
Let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of working from home.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of working from home?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What are the advantages and disadvantages of working from home?

I think the biggest advantage is no necessity of commuting. In Japan, commuter trains are always significantly packed, and most workers get tired before they get to their office. In addition, they can usefully use the time which used to spend on commuting.
By contrast, there are some disadvantages, such as the difficulty of communication among colleagues because these workers don't be at same room. In addition, for the bosses, management of subordinates is also difficult in remote working.


I think the biggest advantage is no necessity of commuting. In Japan, commuter trains are always significantly packed, and most workers get tired before they get to their offices. In addition, they can usefully, use the time they used to spend on commuting.
By contrast, there are some disadvantages, such as the difficulty of communication among colleagues because these workers won't be in the same room. In addition, for the bosses, management of subordinates is also difficult in remote working.

1. Use a plural noun in keeping with ''their''.
2. Use a comma to enclose additional or explanatory information.
3. Use ''they'' as the subject.
4. Use ''won't be'' to make the meaning clear.
5. Use ''in'' to indicate where someone is.
6. Use the definite article for something specific.
I always jokingly tell people that it takes me 2 minutes to commute to and from work. I have affordable lunches from the fridge too. Will Managers need to manage people when they are working from home? Do they not need to only measure productivity?

Same here! This joke may be common across the world!
As you said, I think that they don't have to manage their subordinates continuously, and they had better only measure their productivity, otherwise the subordinates feel like being monitored and it leads to a decline of motivation.
Although I don't think that managers always need to manage their subordinates, they have to manage the proceeding situation.


Same here! This joke may be common across the world!
As you said, I think that they don't have to manage their subordinates continuously, and they had better only measure their productivity, otherwise, the subordinates may feel like being monitored and it leads to a decline in motivation.
Although I don't think that managers always need to manage their subordinates, they have to manage the overall situation.

1. Use commas before and after connecting conjunctions.
2. Use ''may'' to refer to a possibility.
3. Use ''in'' to refer to something that declines or becomes less.
4. Use ''overall'' to mean the general overview of something.
Absolutely, measuring productivity rather than micromanaging seems more effective in remote setups. Finding that balance is crucial. Do you think there are specific tools or approaches that could help managers oversee progress without making employees feel overly monitored?

I don't think there's such a convenient tool. I believe that it's important to make good relation between bosses and their subordinates, and if it is built, the subordinates wouldn't consider the boss overly monitored.


I don't think there's such a convenient tool. I believe that it's important to make good relationships between bosses and their subordinates, to make the subordinates feel that the bosses are not overly monitoring them.

1. Use ''relationships'' to refer to interactions among people and ''relations'' for interations between countries or large groups of people, e.g., ''relations between Indians and Whites''.
2. Rephrase to make the meaning clear.
  • work from home(在宅勤務)
  • telework(在宅勤務)
  • commute time(通勤時間)
  • save time(時間を節約する)
  • face-to-face(対面で、面と向かって)
  • advantage(利点)
  • disadvantage(欠点)
  • telephone conference(電話会議)
  • communication (意思の疎通)
  • prefer(〜の方がいい)
  • An advantage to working from home is that, instead of commuting, I can use that time to study English.(在宅勤務のメリットは、通勤時間を有効に使って英会話のレッスンを受けられることです。)
  • A disadvantage to working from home is that it is difficult to create an environment where I can concentrate on my tasks.(在宅勤務のデメリットは、仕事に集中できる環境を作ることが難しいことです。)
  • The reason is that I've never been a facilitator in online meetings.(なぜなら、オンラインミーティングで進行役をしたことがないからです。)
  • In my opinion, I think there are a lot of advantages / disadvantages to working from home.(私の意見ですが、在宅ワークには様々なメリット/デメリットがあると思います。)
  • First, I would like to share my opinion.(まず最初に、私の意見を述べたいと思います。)
  • We were put in a difficult situation.(私たちは困難な状況に置かれました。)
  • I got used to communicating with colleagues online.(オンラインでの同僚とのコミュニケーションにも慣れてきました。)
  • I personally believe the company should create a work from home workflow.(私の意見では、会社は在宅勤務のワークフローを作るべきだと思っています。)
  • It will probably be a problem in the future.(それは今後の課題になるでしょう。)


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  • 上級
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  • 仕事関係
  • 自分の考え