
Notifying your company president about your intention to resign
What would it take to make you change your mind?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What would it take to make you change your mind?

I'm sorry president. My mind would not be changed. I determined my plan with my family and all my family members agreed me.


I'm sorry, president. My mind can not be changed. I determined my plan with my family and all my family members agreed with me.

1. This is a more natural way of expressing a fact here.
2. You are missing a preposition here.
I must admit your decision to resign has taken me by surprise. Would you mind keeping around as I get someone to take over? Why are you resigning?

It' because of my familial issues. I have to earn more salary for our children.


It's because of my familial issues. I have to earn a bigger salary for our children.

1. This is a more natural way of quantifying it.
I see. Have you already found another position? If you don't mind, how much more money are they paying you? Maybe we can work out a pay raise for you if you stay.

The proposed salary was ten thousand dollars per a month.


The proposed salary was ten thousand dollars per    month.

1. You do not need an article here.
  • regretfully(悔やんで)
  • unfortunately(残念ながら、あいにく)
  • gratitude(感謝の気持ち、報恩の念)
  • grateful(感謝する)
  • ponder(じっくり考える)
  • reflect(よく考える)
  • consideration(考慮)
  • balance(バランス)
  • conclusion(結論、決定)
  • ultimate(最終の)
  • I had to weigh this decision very carefully.(とても慎重に考えて下した決断です。)
  • A promotion that will require longer working hours can be a mixed blessing.(労働時間が長くなるプロモーションは、複雑な気持ちにさせられます。)
  • I am extremely grateful for your offer.(私はあなたの申し出に非常に感謝しています。)
  • Unfortunately, I have already made up my mind.(残念ながら、すでに心に決めたことです。)
  • Regretfully, I have already made my decision.(残念ですが、私は決心しました。)
  • I have come to the conclusion that I need to move forward.(行動を起こそうと決意しました。)
  • Upon reflection, I need to stick to my decision.(熟考した上で、私は自分の決断を変えません。)
  • I need to ponder on this for a while.(しばらくこのことについて考える必要があります。)
  • Ultimately, the decision is mine to make.(この最終結論を出したのは私です。)
  • My life was out of balance because I was working very hard for the company.(会社のために一生懸命働いていたので、生活のバランスが崩れていました。)


  • ビジネス
  • 上級
  • 交渉
  • 退職交渉