
Telling a doctor about your major health issues
Do you have any major health issues?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Do you have any major health issues?

Yes, I experienced gout attacks a few times in the base of my right big toe. I could barely walk because of the biting pain, and even the weight of bedclothes hurt. My big toe swelled up and the nearby skin looked red and inflamed. The attacks lasted several days but went completely within 10 days. My doctor found a raised blood level of uric acid.


Yes, I've experienced gout attacks a few times on the base of my right big toe. I could barely walk because of the biting pain, and even the weight of bedclothes hurt. My big toe swelled up and the nearby skin looked red and inflamed. The attacks would last several days but would go completely within 10 days. My doctor found a raised level of uric acid in my blood.

Oh that sounds painful. What does the doctor recommend?

He says that lifestyle changes can help to prevent gout attacks. Try losing some weight and eat sensibly. I need to avoid a high protein intake and foods rich in purines, such as liver, kidneys and seafood. Drinking a lot of alcohol or sugar-sweetend soft drinks can be harmful. Instead, drinking plenty of water would help me, and I'm on medication.


He says that lifestyle changes can help to prevent gout attacks. I should try losing some weight and eat sensibly. I need to avoid a high protein intake and foods rich in purines, such as liver, kidneys and seafood. Drinking a lot of alcohol or sugar-sweetend soft drinks can be harmful. Instead, drinking plenty of water would help me, and I'm on medication.

Wow! So a whole lifestyle change. Have you started with his recommendations?

I have a strong spirit of defiance, a spirit I inherited from my ancestors. You know, in most cases learning something essential in life requires physical pain. Historically, gout has been referred to as "the king of diseases and the disease of kings" or "rich man's disease". Alexander the Great, Charlemagne, Charles Darwin and Issac Newton had it.


I have a strongly defiant spirit, a spirit I inherited from my ancestors. You know, in most cases learning something essential in life requires physical pain. Historically, gout has been referred to as "the king of diseases and the disease of kings" or "rich man's disease". Alexander the Great, Charlemagne, Charles Darwin and Issac Newton had it.

I never knew that. Very interesting. In general, do the Japanese have strong spirits and will-power?

Perhaps, yes. It's what we call "the samurai spirits", but I'm just joking. Please forget about it. When we go back to the original topic, it is always difficult to follow the Drs' recommendations precisely. At least, I take medicine every day to keep my uric acid level normal to prevent gout attacks, and often have blood tests to check the level.


Perhaps, yes. It's what we call "the samurai spirit", but I'm just joking. Please forget about it. Let's go back to the original topic, it is always difficult to follow the Drs' recommendations precisely. At least, I take medicine every day to keep my uric acid level normal to prevent gout attacks, and often have blood tests to check the level.

Even with medication, you still need a lifestyle change. If you are unwilling to follow the doctor's recommendations then you may be more at risk for another gout attack. What would make you want to follow the doctor's recommendations?

I agree with you. I'll take what you've said to heart, but I'm a firm believer in striking the right balance between theory and practice. Setting some feasible goals in daily life would be the initial step. I wonder a smartphone health monitoring may work to incentivize me, such as a pedometer. I'll begin to walk more than 10,000 steps every day.


I agree with you. I'll take what you've said to heart, but I'm a firm believer in striking the right balance between theory and practice. Setting some feasible goals in daily life would be the initial step. I wonder whether a smartphone health monitoring may work to incentivize me, such as a pedometer. I'll begin to walk more than 10,000 steps every day.

  • a chronic illness(持病 )
  • allergy(アレルギー )
  • epilepsy(てんかん )
  • asthma(ぜんそく )
  • attack(発作 )
  • He suffered an epileptic fit. (彼はてんかんの発作に苦しんでいた。 )
  • I have to take medicine twice a day. (1日2回、薬を飲まなければなりません。)
  • I always have stomachache medication prepared. (私は腹痛用の薬を常備しています。 )
  • Since I have asthma, I must carry an inhaler with me. (私は喘息持ちなので、吸入器を持ち歩かなければなりません。)
  • Sometimes I faint due to my anemia. (貧血で倒れることがあります。 )


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • 方法/状況を話す
  • 病院