
Talking about your English learning goals
Tell me about your English learning goals!
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Tell me about your English learning goals!

My English learning goal is to improve my English talking skill. Since I am a yoga teacher in Malaysia, I usually do the sessions in English, and sometimes I wonder if the students could understand what I really meant. You know, the more advanced the students become, the more details and subtle expressions I need to tell them, and sometimes have to
discuss with them to go deeper. But, unfortunately, I feel my own limit to do so with my current English skill.


My English learning goal is to improve my English speaking skills. Since I am a yoga teacher in Malaysia, I usually do the sessions in English, and sometimes I wonder if the students    understand what I really mean. You know, the more advanced the students become, the more details and subtle expressions I need to use with them, and sometimes    
discuss with them in detail   Unfortunately, I feel my own limit to do so with my current English skills.

1. Use ''speaking'' as it is more formal than ''talking''.
2. Use plural nouns for things in general.
3. The modal verb is not necessary.
4. Use the present tense for something that happens regularly.
5. Use ''use with'' to mean ''speak with them.
6. ''Have to'' is not necessary.
7. Replace with ''in detail'' as ''to go deeper'' is not very clear.
8. Leave out ''But'' as it has the same meaning as ''unfortunately'' and you are also not supposed to start sentences with the word.
9. Capitalise words that start sentences.
That's a great goal, especially with your profession! It makes sense that you'd want to communicate those finer details to your students. Do you have any specific areas of your speech you'd like to focus on improving?

Thank you. I would like to focus on how to express my ideas and feelings. So far, I only use simple words and try to make it not too long sentences.. but sometimes it might be too straight or strong or simple so that people might get confused.


Thank you. I would like to focus on how to express my ideas and feelings. So far, I only use simple words and short sentences, but sometimes I am too straight, strong or simple so that people    get confused.

1. Use ''short sentences'' as it is more precise and less wordy.
2. Use ''I'' as the subject of the clause.
3. Use ''am'' to indicate a state or condition of something.
4. Use a comma to separate items on a list.
5. ''might'' is not necessary.
That's an excellent area to focus on! Expressing ideas and feelings with nuance is definitely a key part of advanced communication. Do you have any examples of situations where you feel your current vocabulary or sentence structure limits your ability to convey what you intend?

I would appreciate that you encourage me a lot. Well, first of all, for all people who do yoga, I would like to tell them not to obsess doing hard. People are prone to believe that trying everything harder is better, which is a mindset very hard to give up. So I think I need more vocabulary in my speech to tell them the "philosophy" by not denying them but encourage them to change.


I would appreciate your encouragement a lot. Well, first of all, I would like to tell my yoga students not to be obsessed with working hard.  People are prone to believe that trying everything harder is better, a mindset which is difficult to easily change   I need more vocabulary to encourage them to change this mindset.

1. Use ''your encouragement'' as the object of the verb ''appreciate''.
2. 3. & 5. Rephrase for clearer meaning.
4. Avoid starting sentences with ''So'', and leave out ''I think'' as it is not necessary.
It sounds like your goal is to inspire a shift in your students' mindset towards a more balanced yoga practice. Can you describe a specific pose or exercise where this concept comes up frequently? Let's work on crafting some phrases together!

Okay. I tends to use the word "cut" or "skip"
to make their yoga pose sequences short,but instead, more focus on doing less poses deliberately... do you have any ideas to motivate them even though I "cut " some of the poses?


Okay. I tend to use the words "cut" or "skip"
to make their yoga pose sequences short, and for them to focus more on doing fewer poses deliberately. Do you have any expressions on how to motivate them instead of "cut " some of the poses?

1. Use the base forms of the verb with ''I''.
2. Use a plural noun as you are referring to two words.
3. Use the phrase as it is clearer.
4. Use ''fewer'' with countable nouns.
5. Use one sentence to end the sentence.
6. Capitalise words that start sentences.
7. Use ''expressions'' to mean words or ways of expressing something.
8. Use ''on how'' to refer to the manner of doing something.
9. Use ''instead of'' to mean in place of something.
You could focus more on form instead. Tell your students to ensure their form is right so they can get the most out of the exercise, and by excluding some poses, they have more time to practice and perfect those poses.

Okay. Thank you.


Okay. Thank you for the advice.

1. You may add the phrase to indicate what you are thanking him or her for.
  • aim(〜することを目指す)
  • target(〔努力などの〕目的、目標)
  • purpose(〔望む〕目的、目標、狙い)
  • improve(〔能力などが〕伸びる、上達する)
  • enhance(〔質・能力などを〕高める、さらによくする)
  • global(グローバルな、地球規模の、全世界の)
  • abroad(外国へ[で]、海外に[で])
  • official language(公用語)
  • second language(第二言語)
  • determined((形)《be ~》決心[覚悟]している)
  • I want to achieve fluency in English so that I can travel and work abroad.(海外旅行や海外で働くために、英語を流暢に話せるようになりたいです。)
  • I'm studying English at an online English school because I can study at my own pace.(オンライン英会話スクールで英語を学んでいるのは、自分のペースで勉強できるからです。)
  • I have studied English for a long time, but I am still not confident when speaking.(長い間英語を勉強してきましたが、話すことにはまだ自信がありません。)
  • I am looking for ways to improve my conversational English skills.(英会話を上達させる方法を探しています。)
  • I am able to understand English text, but I struggle with writing.(英語の文章を理解することはできるが、書くことに苦労している。)
  • I am eager to connect with people from all over the world.(世界中の人たちとつながりたいと思っています。)
  • I would like to have conversations with people from different cultures.(異なる文化の人々と話してみたいと思っています。)
  • I am having trouble with the sudden change to English as the official language of the company.(突然社内公用語が英語になって困っています。)
  • I want to improve my pronunciation.(発音を改善したいと思っています。)
  • I have always dreamed of working abroad.(海外で働くことがずっと夢なんです。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • 留学