Factory visit
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Welcome to our factory!
Thank you for inviting us! I am really interested in the manufacturing process. Could you please show me your factory?
Thank you for inviting us! I am really interested in the manufacturing process. Could you please show me your factory?
1. Here's an alternative 'Can you kindly'
Sure, it is quite a fascinating process. Many people are usually interested in the manufacturing process. This way, please.
We have around five thousand employees. The manufacturing section has two thousand employees. We allocate more employees to the manufacturing process because it's tiresome and they work in shifts of six hours. I think that is fair enough.
I understand how you operate such a huge facility, and I agree with you. Resting enough is important for employees to be careful in their work.
Thank you so much for agreeing. Honestly, we are having a hard time managing the break time of our employees. Can't we hire more labor force?
- unannounced(発表されていない、予告なしの)
- inspection(視察)
- routine(ルーティン、決められた方法)
- cursory(大ざっぱな、いいかげんな)
- monitor(モニター、監視装置)
- review(レビュー、報告)
- echelon(階級、レベル)
- prearranged(事前に決められた)
- determine(決定[確定・断定]する)
- facility(施設、設備、便利さ)
- They filed a complaint in an official capacity.(彼らは公式な立場で訴状を提出しました。)
- I'm here to inspect your facilities.(ここの施設を視察しに来ました。)
- I would like to observe your intake procedures.(摂取方法を見学させてください。)
- May I see your telephone log?(あなたの通話記録を見ても良いですか?)
- I would like to schedule interviews with your department heads.(部長とお話する予定を組みたいと思います。)
- The staff in facilities management work to ensure that all of our needs and standards are met.(施設管理のスタッフは、私たちのすべてのニーズと基準が満たされるように働いています。)
- He had to go to the doctor for a routine operation, nothing serious.(彼は、大したことのない定期的な手術のために医者に行かなければならなかった。)
- Can you describe your chain-of-command, please?(指揮系統を説明していただけますか?)
- What is your absentee rate?(欠勤率はどのくらいですか?)
- Our comprehensive training program will give you the skills you need to succeed in a fast-paced working environment.(当社の包括的なトレーニングプログラムでは、ペースの速い職場環境で成功するために必要なスキルを身につけることができます。)