
Saying goodbye to your co-workers
Good luck!
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Good luck!

I really appreciate your support. You always helped me whenever I had to deal with a difficult project. With your deep knowledge and supreme analysis, I could complete the heavy task in short term.


I really appreciate your support. You always helped me whenever I had to deal with a difficult project. With your deep knowledge and supreme analysis, I could quickly complete the heavy task.

1 - Use "quickly" instead of "short." Even if a sentence is grammatically correct, it still might be unclear or hard to follow. Awkward phrasing or unnecessary words force your reader to work harder to understand what you mean. Very long or over-complicated sentences can lead to the same problem. Cutting extra words, tightening up awkward phrasing, and making sure your sentence isn’t too long are good ways to make your writing clearer.
That's good to know. We wish you all the best in your next endeavor. When are you starting with your next job?

I will take my paid vacation from this weekend until the end of this month, so I start to work for the next job from April 1st. Before that, I would like to travel around the country for 4 or 5 days. That would be the last time I could take a long vacation.


I will take my paid vacation from this weekend until the end of this month, so I start to work for my next job on April 1st. Before that, I would like to travel around the country for 4 or 5 days. That would be the last time I could take a long vacation.

1 - A possessive pronoun may sound redundant or awkward when it’s already clear from context who an item or idea belongs to. In these cases, it is often more idiomatic to use a determiner instead of a possessive pronoun.
Possessive pronouns are a better choice when context does not make it clear who an item or idea belongs to.
2 - Prepositions are function words that indicate how a noun or noun phrase relates to the rest of the sentence. Some prepositions, such as in, on, after, or since, express temporal or spatial relationships. In other cases, the relationship is more abstract and the best preposition to use may depend on the words around it. These are known as “dependent prepositions,” and they do not follow any clear pattern.
Choose prepositions carefully because sometimes changing a preposition can completely change the meaning of the phrase. A good dictionary will provide guidance on which prepositions to use with which words.
I see. That sounds grreat. Where do you plan to travel? I'm sure you ar excited for your long vacation.

I'm planning to visit Thailand for a few days. Actually, I have tried to go there 3 years ago but it prevented by the infection of COVID-19. Now I got some free time, so I'm looking forward to sightseeing.


I'm planning to visit Thailand for a few days.     I tried to go there three years ago, but the infection with COVID-19 prevented me. Now that I have some free time,    I'm looking forward to sightseeing.

1 - This is redundant.
2 - Spelling the numbers is recommended.
3 - This is the correct way to construct this part of the sentence.
4,6 - Use this instead of "so."
5 - Add this to complete the sentence.
I see. That sounds wonderful. What beautiful places in Thailand would you like to visit? I heard the beaches are nice.

The beaches in Thailand are said to be so beautiful, I've heard that, too. Also I'd love to visit old temples and study about their historical backgrounds. Recently I bought a camera for me, and I really eager to take many pictures of supreme sceneries.


The beaches in Thailand are said to be so beautiful, I've heard that, too. Also, I'd love to visit old temples and study about their historical backgrounds. Recently, I bought a camera for myself, and I really eager to take many pictures of supreme scenery.

1 - An introductory word (Unfortunately), phrase (Before the party), or clause (If you can join us) sets the stage for the sentence. Introductory clauses and long phrases must always be followed by a comma, while single words and short phrases may or may not. Use a comma when the phrase is a verbal phrase (Running away), a non-essential appositive, or an absolute phrase (The audience waiting). Also use a comma when a pause is necessary or the lack of a comma will cause confusion.
2 - A comma symbolizes a slight pause that can separate ideas or grammatical structures in a sentence. There are dozens of ways to use commas. Some common cases include separating parallel adjectives, setting off nonrestrictive phrases, separating items in a list, and separating an introductory phrase from the rest of a sentence.
3 - A pronoun is a word that is used as a substitute for another noun or noun phrase. They come in a few different forms depending on what they refer to and how they’re used in a sentence.
Subject pronouns include I, you, he, she, it, we, and they. Object pronouns include me, you, him, her, it, us, and them. Possessive pronouns include my, your, his, her, its, our, and their.
4 - Most nouns have a singular and plural form. Words like one, many, or these can affect whether you use the singular or plural form. For example, it’s correct to say one person (person is the singular form). But if you’re talking about more than one person, you’ll need to say many people (people is the plural form).
In some cases, you’ll need to substitute a different word to make everything agree. It’s correct to say a lot of ideas or many ideas. But you can’t say many creativity; you’ll need to say a lot of creativity instead.
That sounds like an amazing trip! Have you planned which beaches and temples you'd like to visit in Thailand, and do you have any particular photography spots in mind to capture those supreme sceneries?

Actually I haven't decided which place to go yet, so I will consider it until the date of boarding the airplane. At least, I won't visit the places that are too far from my hotel.


Actually, I haven't decided which place to go yet, so I will consider it until the date of boarding the airplane. At least I won't visit the places that are too far from my hotel.

1 - An introductory word (Unfortunately), phrase (Before the party), or clause (If you can join us) sets the stage for the sentence. Introductory clauses and long phrases must always be followed by a comma, while single words and short phrases may or may not. Use a comma when the phrase is a verbal phrase (Running away), a non-essential appositive, or an absolute phrase (The audience waiting). Also use a comma when a pause is necessary or the lack of a comma will cause confusion.
2 - Some writers insert commas anytime they would pause slightly in speech, even if the comma isn’t required by any rules of punctuation. Sometimes this is a good way to achieve a casual, speech-like effect in your writing, but the technique should be used sparingly. Using too many unnecessary commas can make your writing stilted and choppy.
  • irreplaceable(掛け替えのない)
  • etched(くっきりと描かれた)
  • remembrance(思い出)
  • longing((名)激しく恋しがること、(形)憧れる)
  • interaction(交流)
  • immemorial(遠い昔の)
  • mission((名)任務、(動)を派遣する)
  • bond(結束)
  • lasting(長続きする)
  • preserved(温存された、酔った)
  • Since time immemorial, humans have depended on each other.(太古の昔から、人間はお互いに依存し合ってきました。)
  • We are all on our own personal journeys.(私たちはそれぞれ自分の使命があります。)
  • In remembrance of me, please treat others with kindness.(私のことを思い出して、どうか人に優しく接してください。)
  • This moment has been forever etched in my mind.(この時を一生忘れません。)
  • The friendships that I have made here are irreplaceable.(ここで培った友情はかけがえのないものです。)
  • I have many lasting memories of this place.(ここでの忘れられない思い出がたくさんあります。)
  • Throughout the years, I have been fortunate to make many close-knit relationships.(この間、私は幸運にも多くの親密な関係を築くことができました。)
  • Please keep in touch.(今後も連絡を取り合いましょう。)
  • You are like family to me.(あなたは私の家族のようなものです。)
  • I really enjoyed our daily interactions.(毎日のやりとりがとても楽しかったです。)


  • ビジネス
  • 初級
  • 説明/釈明
  • 退職交渉