
Putting a caller on hold
電話対応では、Could you please tell me your name and your phone number? (お名前とお電話番号を伺ってもよろしいでしょうか?) としっかりと相手の名前と電話番号を聞きましょう。聞き取れない場合は、I beg your pardon(すいません、もう一度言って頂けますか?)Could you please speak a little slower? (もう少しゆっくり話していただけますか?) Could you repeat that for me?(もう一度お願いします。)等と言って落ち着いて対処してみましょう。
Hello. This is Jason Thomson. May I speak to Mr. Yamazaki of the sales department?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Hello. This is Jason Thomson. May I speak to Mr. Yamazaki of the sales department?

Hello. This is Asami Tamura of the sales department. Sorry, he is out of office now. Would you like call back?


Hello. This is Asami Tamura of the sales department. Sorry, he is out of the office now. Would you like him to call you back?

1. Add "the" before "office" to complete the commonly used phrase "out of the office." "Out of office" without "the" is incorrect and sounds incomplete.
2. Add "him to" to clarify who should perform the action of calling back. The phrase "Would you like him to call" is the correct way to phrase a request for someone else to take action.
3. Add "you" at the end of the question to clearly indicate who should be called back. "You" is necessary to make the sentence grammatically complete and to specify the recipient of the call.
It is urgent. When will he be back? We were supposed to have a Zoom meeting, but he wasn't present. Do you know why?

He will be back in an hour after a meeting ends. Maybe that's the Zoom meeting you said. He had reserved a meeting room, so I will go and check if there are any problems with him there and call you back. Is it Ok for you?


He will be back    an hour after the meeting ends. Maybe it's the Zoom meeting you mentioned. He has reserved a meeting room, so I will go and check if there are any problems with the meeting and call you back. Is it okay for you?

1. Your sentence may be unnecessarily wordy. This word is redundant here, and this is a shorter way of saying it.
2. Add "the" before "meeting" to specify the particular meeting being referred to. The definite article "the" is used for something already mentioned or known.
3. Change "that's" to "it’s" for a smoother and more natural phrasing. "Maybe it’s the Zoom meeting" is more common in English, and "you mentioned" is a clearer way to refer to a previous statement.
4. Use "has" instead of "had" to keep the tense consistent with the current situation. "Has reserved" indicates that the reservation is still relevant and in effect.
5. Replace "with him there" with "with the meeting" to clarify that you’re checking for problems with the meeting, not the person. This phrasing makes the intention clearer.
6. Change "Ok" to "okay" to use the more standard and formal spelling in written communication. "Okay" is the preferred form in professional contexts.
An hour is too long. Let's just hope that he's trying to connect to the Zoom meeting. Should I hold or end the call, and then you call me back after checking up on him?

Then could I end the call and check up on him. I'll call back as soon as possible.


Then can I end the call and check    on him? I'll call you back as soon as possible.

1. Replace "could" with "can" to match the context of a polite, yet direct, request or suggestion in the present. "Can" is commonly used in such contexts, while "could" is often used for more formal requests or hypothetical situations.
2. Change "up on" to "on" because "check on" is the correct phrasal verb used when you are going to look into someone's situation or condition. "Check up on" is more often used for following up on progress, but "check on" is simpler and more appropriate here.
3. Add "you" after "call" to specify who will be called back. Including "you" makes the sentence complete and clear, indicating the action and recipient.
Yes, please end the call and check on him. I appreciate your help and will wait for your call back. Do you need any additional information from me in the meantime?

Can I confirm that have sent the link of the Zoom meeting directly to him or is it available on other chat channels or something?


Can I confirm if you have sent the link for the Zoom meeting directly to him, or is it available through other chat channels or somewhere else?

1. Add "if you" before "have sent" to correctly structure the sentence as a conditional question. "If you have" introduces the conditional clause, which is necessary for the sentence to make sense.
2. Replace "of" with "for" because "link for" is the correct prepositional phrase used to indicate the purpose or target of the link. "Link for" refers to the specific meeting.
3. Use "through" instead of "on" because "through" is the correct preposition to indicate the medium or channel through which something is available.
4. Replace "or something" with "somewhere else" to make the question more specific and clear. "Somewhere else" is a more precise and appropriate phrase when asking if the link is available in another location.
I sent the Zoom link directly to his email this morning. It should also be available in our team chat for easy access. Please let me know if you need any other details while you check on him.

Understood. Then I'm going to check on him first!


Understood. Then I'm going to check on him first!

1. Here is another way you can say this: ''I will''
  • urgent matter(緊急事項)
  • I'm not sure(さてどうでしょう、良く分かりません)
  • Certainly(確かに)
  • approximately( two hours)(およそ(2時間))
  • Hold on, please(そのままでいてください(電話を切らずにお待ち下さい))
  • Could you please hold (the line)?(そのまま電話を切らずにお待ちいただけますか。)
  • I'll put you through (him) right away.(すぐに(彼に)おつなぎします。)
  • May I take a message for him? (May I take your message?)(伝言を承りましょうか?)
  • May I ask your number, please?(あなたの番号をお尋ねしてもよろしいですか?)
  • He doesn't seem to be at his desk now.(今、彼はデスクにいないようです。)
  • I'll tell him to call you back as soon as possible.(できるだけ早くあなたに後で電話するようにと彼に伝えます。)
  • In case he doesn't come back by 4 pm, could you make sure to feed the dog?(万が一16時になっても彼が帰ってこなかったら、犬の餌やりをしておいてもらえますか?)
  • He is out to lunch now.(彼は今、ランチに出かけています。)
  • I'll tell him you called.(彼にあなたからご連絡があったとお伝え致します)


  • ビジネス
  • 初級
  • 内定者研修
  • 新入社員研修
  • 電話応対
  • 要件を伝える