
Reviewing the completed project with your president
完了したプロジェクトのよかった点、悪かった点を具体的に伝えましょう。should have done 〜(〜すべきだった) のような表現を使うと、感情が伝わりやすいですよ。
How did the project go?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
How did the project go?

I think it was good overall. All of our department members cooperated with each other to achieve our goal to reduce the cost by 20 percent compared to the original plan and enhance the customers satisfaction. We were separated into two teams to work on this project. I think the burden of the cost reduction team was much heavier than that of the customers satisfaction team. They had to work overtime until midnight for more than one month. We need to rethink our job allocation.


I think it was good overall. All of our department members cooperated with each other to achieve our goal to reduce the cost by 20 percent compared to the original plan and enhance the customers' satisfaction. We were separated into two teams to work on this project. I think the burden of the cost reduction team was much heavier than that of the customer satisfaction team. They had to work overtime until midnight for more than one month. We need to rethink our job allocation.

1. Possessive required.
2. When we use two nouns together the first one is usually singular, e.g. SHOE SHOPS.
I am glad everyone is working tirelessly to get the best results. Therefore do you think you will be able to meet the deadline?

Exactly. At first, we need to interview the members about their job allocation. I think especially Jeff and Mike had a big responsibility, so I would like to know their thought on their job. Anyway, changing the job allocation is difficult because the burden which an experienced person takes in a technical field tends to be bigger. Jeff and Mike have worked in our department for 4 years and they have a lot of experience and knowledge.


Exactly. At first, we need to interview the members about their job allocation. I think especially Jeff and Mike had a big responsibility, so I would like to know their thought on their job. Anyway, changing the job allocation is difficult because the burden which an experienced person bears in a technical field tends to be bigger. Jeff and Mike have worked in our department for 4 years and they have a lot of experience and knowledge.

1. We BEAR a burden rather than TAKE one.
I understand what you mean. Indeed, Jeff and Mike have a lot of experience. When will the interviews be conducted?

Flextime hours system and telecomnuting sound good, but it will not solve the problem fundamentally. Our department doesn't have enough experienced members who are familiar with accounting. So, how about moving some experts from the accounting department to ours? Is it difficult for you to discuss the personnel issue with the executive manager in the accounting department?


Flextime hours system and telecommuting sound good, but it will not solve the problem fundamentally. Our department doesn't have enough experienced members who are familiar with accounting. So, how about moving some experts from the accounting department to ours? Is it difficult for you to discuss the personnel issue with the executive manager in the accounting department?

1. Spelling mistake corrected.
  • forethought(〔事前の〕考慮、計画)
  • discernment(優れた判断力)
  • recollection(再収集、記憶)
  • foresight(前兆、先見性)
  • insight(洞察力)
  • foreknowledge(予知)
  • perspective(視点、見通せる力)
  • reflection(熟考、〔熟慮の結果生まれた〕アイデア)
  • hindsight(あとになっての判断)
  • rethink((名)見直し、(動)再考する、考え直す)
  • I think your hindsight bias has blinded you from seeing that you were wrong and I was right.(私は、あなたの後知恵バイアスによって、あなたが間違っていて、私が正しかったことが見えなくなっていると思います。)
  • After our last project, we need to rethink this.(前回のプロジェクトの後、これについて見直す必要があります。)
  • Our experience with the last project has given us a broader perspective.(前回のプロジェクトを経験したことで、より広い視野で物事を考えられるようになりました。)
  • Can you recollect our past mistakes?(私たちの過去の失敗を思い出すことができますか?)
  • Upon reflection, I have decided to move forward with this project.(熟考した上で、このプロジェクトを進めることにしました。)
  • What insights have you gained from our last project?(前回のプロジェクトから何がわかりましたか?)
  • We will be forging ahead on this new project, whether you are on board or not.(この新しいプロジェクトは、皆さんが参加してくれるかどうかに関わらず、進めていきます。)
  • We all need to be taking a step back to appreciate all of the hard work everyone has done lately.(私たちは一歩下がって、最近のみんなの頑張りに感謝する必要があります。)
  • His ability to take on any difficulties is a result of his mental preparedness.(どんな困難にも立ち向かえるのは、心の準備ができているからだ。)
  • Our last project lacked in foresight.(私たちの前回のプロジェクトでは洞察力が欠けていました。)


  • ビジネス
  • 中級
  • ミーティング
  • 接待する
  • 社外業務