
Talking with clients about your product
Would you like to talk about your product?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Would you like to talk about your product?

Thank you for your time. I would like to hear about our consulting services from you. What do you think about our consulting services? Do you have any concerns or questions so far?


Thank you for your time. I would like to hear about our consulting services from you. What is your evaluation of our consulting services? Do you have any concerns or questions so far?

1. Your sentence was perfect, alternatively, you could write your sentence like this.
I think your consulting services is one of the best in our country. Have you increased your service fee or charge for this year?

Good to know. I don't think so. Don't worry about that. By the way, we are thinking to launch a new service that provides one-stop dedicated consulting services from consultation to develop the application and O&M. We would like to know your current situation and issue for digitalization. Does your company have any milestone or issue for reaching customers with new value?


Good to know. I don't think so. Don't worry about that. By the way, we are thinking to launch a new service that provides one-stop dedicated consulting services from consultation to develop the application and O&M. We would like to know your current situation and issue for digitalization. Does your company have any milestones or issues with reaching customers with new value?

1.&2. Use plural form when talking in a general context.
Wow, that is very interesting. Our marketing team will launch a new website by the end of the third quarter. What about your company? Do you have any milestones or issues?

Wow nice. We should embrace digitalization. We can support your company to launch a sophisticated website. For the first step, we can also research and conduct interviews with all executives in your company to find and organize critical issues related to digitalization.


Wow, nice. We should embrace digitalization. We can support your company to launch a sophisticated website. For the first step, we can also research and conduct interviews with all executives in your company to find and organize critical issues related to digitalization.

1. Add a comma after an introductory statement like wow, the comma represents a soft pause in your speech delivery.
Oh, okay, then. That sounds amazing. It will surely be a big help for our team. What should be the next steps?

Can we have a meeting?


Can we schedule a meeting?

1. This is an alternative way of expressing the same point, schedule means to arrange or plan.
  • grass-roots(民衆の、根本的な)
  • intimate(~を公言する)
  • demographic(層)
  • reliability(信頼性)
  • supply((名)生活必需品、(動)支給する、提供する)
  • demand((名)要求、(動)要求する、請求する)
  • feedback(フィードバック、意見、評価)
  • consumer(消費者)
  • confidence(信頼、自信、確信)
  • surge((名)急上昇、活性化、殺到、(動)急上昇する、急騰する)
  • Due to current events, the standards for quality control have become more strict.(時事問題もあり、品質管理の基準はより厳しくなっています。)
  • I'd like your feedback on our new product.(私たちの新製品についてフィードバックをお願いします。)
  • What are you hearing about our new product?(私たちの新しい製品について何を聞いていますか?)
  • I'm no expert, so I can only speak from the first-hand experience.(私は専門家ではありませんので、実体験に基づいた話しかできません。)
  • Who are the direct consumers of this product?(この製品を直販する人は誰ですか?)
  • What are the demographics of our target market?(ターゲットとなる市場の人口統計はどうなっていますか?)
  • Recent changes have earned them a high satisfaction rating.(最近の変更により、高い満足度を得ています。)
  • Consumer confidence is waning, so we'll have to make some drastic changes.(消費者の信頼感が薄れてきているので、思い切った改革をしなければならないでしょう。)
  • Whether they're a new or repeat customer, we should always give the same high-quality service.(新規のお客様でも、リピーターのお客様でも、常に同じ質の高いサービスを提供しなければなりません。)
  • We should provide incentives to boost customer loyalty.(お客様のロイヤルティを高めるためのインセンティブを提供すべきです。)


  • ビジネス
  • 初級
  • 内定者研修
  • 新入社員研修
  • 海外出張
  • 製造業
  • ヒアリングする
  • 出張