
Asking a subordinate to do some extra work
Yes? Did you want to talk to me about something?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Yes? Did you want to talk to me about something?

yes, I know it's really late time, but I want to you do extra reserch about report that is related our project immediately.


Yes, I know it's really late    , but I want to you do extra research about a report that is related to our project immediately.

1. Capitalise on the initial letter of the word that starts a sentence.
2. ''time'' is not necessary.
3. Spelling correction.
4. Use indefinite articles the first time you mention a countable noun: ''a'' for nouns starting with consonant sounds and ''an'' for words beginning with vowel sounds.
5. Use the preposition ''to'' to indicate the relationship between things
I would love to assist, but I need to know the details of the deadline first since I have to attend to my wife's needs. She is scheduled to give birth this month. What research tasks are needed?

Oh congratulation!
So we need informaion about global cyber scurity level and guideline!
And at least, I want that information end of this week.
As you know our clinet want to update their network system to recent version.
So explaintion about current global status will help our client to understand what we doing.


Oh, congratulation!
    We need information about the global cyber security level and guidelines.
     I want that information by the end of this week.
As you know our clients want to update their network systems to recent versions.
An explanation of the current global status will help our clients to understand what we doing.

1. Use a comma after an introductory word or phrase.
2. You are discouraged from starting sentences with conjunctions like, ''And, but, because, also & so''.
3. 5. & 10. Spelling correction.
4. 9. & 15. Use the definite article for something specific.
6. Use a plural noun for things in general and a full stop as an exclamation mark is used to indicate surprise, anger or excitement.
7. The phrase is not necessary.
8. Use ''by'' to indicate the limit or end date for something.
11. 12. & 16. Use plural nouns in keeping with plural determiners or for things in general.
13. Use indefinite articles the first time you mention a countable noun: ''a'' for nouns starting with consonant sounds and ''an'' for words beginning with vowel sounds.
14. Use ''of'' to indicate relating to something.
Oh, I see. I have included some data on this topic since we started updating the network system. I can make a separate report based on this. Would this be all?

Oh, that is really good. That will be really helpful and that mean you already have data about this topic. Then you can make more faster? How long does it takes?
Actually, I need that report ASAP.


Oh, that is really good. That will be really helpful and that means you already have data about this topic. Then you can do it faster? How long does it take?
Actually, I need that report ASAP.

1. Use a singular verb as the subject is singular.
2. Use ''do'' to mean complete the report.
3. Use ''it'' as the object of the verb ''do''.
4. Use the base form of the word after ''does''.
Since it's already this late, can I submit it first thing tomorrow morning? It only needs some revisions and printing.

Tomorrow morning is fine. Thank you, I'm waiting for it.
After send it, please let me know.
Thank you see you tomorrow.


Tomorrow morning is fine. Thank you, I will be waiting for it.
After sending it, please let me know.
Thank you. I will see you tomorrow.

1. Use ''will be'' to refer to future events.
2. Use the gerund to introduce the object of the preposition ''after''.
3. End the sentence to separate two different ideas.
4. Use ''I will'' as the subject and modal verb of the sentence.
No problem. I'm glad I can help. Please let me know tomorrow if there's anything else I can do. Have a nice day.

OK thank you. Have a nice day.


OK, thank you. Have a nice day.

1. Use a comma after an introductory word.
  • reluctant(気乗りしない、しぶしぶの)
  • hesitant(ためらって、優柔不断の)
  • collective(共同体、運営者)
  • cooperation(協力、連携)
  • favor(助け、世話)
  • common(一般的な)
  • teamwork(チームワーク、協力)
  • propensity(傾向)
  • relief(軽減、安心(感))
  • mindful(気を配る、意識している)
  • I'm reluctant to ask, but could you give me a hand with this?(頼みづらいのですが、この仕事を手伝っていただけますか?)
  • You have a propensity to motivate people, so could you join our team?(あなたがいると皆のやる気が出るので、私たちのチームに参加してくれませんか?)
  • Can you lend a helping hand?(手伝っていただけますか?)
  • Our mission is to complete this project by next year.(私たちの目標はこのプロジェクトを来年までに完成させることです。)
  • Can you provide some relief to our department that has been overworked?(我々の部署は過労状態のため、少し休ませていただけませんか?(仕事を減らしていただけますか)?)
  • I hesitate to ask you this because you're so busy, but can you help me with this?(大変お忙しいところ言いづらいのですが、これを手伝っていただけますか?)
  • You need to pull your own weight if you want to get anywhere in this company anytime soon.(この会社ですぐに成功したいのであれば、自分の力を発揮する必要があります。)
  • Can you provide some assistance to Team A?(チームAへの支援をお願いします。)
  • Sorry, I have no choice but to ask you to work overtime today.(申し訳ございませんが、本日は残業していただけないでしょうか?)
  • I'm mindful of how busy you are, but can you help me with this?(あなたのお忙しさは存じておりますが、これを手伝っていただけますでしょうか?)


  • ビジネス
  • 初級
  • 仕事依頼
  • 社内業務