
Putting a caller on hold
電話対応では、Could you please tell me your name and your phone number? (お名前とお電話番号を伺ってもよろしいでしょうか?) としっかりと相手の名前と電話番号を聞きましょう。聞き取れない場合は、I beg your pardon(すいません、もう一度言って頂けますか?)Could you please speak a little slower? (もう少しゆっくり話していただけますか?) Could you repeat that for me?(もう一度お願いします。)等と言って落ち着いて対処してみましょう。
Hello. This is Jason Thomson. May I speak to Mr. Yamazaki of the sales department?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Hello. This is Jason Thomson. May I speak to Mr. Yamazaki of the sales department?

Hello, this is Machida speaking. Thank you for calling. I'm afraid he isn't at desk now. May I take a message for him? I will tell him to call you back as soon as possible.


Hello, this is Machida speaking. Thank you for calling. I'm afraid he isn't at his desk now. May I take a message for him? I will tell him to call you back as soon as possible.

1. A sentence fragment, also commonly known as an incomplete sentence, is a sentence that is missing a subject, a verb, or both.
Thank you for taking the call, Machida. Could you please let Mr. Yamazaki know that Jason Thomson called and is awaiting his return call? If there is any specific message or reason for the call, kindly pass that along as well.

I understood. I'll tell Mr. Yamazaki that you called him and you are waiting for his return call. Are there any other messages you would like to tell him?


I understand. I'll tell Mr. Yamazaki that you called him, and you are waiting for his return call. Are there any other messages you would like me to tell him?

1. Understood is past tense while understand is present tense. "After I made my sister cry, I finally understood why making fun of others was wrong." "I understand now that cruel words can hurt others."
2. The comma is a tool to indicate a certain separation of words, phrases, or ideas to prevent misreading the writer's intended meaning. Commas are used to separate independent clauses, after an introductory clause or phrase, between all items in a series, to set off nonrestrictive clauses, to set off appositives, to indicate a direct address, and to set off direct quotations.
3. A sentence fragment, also commonly known as an incomplete sentence, is a sentence that is missing a subject, a verb, or both.
Yes, please let Mr. Yamazaki know that the call is regarding the new project proposal. Could you also inform me when he might be available for a call? Thank you.

According to his schedule, he won't be able to call you from 2 PM to 3 PM because he has a another meeting during that time. So he can call you after 3 PM. Are you in a hurry?


According to his schedule, he won't be able to call you from 2 PM to 3 PM because he has   another meeting during that time. So, he can call you after 3 PM. Are you in a hurry?

1. This phrase is repetitive. You are saying the same thing except you have used a different word. The phrase is not needed.
2. The comma is a tool to indicate a certain separation of words, phrases, or ideas to prevent misreading the writer's intended meaning. Commas are used to separate independent clauses, after an introductory clause or phrase, between all items in a series, to set off nonrestrictive clauses, to set off appositives, to indicate a direct address, and to set off direct quotations.
No worries, I don't mind waiting. After 3 PM works for me. Is there anything special you'd like to discuss over the call, or should I just wait for him to contact me?

Sure. I don't have any questions.
Please wait for his return call.
Thank you for calling. Have a good day.


Sure. I don't have any questions.
Please wait for his return call.
Thank you for calling. Have a good day.

1&2&3. The sentence is correct. You can also say, ‘Certainly. I have no inquiries at the moment. Please anticipate his call back. Thank you for reaching out. Have a pleasant day.'
Would he mind if you gave me his mobile number, in case he does not call me? Thank you for the assistance and enjoy your day.

Oh, I'm sorry I'm not aware of that.
Are you ready to take it down?
His mobile phone number is 080-1234-5678.
Please call the number if you don't hear from him.
Thank you for calling. Have a nice day.


Oh, I'm sorry I'm not aware of that.
Are you ready to take it down?
His mobile phone number is 080-1234-5678.
Please call the number if you don't hear from him.
Thank you for calling. Have a nice day.

1&2. You are right. You could also have said, ‘If you do not receive any communication from him, please contact the number provided. Thank you for your call. Have a pleasant day.'
  • urgent matter(緊急事項)
  • I'm not sure(さてどうでしょう、良く分かりません)
  • Certainly(確かに)
  • approximately( two hours)(およそ(2時間))
  • Hold on, please(そのままでいてください(電話を切らずにお待ち下さい))
  • Could you please hold (the line)?(そのまま電話を切らずにお待ちいただけますか。)
  • I'll put you through (him) right away.(すぐに(彼に)おつなぎします。)
  • May I take a message for him? (May I take your message?)(伝言を承りましょうか?)
  • May I ask your number, please?(あなたの番号をお尋ねしてもよろしいですか?)
  • He doesn't seem to be at his desk now.(今、彼はデスクにいないようです。)
  • I'll tell him to call you back as soon as possible.(できるだけ早くあなたに後で電話するようにと彼に伝えます。)
  • In case he doesn't come back by 4 pm, could you make sure to feed the dog?(万が一16時になっても彼が帰ってこなかったら、犬の餌やりをしておいてもらえますか?)
  • He is out to lunch now.(彼は今、ランチに出かけています。)
  • I'll tell him you called.(彼にあなたからご連絡があったとお伝え致します)


  • ビジネス
  • 初級
  • 内定者研修
  • 新入社員研修
  • 電話応対
  • 要件を伝える