronunciation.(発音を改善したいと思っています。)
  • I have always dreamed of working abroad.(海外で働くことがずっと夢なんです。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • 留学