
Apologizing for spilling beer
Oh! Watch out!
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Oh! Watch out!

Oh dear, I'm very very sorry. Your pants got wet. Let's have someone wash them, shall we? If we don't do it right now, the smell of beer will soak in, and it will be hard to wash off later. Please take off your pants in the rest room. I'll try to borrow some pants for you to wear from this restaurant. Take them off quickly.


Oh dear, I'm very very sorry. Your pants got wet. Let's have someone wash them, shall we? If we don't do it right now, the smell of beer will soak in, and it will be hard to wash off later. Please take off your pants in the restroom. I'll try to borrow some pants for you to wear from this restaurant. Take them off quickly.

1 - 'restroom' is only one word.
It is not a big deal! Don't worry that much. Luckily, I brought a change of clothes today since I will be working out at the gym later. It seems that you are not in the mood today. Am I right?

Ah, that was good. I haven't done it on purpose, so there's no reason to get angry. You won't get rid of the dirt on your suit, even if you pay the same amount as your suit at a dry cleaner. I knew your suit was Zegna's 300,000 yen suit. And I have a grudge against you. But I didn't do it on purpose.


Ah, that was good. I haven't done it on purpose, so there's no reason to get angry. You won't get rid of the dirt on your suit, even if you pay the same amount for your suit to get clean at a dry cleaner. I knew your suit was Zegna's 300,000 yen suit and I have a grudge against you. But I didn't do it on purpose.

1 - this is a clearer way to say what you wanted
2 - this should be a continuation of the previous sentence.
I know that you didn't intentionally do it even if you hold a grudge against Well, you are absolutely right about that. That's my problem. This suit is one of my favorites. I am afraid that I can't be able to use it anymore.

Unfortunately, you cannot use this suit forever. I’m sorry about that.


Unfortunately, you cannot use this suit forever. I’m sorry about that.

Good. You have written well here.
  • misdeed(悪行、悪事)
  • indiscretion(軽率な言動)
  • unintentional(故意でない)
  • inappropriate(不適切な、まずい)
  • reciprocation(仕返し、交換)
  • humility(謙虚、謙遜、卑下)
  • remorse(深い後悔)
  • conduct((名)品行、日頃の行い、(動)導く)
  • mitigating(〔罪などを〕軽減する、緩和する)
  • compensation(償い、埋め合わせ)
  • I don't have any excuses, but may I offer an explanation?(弁解の余地はありませんが、説明させていただいてもよろしいでしょうか?)
  • Considering these mitigating circumstances, maybe we should be more lenient.(このような事情を考慮すると、もっと寛大になるべきかもしれません。)
  • It won't happen again.(二度と起こりません。)
  • Let me be the first to apologize.(まず私から謝罪させてください。)
  • I promise that this will never happen again.(今後一切このようなことがないようにいたします。)
  • What can I do to make it up to you?(お詫びとして私に何ができるでしょうか?)
  • I'm sorry.(申し訳ございません。)
  • Please forgive me.(どうかお許しください。)
  • Sorry about that.((それについては)すみませんでした。)
  • I would like to apologize on behalf of my team.(私のチーム(部)を代表して謝ります。)


  • ビジネス
  • 中級
  • 説明/釈明
  • 接待する
  • 社外業務