
Telling a customer your boss's schedule on the phone
Hello. I'd like to schedule a meeting with your boss.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Hello. I'd like to schedule a meeting with your boss.

Well, his schedule is quite full next week. He has an open date two weeks from now. How about that?


Well, his schedule is quite full next week. He has an open date two weeks from now. How about that?

1. You can also say "packed" here as an alternative.
Oh my, is it not possible to squeeze me in earlier? I just need 10 minutes with him. I urgently need to have a meeting with him.

Oh, just ten minutes? I'll check with him when he gets back this afternoon. When is convenient for you?


Oh, just ten minutes? I'll check with him when he gets back this afternoon. When is convenient for you?

1. You can also say "returns" here as an alternative.
Thank you so much for your understanding. Even tomorrow is fine, the sooner I meet him the better. What time can I call you back for feedback?

I'll contact you if I get him.


I'll contact you if I find him.

1. Use this verb when you mean "discover after a deliberate search".
Okay thank you. Can I leave my details or you have them already? What time do you close or finish work today?

Sure, may I have them?


Sure, may I have them?

1. You can also say "Of course" here as an alternative.
 My name is Tom from ABC furnishers. My personal number is 256-789 just in case you miss me at the office. Is there anything else?

Thank you. What's the agenda of the meeting?


Thank you. What's the agenda of the meeting?

1. You can also say "Thanks a lot" here as an alternative.
  • option(選択肢)
  • conflict((名)対立、衝突、争い (動)衝突する、矛盾する)
  • free(用がない)
  • accommodate(対応する、同意する)
  • full(いっぱいの、満ちた)
  • reschedule(スケジュールを変更する)
  • postpone(延期する、先延ばす)
  • appointment(約束、アポ)
  • planner(計画者、立案者)
  • alternate((名)代役、(形)代わりの、(動)交代する、交互に入れ替える)
  • His schedule is quite full next week.(来週の彼のスケジュールはかなり詰まっています。)
  • She has an open date two weeks from now.(彼女は今から二週間後に空いている日があります。)
  • Can we postpone the meeting until further notice?(折って連絡するまでミーティングは延期できますか?)
  • Do you have any alternate dates?(いつか他の日で都合のいい日はありますか?)
  • He would like to reschedule tomorrow's meeting to next week.(彼は明日のミーティングを来週に変更したいそうです。)
  • I'm afraid that time conflicts with his staff meeting.(申し訳ないですが、スタッフミーティングに時間が合いません。)
  • She'll be able to accommodate you on Friday morning.(彼女は金曜日の朝、(あなたとの約束に)調整できるそうです(空いているそうです)。)
  • She won't be free until next week Tuesday.(来週の火曜日まで彼女は忙しいです。)
  • His planner is quite full at the moment.(彼のプランナーは今とても忙しいです。)
  • I'll check with him when he gets back this afternoon.(彼が午後戻ってきたら彼に確認します。)


  • ビジネス
  • 初級
  • 内定者研修
  • 新入社員研修
  • 電話応対
  • 要件を伝える